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 through the world; about a nation that burns helpless women。〃 She spoke the words with all the passion of her heart。
  And she was met; brutally; by laughter。 〃I would have thought the question of lost manhood would apply to the one on the platform; actually。〃 King Ademar's amusement faded; the small pale eyes held hers。 〃But since you have chosen to raise the issue; I will make a point of remembering your unremarkable face; and personally dealing with that question when we are finished doing what we have e to do tomorrow。〃
  〃Your father;〃 said Bertran de Talair quietly; speaking for the first time; 〃never blustered。 I remember that about him。〃
  〃Ah;〃 said Ademar; turning quickly to him。 〃It es back to fathers; does it?〃 He looked pointedly towards the distant towers of Miraval。 〃I was told it had as much to do with a bastard son and a lusting woman; legs wide for any man but her own husband。 What a shame the cuckolded duke of Miraval is not here to offer you his wise counsel。 And what a great shame as well;〃 he added; turning from Bertran; whose face had gone white; 〃that you have had to find such frail vessels from the north to fill out your sorry ranks。〃
  Lisseut had wondered when they would get to Blaise。 In the moments that followed; she was made to realize that she had not moved past longing into acceptance after all。 The image of that stone sinking silently down through dark water left her then; and never returned。
  Blaise; despite Ademar's hard gaze; utterly ignored him; as if the king of Gorhaut were some minor functionary; unworthy of attention。 His own eyes were locked on his father's face; and Lisseut saw the forbidding figure of Galbert de Garsenc in his blue cleric's robe looking at his younger son with an expression that actually terrified her。 She had thought; naively; that her travels had led her to understand something of the world。 She realized now; seeing that exchange of glances; that she knew nothing。 She also understood in that moment that; in a real sense; all of this came down to the two of them。
  〃In the Books of Othair;〃 said Blaise softly; 〃which are the holiest writings of Corannos; it is told that the land of Gorhaut carries the god's burden of bringing justice into the world。 It teaches that Corannos has bestowed upon us the holy task of guarding the helpless and the persecuted in all lands we pass through; in return for his great favour and the promise of his eternal shelter when we die。〃 He was silent; and in the silence was an indictment。
  〃You dare speak to me of the teachings of the god?〃 Galbert said; his rich voice rising; genuinely incredulous。 Behind him Lisseut saw a man who; from his appearance; had to be the other son。 He was sitting astride a handsome horse among the small number of men who had e with the High Elder and the king。 His expression was strained; oddly suspended between bitter amusement and pain。 Impulsively; she glanced over at Rosala。 She was gazing steadily at her husband; her face unreadable。 There were; Lisseut thought; layers and layers of grief here。
  Blaise seemed to ignore his father's interjection。 He went on; as if no one had spoken。 〃You are; in the light of these teachings; as much a betrayer of Corannos as this falsely anointed king is a traitor to his people。 Because you are my father and the god teaches us to respect our parents in their dotage you will not be executed; but you will be stripped of your office when we return to Gorhaut。〃
  〃You are mad;〃 said King Ademar flatly; dismissively。
  Only then did Blaise turn to him。 〃I am enraged;〃 he said; a ferocity in his voice for the first time; a first blaze of heat。 〃I am revolted。 I loathe how you have allowed yourself and your country to be used。 What king permits a counselor's vile obsession to lead him so far down paths of unholiness and betrayal?〃
  〃A false king;〃 said Fulk de Savaric; his sudden voice clear as a bell。 〃One unworthy of his crown。〃
  〃Or his life;〃 said Bertran de Talair quietly。
  〃Or of any remembrance at all in the world after the death that Rian is even now making ready for him;〃 added the countess of Arbonne; and of all those there it was her voice that was grimmest of all; as if she were truly speaking for some power beyond the world。
  For the first time the king of Gorhaut; turning from one of them to the other; looked shaken。 And so smoothly; predictably; his adviser moved to fill the silence that followed。
  〃These;〃 Galbert said in the deep; manding voice; 〃are the last strident posturings of the doomed。 Shall we quail before this mumbling? Rather; you should all be on your knees even now; begging the mercy of a gentle death。〃
  〃You would like that; wouldn't you?〃 said Ariane de Carenzu; moving her horse forward a little。 She was smiling; but not with her eyes。 〃You would like the women of Arbonne kneeling before you; I see。 I do see it now; actually。 No wonder your son's wife fled from you。 What does Corannos say about such desires; Galbert de Garsenc?〃
  〃They are abominations;〃 said Blaise quietly。 〃For which atonement must be made。〃 He himself was pale now。
  〃This;〃 said the king of Gorhaut; regaining his posure; 〃has grown tedious。 I am here only because the protocols of war pel this meeting of heralds。 Hear me then: we have e south because the countess of Arbonne has given shelter and succour to a woman of Gorhaut and has refused to return her to us。 All else; as the High Elder says; is posturing。 I have patience for no more of it。 Prepare yourselves to die on the morrow。〃
  〃What if I do return?〃 said Rosala suddenly。 〃If I e back north; will you take your army home?〃
  Galbert de Garsenc laughed thickly。 He opened his mouth to reply but was forestalled by the king's lifted hand。 〃This es;〃 said Ademar softly; 〃very much too late。 There is a lesson now to be taught to those who have denied our most proper demands。 I am pleased to see you eager to return; but it makes no matter at this point。 There is no power here; or anywhere in the world; Rosala; that can stop me now from bringing you back to Cortil。〃
  〃With the child;〃 said Galbert quickly。
  He was ignored。
  〃To Cortil; my lord?〃 Rosala asked; lifting her voice。 〃Are you so open about this now? Do you not mean: back to Garsenc and my lord husband?〃
  In the stillness that followed this; Lisseut realized that the king of Gorhaut had just made; in some fashion she did not entirely understand; a mistake。
  A long way south; on the Island of Rian in the sea; where the wind was not blowing on this day and the waters lay calm and blue under the pale winter sun; Beatritz de Barbentain; High Priestess of Rian; rose suddenly from before a fire into which she had been gazing sightlessly for most of the day。
  〃Something has just happened;〃 she said aloud; though there was no one in her room with her save the white owl on her shoulder。 〃Something that might matter。 Oh; sweet Rian remember us; have mercy upon your children。〃
  She was silent then; waiting; reaching out in her darkness for the elusive; un…coercible vision of the goddess that might let her know at least a part of what was now happening so far away in the place of th
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