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s amusement of the king's has taken place before; but never with a lord of so high a rank。 It is a measure of Ademar's power; or the fear he elicits; that he can do this to a man who was once King's Champion in Gorhaut; however many years ago that was。
  〃Marry the bitch;〃 the king repeats slowly; as if tasting the syllables on his tongue。 〃Marry the countess of Arbonne。 How old is Signe de Barbentain now; sixty…five; seventy? An astonishing suggestion 。。。 how is she with her mouth; does anyone know?〃
  Several of the men and one of the women by the window titter with laughter again。 None of the foreign envoys is in the room at the moment; given the current subject matter; an extremely good thing。 Rosala de Garsenc is pale; but her square; handsome features betray no expression at all。
  On the other side of the room her husband abruptly reaches for his flagon again。 This time he spills some ale as he brings it to his lips。 He wipes his moustache with a sleeve and says; 〃Does it matter? Would anyone imagine I speak of more than a marriage of acquisition?〃 He pauses and glances; almost involuntarily; downward for an instant; and then resumes。 〃You marry the crone; pack her off to a castle in the north and inherit Arbonne when she dies of fever or ague or whatever else the god sees fit to send her。 Then you follow through with your marriage to Daufridi of Valensa's daughter。 She may even be old enough to bed by then。〃
  Ademar has turned in his seat to look fully at him; his pale eyes unreadable above the yellow beard。 He says nothing; chewing meditatively on one end of his long moustache。 There is a stir at the far end of the room; made louder by the silence around the throne。 The great doors swing open and the guards let someone through。 A very large man in a dark blue robe enters; striding purposefully forward。 Seeing him; Ademar's face lights up。 He grins like a mischievous child and glances quickly back at Ranald de Garsenc; who has also taken note of the man entering; though with a very different expression on his face。
  〃My dear High Elder;〃 the king says; his tone brightly malicious now; 〃you are narrowly in time to observe how we value our cousin; your son; and his wise counsels。 Our well…beloved Mistress Belote is even now assuaging him with his lady wife's full approval。 Will you e make this a family affair?〃
  Galbert de Garsenc; High Elder of Corannos in Gorhaut; Chief Counsellor to the King; disdains to even glance at his son; nor does he appear to acknowledge the amusement in the room that takes its cue from the king's brittle tone。 He stops not far from the throne; a bulky; formidable presence; and inclines his large; smooth face towards Ademar。 saying merely; 〃What counsels; my liege?〃 His voice is deep and resonant; though he speaks quietly it fills the large chamber。 〃What counsels; indeed! Duke Ranald has just advised us to marry the countess of Arbonne; send her off north and inherit her sun…drenched country when she succumbs in her decrepitude to some lamentable pestilence。 Would this be a thought you and your son have devised together?〃
  Galbert; the only clean…shaven man in the room; turns to look at his son for the first time as the king finishes speaking。 Ranald de Garsenc; though very pale; meets his father's gaze without flinching。 With a contemptuous twist of his mouth; Galbert turns back to the king。
  〃It would not;〃 he says heavily。 〃Of course it is not; my liege。 I do not devise with such as he。 My son is fit for nothing but spilling ale on himself and occupying tavern sluts。〃
  The king of Gorhaut laughs; a curiously joyous; high…pitched sound in the dark…beamed; shadowed room。 〃Tavern sluts? In the name of our blessed god! What a way to speak of the noble lady his wife; my lord Galbert! The woman bearing your grandchild! Surely you do not think…〃
  The king stops; hilarity vivid in his face; as a flagon of ale hurtles across the room to strike the High Elder of Corannos full on his broad chest。 Galbert stumbles heavily backwards and almost falls。 At the long table Ranald rises; hastily pushing his semi…erect member back into his clothing。 Two guards step belatedly forward but pause at a gesture from the king。 Breathing heavily; Ranald de Garsenc points a shaking finger at his father。
  〃Next time I might kill you;〃 he says。 His voice trembles。 〃Next time it may be a knife。 Take note for your life。 If you speak so of me again; anywhere where I might hear of it; it may mean your death and I will submit myself to whatever judgment of that deed Corannos makes when I leave the world。〃
  There is a shocked silence。 Even in a court not unused to this sort of thing; especially from the de Garsenc clan; the words are sobering。 Galbert's rich blue robe is stained with dark ale。 He fixes his son with a glance of icy contempt; easily a match for Ranald's impassioned rage; before turning back to the king。 〃Will you allow such an assault upon your High Elder; my liege? An attack upon my person is an insult to the god above us all。 Will you sit by and let this impiety go unpunished?〃 The deep voice is still controlled; resonantly pitched; soberly aggrieved。
  Ademar does not immediately reply。 He leans back once more against the heavy wooden seat…back of the throne; stroking his beard with one hand。 Father and son remain on their feet; rigid and intense。 The hatred between them lies heavy and palpable in the room; seeming denser than the smoke of the fires。
  〃Why;〃 says King Ademar of Gorhaut; at length; his voice sounding even higher and more querulous after the High Elder's deep tones; 〃is it such a foolish idea for me to wed Signe de Barbentain?〃
  Abruptly Duke Ranald sits again; a tiny smile of vindication playing about his lips。 Impatiently he moves a knee to forestall an obedient attempt by the woman beneath the table to resume her intentions。 On the far side of the room he notices that his wife has turned away again and is staring out the windows with her back to the king and the court。 It has begun to rain。 He looks at Rosala's profile for a moment; and a curious expression crosses his own features。 After a moment he lifts his flask and drinks again。
  The only thing I really don't know; Rosala de Garsenc is thinking just then; looking out at the cold; steady; slating rain and the mist…wrapped eastern moors; is which of them I despise most。
  It is not a new thought。 She has spent a remarkable amount of time trying to decide whether she more hates the erratic; usually inebriated man she'd been forced to wed by the late King Duergar; or the dangerously cunning; Corannos…obsessed High Elder of the god; her husband's father。 If she chooses; as today; to take the thoughts one small; very natural step further; it is easy to include Duergar's son; now King Ademar of Gorhaut; in that blighted pany。 In part because she is uneasily; constantly aware that when the child she now carries is born she is going to have to contend with the king in a very particular way。 She doesn't know why he has singled her out; why her manner seems to have captivated him…goaded him; more likely; she sometimes thinks…but there is no denying the import of Ademar's flat; pale gaze an
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