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orth and womanish Arbonne to the south。 What a sad king。 Why are you here; Blaise of Gorhaut?〃
  〃Seeking my fortune。 There's less of a mystery than you might want to make out。〃
  〃Not much of a fortune to be found chasing sheep for a minor baron in these hills。〃
  Blaise smiled。 〃It was a start;〃 he said。 〃The first contract I was offered。 A chance to learn your language better; to see what else might emerge。 There are reasons why it was a good idea for me to leave the Portezzan cities for a time。〃 
  〃Your own reasons? Or those of Ademar of Gorhaut? Would there by any chance be a spy behind that beard; my green…eyed young man from the north?〃
  It had always been possible that this might be said。 Blaise was surprised at how calm he felt; now that the accusation was out in the open。 He gestured; and de Talair handed him the brandy flask again。 Blaise took another short pull and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand; the seguignac was really extraordinarily good。
  〃Indeed。 Very important information to be gathered up here;〃 he said; finding himself for some inexplicable reason in a good humour。 〃I'm sure Ademar will pay handsomely for a precise numbering of the sheep in these hills。〃
  Bertran de Talair smiled again and shifted position; resting on one elbow now; his booted feet stretched out in front of him。 〃This could be just a start; as you say。 An entry to our councils。〃
  〃And so I cleverly lured you into offering me a position by failing to shoot well on a hunt? You do me too much credit; my lord。〃
  〃Perhaps;〃 said de Talair。 〃What does Mallin pay you?〃 Blaise named the figure。 The duke shrugged indifferently。 〃I'll double that。 When can you start?〃 
  〃I'm paid through to a fortnight from now。〃
  〃Good。 I'll expect you at Talair three days after that。〃 
  Blaise held up a hand。 〃One thing clear from the start。 The same thing I told En Mallin de Baude。 I'm a mercenary; not a liegeman。 No oaths。〃
  Bertran's lazy; mocking smiled returned。 〃But of course。 I wouldn't dream of asking you to swear to anything。 I wonder; though; what will you do if Ademar es south? Kill me in my sleep? Could you be an assassin as well as a spy?〃 
  Which; as it happened; was nearer to the bone than was at all fortable。 Blaise thought suddenly of the High Priestess of Rian on her island in the sea。 He looked down at his hands; remembering Rudel; a moonless night in Portezzan Faenna; the garden of a palace in that dangerous city; fireflies; the scent of oranges; a dagger in his hand。
  He shook his head slowly; bringing his mind back to Arbonne; to this high plateau and the disturbingly perceptive man looking steadily at him now with those vivid blue eyes。 〃I'm no more a sworn man of Ademar's than I will be of yours;〃 Blaise said carefully to Bertran de Talair。 He hesitated。 〃Do you really think he might e south?〃
  〃Might?〃 In Rian's holy name; why else did he make that peace with Valensa I'm trying so hard to undermine with my songs? You said it yourself: woman…ruled Arbonne。 Our count dead; an ageing woman in Barbentain; no obvious heir in sight; wine fields and grainlands and a glorious port。 Men who do nothing but write songs all day and yearn like callow boys for a woman's cool hand on their brow at night 。。。 of course Ademar's going to e down on us。〃
  Blaise felt his mood changing; the pleasant fatigue of a day's hard labour chased away by the words as clouds were blown by the mountain winds。 〃Why are you hiring me; then?〃 he asked。 〃Why take that chance?〃
  〃I like taking chances;〃 Bertran de Talair said; almost regretfully。 〃It is a vice; I'm afraid。〃 The High Priestess; Blaise remembered; had said something much the same。
  Bertran shifted position again; sitting up now; and took a last pull of the seguignac before capping the flask。 〃Maybe you'll end up liking us more than you think。 Maybe we'll find you a wife down here。 Maybe we'll even teach you to sing。 Truth is; I had a man killed this spring; and good men are hard to e by; as I suspect you know。 Leading a successful raid on Rian's Island so soon after you got here was no mean achievement。〃
  〃How do you know about that?〃
  Bertran grinned again; but without mockery this time; Blaise had the odd sensation of being able to guess what that smile might do to a woman the duke wanted to charm。 〃Anyone can kill a corfe on a hunt;〃 de Talair went on; as if Blaise hadn't spoken at all。 〃I need someone who knows when not to kill one。 Even if he won't tell me how he learned that or who he is。〃 He hesitated for the first time; looking away from Blaise; west towards the mountains and Arimonda beyond。 〃Besides which; for some reason you've made me think of my son the last few days。 Don't ask me why。 He died as an infant。〃
  Abruptly he stood。 Blaise did the same; seriously confused now。 〃I didn't think you had ever married;〃 he said。
  〃I didn't;〃 Bertran said carelessly。 〃Why; do you think it is time?〃 The sardonic; distancing smile was back。 〃A wife to warm my old bones at night; children to gladden the heart in my declining years? What an intriguing thought。 Shall we discuss it on the way down?〃
  He had begun walking towards his horse as he spoke; and so Blaise; perforce; did the same。 It had grown colder now on this windy height; the sun hidden behind a grey mass of swiftly driven clouds。 As an afterthought Blaise looked back and saw that the lamb was following。 They mounted up and began to ride。 From the crest of the ridge they could see Mallin and the rest of their party gathered east of them and below。 Bertran waved briefly and they started down。 Far in the distance; beyond meadow and wood and the other men; the castle could be seen; with the lavender fields in shadow beyond。
  On the way down; in the interval before they reached the others; the matter Bertran de Talair chose to raise had nothing at all to do with marital bliss; belated or otherwise; or with the soothing accoutrements of a quiescent old age。
  And now; remarkably or predictably; depending on how one chose to consider things; there came the unabashed glow of a candle from the curve of the stairway below the window niche where Blaise was keeping watch。 Not even an attempt at stealth; he thought grimly。 He heard the quiet sound of footsteps steadily ascending。 As promised; though Blaise hadn't really believed it on the hillside。
  〃I imagine you'll be posted on watch outside the baroness's rooms on my last night。 I wouldn't go up until then in any case 。。。 too many plications otherwise; and it isn't really decent。 No;〃 Bertran de Talair had said on that ride down the chilly slope; 〃I'll wait till the end; which is always best。 I can count on your discretion; I take it?〃
  For a long moment Blaise had had to struggle to control his anger。 When he'd replied; it was in the best equivalent he could manage to the duke's casual tones。 〃I would suggest you not rely on any such thing。 I have accepted an offer of service from you; but that begins a fortnight from now。 For the moment Mallin de Baude pays me and you would be advised to remember that。〃
  〃Such loyalty!〃 de Talair had murmured; gazing straight ahead。
  Blaise shook his
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