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 following; she began to cry again; unable to help herself; the tears cold on her cheeks as the sun sank lower in the west; red as a fire。
  Blaise had gone with Bertran and Thierry to where Urté de Miraval lay dying on the ground; a folded cloak under his head and another one; heavy and lined with fur; covering his body。 Urté was very pale; and Blaise saw at a glance that the cloths they had used to try to stanch his bleeding were soaked through。 He had seen this before; it would not be long。
  Urté was still conscious; though; and there was a hard glint of triumph in his eyes。 Thierry hesitated beside him and then stepped carefully back and away so that Bertran de Talair could stand alone next to Urté。 The silence that followed was taut as a drawn bowstring。
  Another hesitation…nothing was being done easily here; Blaise knew…and then Bertran knelt beside the older man。
  〃We have won;〃 he said calmly。 〃Your decision to join us after all was what turned the battle。〃
  Urté de Miraval laughed then; a terrible sound; and the movement started another flowing of blood。 In obvious pain he shook his head。 〃After all? You don't understand; do you? There was no decision to make。 We staged that scene in Barbentain when I walked out。〃
  Blaise felt his mouth fall open。 He closed it with a snap。 He heard Thierry de Carenzu make a small sound。
  〃We?〃 said Bertran。
  〃The countess and I。 I advised her the night before to name you leader of the army。 We agreed that I would storm from the room and contact Ademar the next day。〃
  〃Oh; sweet Rian; I don't believe it。〃 It was Thierry; the words like a prayer。
  〃Why not?〃 said the dying man; prosaically。 〃We were going to be outnumbered; we had to devise some trap for them。 It seems that it took two of the older generation to do it。 The younger ones didn't have any ideas at all; did you?〃 He did not smile。
  There was another silence。
  〃None at all;〃 said Bertran at length。 〃I am astonished the countess didn't tell me。〃
  〃I asked her not to;〃 Urté said。 〃I told her you might alter your strategy; knowing what was ing。 Make a move that might have alerted them that something was amiss。 That was the reason I gave her。〃
  〃It wasn't really the reason; was it?〃
  Urté de Miraval did smile then。 〃Of course it wasn't;〃 he said。
  Bertran slowly shook his head。 〃As it happens; I had no strategies today。 The battle started too soon。〃
  〃I know。 That is why we were late。〃
  Silence again。 The westering sun sent a reddened light along the valley。 Urté made a sudden; wry face that Blaise knew was that of a strong man wrestling with great pain。
  〃What shall I say to you?〃 asked Bertran de Talair。
  A gasp that might have been laughter again。 〃Spare me;〃 Urté whispered。 But a moment later Blaise saw him turn his head a little so he was looking directly at Bertran。 Urté opened his mouth and then closed it; as if wrestling with something inwardly; but then; very clearly; he said; 〃I did not kill her。 Or the child。〃
  Bertran became absolutely still; his face white as the dying man's。
  〃I took the child from her;〃 Urté said; his eyes holding Bertran's; 〃after she told me 。。。 what she told me。 I took it downstairs to the kitchen where there was a fire。 It was very cold; there was a storm that night。 You weren't here; you will not remember。 I had the priestess thrown out of the castle。 I left the child with the women in the kitchen。 I didn't want Aelis to have him 。。。 after what she'd said; and I wasn't going to rear him as my own。 I might have decided to kill him; I might have sent him away where he'd never be known or found。 I was not thinking clearly and I knew it; I needed time。 That child; if he had been mine; was heir to Miraval and Barbentain both; he would have ruled Arbonne。〃
  〃But instead?〃 Bertran's voice was so low it could barely be heard。 Blaise saw that he had laced his fingers tightly together。
  〃But instead Aelis was dead when I went back to her room。 I was going up to tell her she would never see her child; that no one would ever know who he was; even if I chose to let him love。 I wanted to 。。。 hurt her so much for what she had done。 She cheated me; though。 She was already dead when I returned。 When I went back down again; after; I had them give me the child。 I took him alone into the great hall and sat by the fire; holding him。 I could see he was not strong。 It wasn't very long before he died。 They rarely live; born so soon。 He was two months early。〃
  〃I know。 That's why I wasn't here。〃 Silence again。 Blaise could hear the wind whistling down the valley and the cries of wounded and dying men。 Overhead; very high; a flock of birds cut across the sun; heading south; late in the year。 He could see that some of the priests and priestesses had crossed from the isle to tend to the injured; fires were being lit on the battlefield。 He shivered again; in his heavy cloak。
  〃You might have told me this;〃 Bertran said; finally。
  〃Why?〃 Urté〃 said。 〃To ease your mind? Why would I have wanted to do that? I was happy to have you wondering if he was alive…that meant you could never kill me; didn't it?〃
  That thin smile again。 But after a moment his expression altered and he added; 〃You wouldn't have believed me in any case。 You know that。〃
  Slowly Bertran shook his head。 〃No。 I wouldn't have。 I was almost certain you had killed them both。〃
  〃I know。 Almost certain; not quite。 I enjoyed your thinking that。 I hope it was in you like poison all these years。〃
  〃It was。 Like poison。 All these years。〃
  〃She was my wife;〃 said Urté de Miraval。 〃What did you think I would do when I found out?〃
  Bertran was very still; his head lowered。 When he spoke; it was in a voice scraped raw。 〃I loved her。 I have never stopped loving her。 You never did; my lord。 For you this has been about nothing but pride all these years。〃
  With a tremendous effort Urté managed to lift himself on one elbow。 〃That would have been enough;〃 he said。 〃More than enough。 But you are wrong again。 You have always been wrong about that; you and everyone else。〃 He paused to draw a difficult; gasping breath; blood was seeping from his wound。 〃It was Aelis who didn't love me; not the other way around。 I could never write songs; you see。 I am glad we have won。 Rian shelter this land of Arbonne forever in her arms。〃
  Slowly then; with a soldier's grace and considerable courage in the face of mortal pain; he lowered himself to the cold ground; and his eyes closed as he died。
  Bertran remained on his knees beside the body for a long time。 No one else moved or spoke。 When Bertran finally rose; he turned to Thierry de Carenzu。
  〃May I leave what remains with you?〃 he asked; with toneless formality。
  〃Of course;〃 said the other man。
  They watched as the duke of Talair walked back to where his horse was being held by a coran。 Bertran mounted up without assistance and rode slowly from the valley; west; towards the avenue of trees that led to the arch。
  Valery made an awkward movement; as if minded to follow but then checked himself。 Blaise; looking over at him; saw a huge; vivid grief stamped on the coran's 
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