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 being so shamefully rescued in the midst of a formal challenge。 It would probably make sense to taunt him; to unsettle him further; but Blaise had no heart for that at all。 In fact; at another time; another place in the world; he might even have been able to feel sorry for Ademar; who would only now perhaps be discovering the degree to which even he was simply another instrument of Galbert de Garsenc's designs。
  He seemed to be looking down at his brother again; as if trying to memorize Ranald's features; so like and yet unlike his own。 〃You had best get up;〃 he heard Rosala say; as if from a distance。 She herself had risen again。 He looked up at her。 She had never appeared to him to so much resemble one of the spear…maidens of Corannos; straight…backed and proud; a figure from a chapel frieze; her face seeming as if sculptured in stone。 Her level gaze met his。 〃He died as a man with mourning;〃 said Rosala de Savaric de Garsenc; 〃but it seems that this battle has begun。〃
  It seemed that it had。
  He slipped his hands under Ranald's head and lifted it so he could slide himself free; then he laid his brother down again on the grass。 Rising; he looked at Ademar and said formally; over the growing clamour to the north; 〃As his brother I lay claim to this body。 Do you challenge me for it?〃
  Ademar shook his head。 〃Believe me; I do not want it。〃
  Blaise nodded。 〃Very well。〃 He felt very calm now; almost eerily so。 A kind of numbness was setting in。 〃I will look for you at sunset if we are both alive。〃
  Ademar's eyes flicked over to where Ranald lay but then came back to meet Blaise's。 He had never been a coward; whatever else might be said of him。 〃I shall not be hard to find;〃 he said; and wheeled his horse north towards the battlefield。
  Only then did Blaise turn to his father。
  Galbert; watching the others leave; seemed to have been waiting for him。 The large; smooth features were a little flushed perhaps; but otherwise unruffled。 Blaise said; choosing his words with care; 〃I will not be the man that kills you; for I would not want a father…slaying marked against my soul; but there is a journey to the god that awaits you; whether it es today or soon or late and Corannos will know how to judge you for this deed。〃 He paused。 〃And so will Rian; for a parley and a challenge breached; for a son's murder here。〃
  Galbert gave a bark of laughter and opened his mouth to reply。
  〃Be gone from this place;〃 said Bertran de Talair before the High Elder could speak。 〃I have never slain a man in the presence of heralds in my life; but I could do so now。〃
  〃What?〃 said Galbert mockingly。 〃And face the same judgment as me?〃 And saying so he turned his horse and began riding away。 The nearest panies of the armies were now engaging each other; banners whipped by the wind; in that valley north of Talair。
  Blaise looked over his dead brother on the ground; and then back to his father riding north; a huge; bulky man; yet easy and even graceful in the saddle。 There was something deeply unreal about the two images for him; as if his mind were somehow refusing to accept this conjunction。 But there were men battling now and he reached out towards that single hard truth; the urgency of it; as a pathway out of the numbness that seemed to be trying to claim him。
  He heard a grating sound behind him and turned to see two boats being pulled up on the stony strand。 The women began boarding them。 In one of the boats he recognized; without surprise; the tall; slender young priestess he had met beside this lake when he first came here。 There had been dead men on the ground then; too; he remembered。 She looked at him; but only briefly and without expression; then she reached out a hand to the countess and helped her into the boat。
  The other women were quickly on board and the boats were pushed back out into the choppy water。 Sails were run up that the north wind might take them away。 As he watched; hesitating beside that stony strand; Blaise saw Ariane turn back to look for him; her dark hair blown out behind her by the wind。 Their glances held for a beat of time before she turned away。 A moment later; in the other boat; Blaise saw that Lisseut of Vezét who had also lost men she loved this day; had turned to look back as well。 She began; awkwardly; to lift one hand; but then let it fall to her side。 He could see that she was crying。
  Rosala did not turn around at all; and so he did not see her face at the end。 He only saw her from behind; sitting straight…backed beside the small; delicate figure of the countess of Arbonne as the two boats swept back across Lake Dierne towards the isle; leaving behind the grassy space by the stones of the northern shore where her husband's body lay。
  Blaise drew a slow breath; and then another。 He turned away from the women in the boats。 Bertran de Talair came up to him。
  〃Are you all right?〃 the duke asked quietly。 Blaise saw Fulk de Savaric behind Bertran; the same question in his eyes。
  There was a third boat being pulled up even now on the strand; grating on the stones。 They had e for Ranald; he realized。 He would have to let them deal with him; and trust the clergy of Rian to do his brother honour。 He had no choice in this; no time。 Time was what had been taken away。 His task was elsewhere now; among the living; and those he meant to kill。
  〃It doesn't matter how I am;〃 he said to the duke of Talair; a little frightened by the sound of his own voice。 〃It really doesn't matter。 Let's go。〃
  The battle that ended Gorhaut and Arbonne as the world had known them started a day too soon。 In the tumultuous wake of the aborted parley by the lake the nearest panies of the two armies engaged; and once that happened there was nothing; short of an actual manifestation of a goddess or a god in the sky above; that could have separated them。 Whatever advantages of tactics and knowledge of the terrain that Bertran de Talair might have been able to call into play; given time to prepare; were swept away in the tumult of spontaneously begun fighting that turned; almost immediately; into headlong; screaming chaos。
  In such a battle; Blaise knew; enmeshed in the fighting nearest the lake; sheer numbers would almost always tell。 The smaller army could only have a chance if the larger one was cowardly; or poorly led; or posed of mercenaries who might be prone to cut their losses early。
  None of these things were true in the valley by Lake Dierne。 He had learned; in most of a year here south of the mountain passes; that the men of Arbonne were never to be lightly dismissed…and they were fighting now for their country and on their own land。 Even so; the warriors of Gorhaut had been raised and trained in a single…minded purity that exalted Corannos of Battles as the highest incarnation of the god; squarely in the tradition of the Ancients who had e to conquer; and whose arch loomed west of this valley like a brooding presence。
  It had always been that way in the nations of the north; in Gorhaut; Valensa; Gotzland。 The southern countries had no such fixed; warlike obsession in their make…up; and Arbonne worshipped a goddess above the god。 All of
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