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  〃I hope some woman elsewhere in your travels through Arbonne persuades you to remove that beard;〃 she said。 〃It scratches; Blaise。 Grow it back; if you must; when you return to Gorhaut。〃
  She was smiling at him as she spoke; entirely at ease; and Mallin de Baude; visibly proud of her; laughed and gripped Blaise's arm a last time in farewell。
  There had been a number of farewells in his life during the past few years; Blaise thought now; three days after that morning departure; riding amid the scent and colours of wildflowers; past the green and purple beginnings of grapes on the vines; with blue water in the distance beckoning him with flashes of mirrored sunlight。 Too many goodbyes; perhaps; but they were a part of the life he'd chosen for himself; or had had chosen for him by his birth and his family's rank; and the laws; written or unwritten; that guided the country of Gorhaut through the shoals of a rocky world。
  There had been regret; anger at twists of fate; real pain in Portezza the last time he was there; but it seemed that in the end he truly was most content as he was now; on his own; answerable to no man…and certainly no woman…save for service honourably owed by contract freely entered into。 There was little that was greatly unusual about any of the patterns of his life。 It was a well…enough trodden path in the lives of younger sons of noble families in the world as they knew it。 The eldest son married; fathered other children; inherited all: the lands…fiercely guarded; scrupulously undivided…the family goods; and whatever titles had been earned and not lost as one monarch succeeded another in Gorhaut。 The daughters of such houses were expensively dowried pawns; though often vital ones; married off to consolidate alliances; expand holdings; lay claim or siege to even higher rank for the family。
  Which left little enough for the other sons。 Younger sons were a problem; and had been so for a long time; ever since the dwindling sizes of partitioned estates had changed the system of inheritance。 All but barred from a useful marriage by virtue of their lack of land or chattels; forced to leave the family dwellings by friction or pride or sheerest self…protection; many entered the clergy of Corannos or attached themselves to the household corans of another high lord。 Some followed a third; less predictable course; going out into the world beyond the country of their birth; alone on the always dangerous roads or more often in smaller or larger groupings to seek their fortune。 In a season of war they would be found at the battlefields; in the rarer times of tranquility they would be stirring up strife themselves with a restless champing at the bit of peace; or maiming and hammering each other in the tournament melees that moved with the trade fairs from town to town through the known lands of the world。
  Nor was this pattern only true in Gorhaut。 Bertran de Talair; until his older brother died childless and he became the duke; had been among this roving number in his own day; one of the most celebrated; bringing a sword and a harp; both; and later a joglar expensively outfitted in his livery; to battlefield and tournament in Gotzland and Portezza and watery Valensa in the north。
  Blaise of Gorhaut; years later; and for a variety of reasons; had bee another such man; ever since he'd been anointed as a coran by King Duergar himself。
  He'd left home with his horse and armour and weapons and his skills with them; skills that had travelled well and not without profit…most of it banked in Portezza now with Rudel's family。 It was a life that had left him; riding alone under the sun of summer in Arbonne; untied and untrammelled by the bonds that seemed to ensnare so many of the men he knew。
  He would have scorned the question and the questioner both; but if asked that day; Blaise would have said that he was not an unhappy man; for all the bitterness that lay behind him at home and among the dangerous cities of Portezza。 He would have said he knew the future he wanted for himself; and that for the foreseeable future it was not unlike the present through which he rode; in whatever country it might chance to fall。 He wasn't particular about that; he would have said。 If you kept moving there was less chance of putting down roots; forming bonds; caring for people 。。。 learning what happened when those men or women you cared for proved other than you had thought them。 Though he would never have said that last aloud; however assiduously a questioner pursued。
  Cresting the last of a series of ridges; Blaise saw the blue waters of Lake Dierne clearly for the first time。 He could make out a small island in the lake with three plumes of white smoke rising from fires burning there。 He paused a moment; taking in the vista that spread before him; and then rode on。
  No one had cautioned him otherwise; or offered any warning at all; nor had he asked any questions; and so when he went forward from that ridge Blaise took what was clearly the more direct; less hilly road; riding straight north towards the lake and the beginnings of what was to be his destiny。
  The well…worn path went along the western shore of Lake Dierne; with faded milestones of the Ancients along the way; some standing; some toppled into the grass; all testifying mutely to how long ago this road had been laid down。 The island wasn't very far away…a good swimmer could cover the distance…and from the path Blaise could now see that the three white plumes of smoke were carefully spaced along the midline of the isle。 Even he was sufficiently aware after a season in Arbonne to realize that these would be holy fires of Rian。 Who else but the clergy of the goddess would burn midday fires in the heat of early summer?
  He narrowed his gaze across the dazzling blue water。 He could make out a handful of small boats at anchor or pulled up on the sands of the island's nearer shore。 One boat with a single white sail was tacking back and forth across the lake into the breeze。 Watching; Blaise's thoughts went back to the High Priestess with her owl in the blackness of night on Rian's other island; in the sea。 After a moment he looked away in the bright sunshine and rode on。
  He passed the small hut that held and kept dry wood and kindling for the signal fires that would summon the priestesses when those on the shore had need; whether for childbirth or healing or surrendering the dead。 He resisted the impulse to make a warding sign。
  A little further along the path he saw the arch。 He stopped his horse again。 The pack pony trudging behind with his goods and his armour bumped up against them and then placidly lowered its head to crop at the grass by the road。 Blaise was staring at that arrogant; monumental assertion of stone。 The soldier in him understood it at once; and admiration vied with an inward disquiet。
  There were figures carved along the top of the arch; and there would be friezes along the sides as well。 He didn't need to go nearer to study them; he knew what the sculptor's art had rendered there。 He had seen such arches before; in northern Portezza; in Gotzland; two in Gorhaut itself near the mountain passes; which se
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