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  Valery made an awkward movement; as if minded to follow but then checked himself。 Blaise; looking over at him; saw a huge; vivid grief stamped on the coran's normally calm features。 He walked over to stand close by Valery; not touching him; but wanting to be near。 Then; a moment later; he realized that Thierry was looking at him with unexpected passion and he realized what was left to e。 Blaise closed his eyes; and it was Valery who reached out and touched his shoulder briefly。
  Blaise looked at Thierry de Carenzu。 〃Have I the right to ask that it be done cleanly?〃 he said quietly。
  〃It will be;〃 said Ariane's husband。 〃For you; and for ourselves; because of what we are; what we refuse to bee。〃
  Blaise nodded his head。 Thierry turned and Blaise followed him across the darkening field to where his father was still standing; ringed by men with swords。
  〃I am holding this man;〃 said Rudel Correze; speaking clearly and with unwonted gravity as they approached; 〃for the judgment of Arbonne。〃
  〃Final judgment;〃 said Thierry; 〃belongs to Rian and Corannos; not to us; but punishment is; indeed; our duty now。 Not for acts of war。 Ransom and release could be granted if it were only those。 For what has been done to the priestesses; though; this man must surely die。〃
  No one spoke。 Only the cries of the wounded and the sound of the wind marred the stillness。 There were fires all over the valley now; more for warmth than anything else; the light was still clear though the day was waning。
  〃Will you deny that the burning of women was by your mand?〃 Thierry asked of the man in the ring。
  〃Hardly;〃 said Galbert de Garsenc。
  No more than that。 The High Elder stood; blood on his smooth; handsome face and on his blue robes; surrounded by mortal foes at the end of his life; and it seemed to his younger son as if he had; even now; nothing but contempt for any man here。
  〃Out of respect for your son; we will grant you a death by arrows;〃 Thierry said stolidly。 Not far away; on his wheeled platform; Aurelian the singer had been unbound。 Someone had covered his body with a cloak。
  〃I would like;〃 said Galbert de Garsenc; 〃a few moments with my son before I die。〃 Blaise felt his mouth go dry。 There was a silence。 〃This is a last request;〃 added the High Elder of Gorhaut。
  Thierry turned to Blaise; so did Rudel; concern in the eyes of both; a desire to shelter him from this。 Blaise shook his head。 He cleared his throat。 〃I believe it is a fair request。 One that we can honour。〃 He looked carefully at Thierry。 〃If that is acceptable to you?〃
  Thierry nodded slowly。 Rudel still looked as if he would protest; and Blaise heard Valery behind him murmur something fierce under his breath; but the duke of Carenzu; with a wave of his arm; motioned the circle of guards to draw back。
  When they had done so Blaise walked forward。 The ring of men parted to let him through。
  〃It seems;〃 said his father calmly as he came up; 〃that I misjudged Urté de Miraval。〃 He might have been discussing the wrong track a hunt had taken; or some mistaken crop rotation on the Garsenc lands。
  〃He was hardly likely to join you after women were burned。〃
  Galbert shrugged。 〃Was that it; do you think? Did he change his mind; or was it planned?〃
  〃Planned;〃 said Blaise。 〃By him and the countess。 No one else knew。〃
  〃Clever; then;〃 said his father。 He sighed。 〃Ah; well; at least I have lived long enough to know my son will rule in Gorhaut。〃
  Blaise laughed bitterly。 〃With so much aid and nurture from you。〃
  〃Well; of course;〃 said Galbert。 〃I have been working towards this for years。〃
  Blaise stopped laughing。 〃That;〃 he said harshly; 〃is a lie。〃 Something hard and awkward seemed suddenly to have lodged itself in his chest。 He swallowed with difficulty。
  〃Is it?〃 said Galbert placidly。 〃You are supposed to be the clever one。 Think; Blaise。〃
  He couldn't remember the last time his father had called him by name。
  〃What is there to think about?〃 he snapped。 〃You showed your devotion to your family with Rosala and now here with Ranald。 You killed your son。〃
  〃I gave him life and I took it away;〃 said Galbert; still mildly; 〃though I was sorry to have to do it。 He was worthless as a man until the end; but he was about to undo my one chance to cleanse this land。〃
  〃Of course。 That is what you have been working towards all these years。〃
  〃Among other things。 I would hardly have been worth much myself if I had only one purpose in life。 I wanted Arbonne scourged if it could be done; I wanted a son of mine on the throne of Gorhaut if it could be done。 I never expected to have both; but I did see reason to hope for one or the other。〃
  〃You are lying;〃 Blaise said again; hearing the note of desperation in his voice and fighting to control it。 〃Why are you doing this? We know what you wanted: you intended me to follow you into the service of the god。〃
  〃But naturally。 You were the younger son; where else should I place you? Ranald was to bee king。〃 Galbert shook his head; as if Blaise were being unexpectedly obtuse。 〃Then you balked me; not for the first time or the last; and a little later it became clear that Ranald was 。。。 what he was。〃
  〃You made him that。〃
  Again Galbert shrugged。 〃If he could not deal with me he could not have dealt with kingship。 You seemed to have found a way to do both。 After I managed to drive you away with the Treaty of Iersen Bridge。〃
  Blaise felt himself losing colour。 〃You are now going to tell me…〃
  〃That I had a number of reasons for that treaty。 Yes; I am。 I did。 Think; Blaise。 Money for this war and a dagger at Ademar's back among the dispossessed of the north。 And I finally made you leave Gorhaut; to go where you could bee a focus for those who might oppose Ademar。 And me;〃 he added as an afterthought。
  〃Incidentally;〃 Galbert went on; still in that same flat; calm manner; 〃you are going to need a great deal of money to retake the northern marches; especially after our losses today。 Fortunately Lucianna d'Andoria is a widow again。 I was planning to have Borsiard killed here if no one in your army managed to do it。 I saw her as a possible bride for Ranald if events fell out that way。 You'll have to marry her now; which I know will make you almost as happy as it makes her father。 With his daughter a queen he might even forego bringing her home to his own bed at intervals。〃 Galbert smiled; Blaise felt slightly faint。 〃Watch him though; watch Massena Delonghi closely。 Between the Correze and Delonghi banks; however; you should be able to deal with Valensa withholding the rest of the payments they owe by the terms of the treaty。〃
  Blaise felt his head beginning to ache; as if he were absorbing blows。
  〃You are lying; aren't you? Tell me why? What does it gain you now; at this point; to try to make me believe you planned all of this?〃
  〃I didn't plan it all; Blaise; don't be a fool。 I am a mortal servant of Corannos; not a god。 After you left home for Gotzland and Portezza I thought Fulk de Savaric and some of the other northern barons would send men after you with an offer of kingship。 I didn't expect you to step forward y
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