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d be anticipated; but he wasn't enough provoked to change his mind simply to spite them。 People died when spite like that was indulged。
  His head was hurting at back and side both; two sets of hammers vying with each other to see which could cause him more distress。 The seguignac helped though; seguignac; he decided sagely; wiping at his mouth; might actually help with a great many matters of grief or loss。
  He turned to the duke to say as much; but stopped; wordless; at what he saw in the other's unguarded face。 The scarred; ironic; worldly face of the troubadour lord of Talair。
  〃Twenty…three years;〃 Bertran de Talair said a moment later; half to himself; his eyes on the moon in the window。 〃So much longer than I thought I would live; actually。 And the god knows; and sweet Rian knows I've tried; but in twenty…three years I've never yet found a woman to equal her; or take away the memory; even for a night。〃
  Feeling hopelessly out of his element in the face of this; Blaise felt an unexpected moment of pity for Soresina de Baude; with her unbound hair and her white silk night robe in the room above them。 Unable to summon any words at all; suspecting that none that he could ever think of would be remotely adequate to what he had just heard; he simply reached back across the stairway and offered the seguignac。
  After a moment En Bertran's ringed hand reached out for it in the moonlight。 De Talair drank deeply; then he drew the stopper from some recess of his clothing and capped the flask。 He rose slowly; almost steady on his feet and; not bothering with another candle; started down the winding stairway without another word or a glance back。 He was already lost to sight in the darkness before the first curve took him away。 Blaise heard his quiet footsteps going down; and then those; too; were gone and there was only silence and the moon slowly passing from the narrow window; leaving behind the stars。
  Ademar; king of Gorhaut; slowly turns away from the diverting if extremely messy struggle taking place in front of the throne between the carefully maimed hound and the three cats that have been set upon it。 Not even acknowledging the half…clothed woman kneeling on the stone floor in front of him with his sex in her mouth; he looks narrowly over at the man who has just spoken; interrupting this double amusement。
  〃We are not certain we heard you correctly;〃 the king says in his unexpectedly high voice。 The tone however is one his court has e to know well in little over a year。 Not a few of the fifty or so men assembled in the audience chamber in the king's palace at Cortil offer silent thanks to Corannos that they are not the recipients of that gaze or that tone。 The handful of women present might have different thoughts; but the women do not matter in Gorhaut。
  With an elaborate casualness that fools no one; Duke Ranald de Garsenc reaches for his ale and drinks deeply before answering。 To his credit; the more attentive eyes among the court note; de Garsenc's hand is steady as he sets the heavy flagon down again。 Looking across the wooden trestle table at the king; he lifts his voice。 〃I understand you were talking about Arbonne this morning。 I simply said; why don't you marry the bitch? She's a widow; she's heirless; what could be simpler?〃
  The king's extremely large; ringless hands descend absently to first loop themselves in the long black hair and then to briefly encircle the ceaselessly working throat of the girl on her knees in front of him。 He never actually looks down at her though。 Beyond her; the old hound has now fallen; it is lying on one side panting raggedly; blood streaming from a great many wounds。 The cats; starved for five days; are avidly beginning to feed。 Ademar smiles thinly for a moment; watching; and then makes a sudden moue of distaste as the dog's entrails begin to spill onto the floor。 He gestures; and the handlers spring forward to seize the four animals and bear them from the room。 The cats; ravenous and deranged; make high…pitched shrieking sounds that can be heard even after the doors at the far end have closed behind them。 The smell of blood and wet fur lingers; mixed with stinging smoke from the fires and spilled beer on the tables where the high lords of Gorhaut are permitted by ancient custom to sit and drink in the presence of their liege。
  Their liege closes his eyes at just that moment。 His large; well…knit body stiffens and an expression of pleased surprise crosses his fair…skinned; full…bearded features。 There is an awkward silence in the room as courtiers see reason to scrutinize their fingernails or the dark beams of the ceiling。 With a sigh; Ademar slumps back on the throne。 When he opens his eyes again it is to look; as he always does when this particular amusement reaches its climax; at the women of his court; gathered near the windows to the left of the throne。 The more discreet among them are looking assiduously down and away。 One or two are visibly disfited。 One or two others are equally flushed; but for what seem to be different reasons; and these are the ones whose eyes gaze boldly back at Ademar's。 Screening the king's lower body with her own; the kneeling woman attends to the points and drawstrings of his garments and carefully smoothes his breeches and hose before tilting her head up for permission to withdraw。
  Slouching back in his throne; Ademar of Gorhaut looks down at her for the first time。 With an indolent finger he traces the contours of her lips。 He smiles; the same thin smile as before。 〃Attend to the duke of Garsenc;〃 he says。 〃My father's former champion seems a man sorely in need of the ministrations of a proper woman。〃 The girl; expressionless; rises and paces gracefully across the floor towards the man who had interrupted the king's pleasure for a moment before。 There is a ripple of coarse laughter in the room; Ademar grins; acknowledging it。 Beside the window one woman turns away suddenly to look out over the misty grey of the landscape。 Ademar of Gorhaut notices that。 He notices a great deal; his court has e to realize in the short period of his reign。
  〃My lady Rosala;〃 the king says; 〃turn not away from us。 We covet the sunshine of your countenance on a day so dreary as this。 And it may be your husband will be well pleased to have you learn a new skill as you watch。〃
  The woman called Rosala; tall; yellow…haired and visibly with child; delays a long moment before obeying the mand and turning back to the room。 She nods her head formally in response to the king's words but does not speak。 The other girl has by now slipped under the long table and can be seen settling herself in front of Duke Ranald de Garsenc。 The duke's colour is suddenly high。 He avoids looking towards the side of the room where his wife stands among the women。 A few of the lesser courtiers; bright…eyed with amusement and malice; have strolled over to stand by his shoulder; glancing downwards with an intense simulation of interest at what is now taking place beneath the table。 Ranald stares straight ahead; looking at no one。 This amusement of the king's has taken place before; but never with a lord of so high a rank。 It is a m
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