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 saw bright blood stain the dark green tunic before the man fell。
  It was suddenly extremely quiet。
  The Arimondan had not moved。 His magnificent black thoroughbred was still as a statue; though with nostrils flared wide。
  〃Now you have given offense;〃 the dark…skinned man said; his voice still silky and soft。 〃I see that you can shoot from hiding。 e now and we will see if you are a man among men with a sword as well。 I will dismount。〃
  Blaise stood up。 〃If I thought you a man I would do so;〃 he said。 His voice sounded oddly hollow to his own ears。 The too…familiar pounding was in his head and his rage was still with him。 〃I want your horse。 I will think of you with pleasure when I ride it。〃 And with the words he loosed his sixth arrow and took the Arimondan through the heart。
  The man rocked violently backwards with the impact; clinging to his last seconds of life under the brilliant sun。 Blaise saw him draw a dagger then; one of the wickedly curved; bejewelled blades of his own country; and plunge it; even as he began to topple from his saddle; deep into the throat of his black stallion。
  The man hit the ground as his horse surged high into the air on its hind legs; screaming in rage and fear。 It came down and rose again immediately; trumpeting; lashing out with its hooves。 Blaise notched a last arrow and let it fly; with passionate regret; to put the glorious creature out of pain。 The stallion dropped and then rolled on one side。 Its legs kicked out one more time and then were motionless。
  Blaise stepped forward; moving around his own dead horse。 The stillness in the clearing was eerie; broken only by the nervous whickering of the archers' mounts and the sound of the breeze picking up again。 He realized that no birds were singing now。
  A short while ago he had imagined that the wind of Arbonne in the leaves and vines whispered of refreshment and ease; of easy grace here in the warm south。 Now there were six dead men in the grass by the side of the road。 Not far away; looming in silence at the end of its avenue of elms; the massive arch looked down upon them all; keeping its secrets; bearing its own grim friezes of battle and death carved long ago。
  Blaise's anger began to drain away; leaving behind the disorientation and nausea that seemed always to follow bat。 Battle seldom hazed him now after so many years of it; but the aftermath left him vulnerable for a long time; trying to e to terms with what he was capable of doing when the fury of war swept over him。 He looked across the grass at the Arimondan and shook his head。 He had wanted; for a moment; to walk over and cut the dead man into pieces; to make things easier for the carrion dogs when they came。 He swallowed and turned away。
  As he did he saw a small boat with a white sail pulling up to the stony shore of the lake on the far side of the road。 There was a grating sound as the craft grounded itself; and Blaise saw two men help a woman to alight。 His heart thumped once; hard。 The woman was tall; robed in crimson fringed with silver; and she had an owl on her shoulder。
  Then he looked more closely; and with a second glance; undistorted by memory or fear; he saw that this was not the High Priestess from Rian's Island in the sea。 This one was much younger and brown…haired and; manifestly; she had eyes with which to see。 Nor was her bird white; as the one on the other island had been。 She was a priestess; though; and the two men with her and the one other woman were also clergy of Rian。 The boat was the one he'd seen tacking into the wind before。 Beyond them; on the isle; the three plumes of smoke still rose into the summer sky。
  〃You are fortunate;〃 the woman said; walking steadily across sand and gravel to stand before him on the grass beside the road。 Her voice was mild but her eyes; appraising him; were steady and unreadable。 Her hair was heavy and hung down her back; not covered or pinned。 Blaise endured her scrutiny impassively; remembering the blindness of the High Priestess who had seen right through him nonetheless。 He looked at the bird this one carried on her shoulder and felt an echo of the anxiety he'd felt in the forest on the island。 It was almost unfair; the aftermath of bat left him susceptible to this。
  〃I daresay I am;〃 he said; as calmly as he could。 〃I could not have expected to prevail against six。 It seems the god has favoured me。〃 That last was a challenge of sorts。
  She didn't rise to the bait。 〃And Rian as well。 We can bear witness for you that they attacked first。〃
  〃Bear witness?〃
  She smiled then; and that smile; too; took him back to the High Priestess in her night forest。 〃It would have served you better; Blaise of Gorhaut; to have been more curious about affairs in this part of the world。〃
  He didn't like her tone; and he didn't know what she was talking about。 His uneasiness increased; the women in this country were unimaginably difficult to deal with。
  〃How do you know my name?〃
  Again the secretive; superior smile; but this time he had expected it。 〃Did you imagine that once having been allowed to leave Rian's Island alive you were free of the goddess? We have marked you; Northerner。 Thank us for it。〃
  〃Why? For following me?〃
  〃Not following。 We have been waiting for you。 We knew you were ing。 And as to the why 。。。 hear now what you should have learned already for yourself。 A fortnight past; the countess in Barbentain had an edict proclaimed that any further killings among the corans of Talair or Miraval would result in property of the offending party being ceded to the crown。 The troubadours and the clergy are carrying the tidings; and all the lords of Arbonne have been cited by name and formally bound to impose the edict by force if need be。 You might have cost En Bertran a part of his land today had we not been here to give a report in your defence。〃
  Blaise scowled; in part with relief; in part because this was indeed something he should have made a point of knowing before。 〃You will forgive me if I do not express dismay;〃 he said。 〃I must admit I would not have valued his vineyards over my life; however much he proposes to pay me in wages。〃
  The priestess laughed aloud。 She was younger than a first impression had suggested。 〃Our forgiveness hardly need concern you 。。。 in this; at least。 But Bertran de Talair is another matter。 He might have fairly expected an experienced coran to avoid giving provocation before even arriving at his castle。 There is an eastern way around the lake if you hadn't noticed; one that does not pass by the vineyards of Miraval。〃
  The situation was; Blaise had to admit; being belatedly clear。 And indeed; had he known these lands belonged to Urté de Miraval…or taken some pains to know…he would certainly have gone the other way。 It was no secret; even to Blaise after a short time in Arbonne; that for reasons that apparently went years back into the past; the present lords of Miraval and Talair had no love for one another。
  Blaise shrugged; to cover his disfiture。 〃I have been riding all day; this path seemed easier。 And I thought the countess of Arbonne stood surety for the safety of the roads in her land。〃
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