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nly his thoughts; though: Blaise remained where he was for a long time; sitting quietly in the doorway as the sun slid down in the west and the colours of sunset gradually suffused the fields and the bare vineyards and the trees; and fell gently; like a late benediction; on that small cabin by the forest。
  Blaise looked back once through the open doorway before he finally left; and he saw how that muted crimson light slanted through the western window to fall upon the small; neat bed against the wall。 He stood there for a moment; motionless; and then he gently closed the door; that the wind and rain might not enter in after these years。
  It was dusk; the first faint stars shining in the east; when he rode back towards Talair。 And because it was so nearly dark and he wasn't really thinking about his path…his thoughts ahead of him and far behind…he rode straight past the woman standing quietly beside her horse in shadow under the elms on the far side of the arch。
  Lisseut had meant to call out to him; but in the moment he actually appeared and went by she found that her voice would not obey her。 She could not say his name。 She had seen the duke ride past earlier; and then Ariane de Carenzu; and she had remained out of sight beneath the trees; holding her thoughts close to her as the sun went down and the shadows grew deeper beneath the looming arch。
  Her thoughts。 No fort there at all。 The man she had followed; as she had followed him once before; was the king of Gorhaut; or would be before many days had passed。 He was already wearing the cloak of royalty。 She had seen it from the isle。
  In the moment Blaise appeared she was thinking; actually; of her mother and father and of home; of sunrise seen through the window of her own small room; morning light filtering through the grey…green leaves of the olive trees; the air carrying the scent of the sea from below。
  She had always been impetuous; always found herself pushing hardest when she thought; inwardly; that it might; in fact; be no time to push at all。 Her mother had told her; endlessly; that it was a trait that could lead her greatly wrong one day。
  Perhaps it was because of that memory of her mother's words; with the heart…breaking lucidity of that image of home; that Lisseut kept silent as the man went by; riding away from her; from the arch and the winter elms; back to the world that was waiting for him。 She lost sight of Blaise in the darkness where the avenue of elms ended and the path curved east towards the shore of the lake。
  She remained where she was; it had bee curiously difficult to move just then。 She clung to that image of home for a while yet; and then that too seemed to leave her。 After a time in the deepening shadows; Lisseut found that her thoughts had turned elsewhere again; and then it seemed that her voice had e back to her and that; perhaps not surprisingly; there were words she needed to offer to the twilight and the empty path before her where she had watched him go:
  Thy table set with rarest wine; 
  Choice meats; sweet ripened fruit 
  And candlelight when we dine In 
  On we two the high stars will shine。 
  And the holy moon lend her light。 
  If not here you will be mine 
  In Fionvarre。
  She sighed。 There was truly no point in lingering here; she told herself。 It was time to go back。 She still felt this curious reluctance to move; though。 It was cold in the night now but the elms blocked the worst of the wind and in the darkness the disturbing; sculpted shapes of prisoners and slaves on the arch could not be seen。 It was; in fact; unexpectedly peaceful where she stood; holding the reins of a quiet horse。
  She stayed quite a long time。 It was much later; in fact; when she heard a single horseman go by along the edge of the woods behind her; heading south。 She became a little frightened for the first time then; alone here in the darkness。 She mounted up and began the ride back to where there would be lights and shelter and friends and such fort as any and all of these might offer。
  On the way; as she came up to the shore of the lake and rode alongside the water towards the distant castle; carrying loss and love; remembering home; trying to prehend the shape of the future opening up before them all; Lisseut found herself thinking of a song。 Not an old lullaby this time; its origins long lost; not a tune by Anselme of Cauvas; the first of all the troubadours; nor of Count Folquet or Alain or En Bertran; nor even of lost Remy or Aurelian。
  This tune and its words belonged to none of them。 This; for the first time ever; as she passed beside the shore of Lake Dierne in the starlit; wintry dark; riding towards the castle lights; was a song of her own。
  It was cold here outside; but Rinette had felt awkwardly enveloped within the warm; firelit rooms of Talair Castle。 She had asked them where the garden was and someone had escorted her there。 Then; when she'd walked into the walled enclosure; she had asked if she could be left alone and they had done that for her as well。 Everyone was being extraordinarily obliging; even beyond what could be expected by a ranking priestess of Rian。
  But she was more than that; and less。 She had left her owl behind; on the isle。 That had been; actually; the first of the very hard things。
  This is; Rinette thought; walking at twilight among bare trees and evergreens and bushes and shrubs and flowers that would be glorious e spring; my own castle。 One of her castles。 Barbentain itself was another; and even Miraval was part of her legacy; if one stretched a point only a little。
  It was cold; but she did not mind the cold。 Winter was something she could deal with。 She was still wearing the robes of Rian under her grey cloak。 It wasn't as if she'd had a great deal of time to change her garb。 Or her sense of where she belonged in the world。 When she had arisen this morning she had been a priestess of Rian on her holy Isle; the named successor to the High Priestess there; though wondering; with a fear every one of them had felt; if their lives would stretch beyond this winter。 Or if their destiny was fire in the name of Gorhaut and the god it claimed to serve。
  Then battle had e today; screaming horses and men; blood and chaos in the valley; and at the end; unlooked…for amid helpless terror; a victory so plete the mind and heart could scarcely absorb it。 She had gone into the sanctuary; to help the High Priestess lead them through the ancient; holy ceremony of thanksgiving。
  And had e out from under the dome to find the lady Ariane de Carenzu waiting for her with a story that changed her life forever。
  It was hard; it was very hard; however she strove to deal with this as she had always tried to deal with everything…calmly and with as much clarity as she could mand。 The lady of Carenzu had ended by telling her what was obvious to any thinking person from the moment the story had begun to grow clear…that her place was almost certainly away from the isle now。 That the blindness and inner sight of a High Priestess of Rian was not what Arbonne needed from her after this。 Everything had changed。
  Ariane had sa
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