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s this as a truth about the world he has discovered for himself。 He looks back at the husband and then away again。
  Lisseut saw what had been done to two of the men she had loved when she rode out with the countess of Arbonne and a number of their people to parley with the king of Gorhaut。 Had they not been warned by Thierry beforehand; the sickness that passed over her when the bodies came into sight might have undone all her resolutions。 It was the hardest thing she had ever had to do in her life; to ride past what was left of Remy and Aurelian and not give way to the clawing grief that rose up within her。 She kept her eyes fixed on the straight…backed figure of the countess in front of her and gripped her horse's reins in hands that would not stop shaking。 She kept wanting to scream。 She could not let herself scream。
  She had been with Ariane and the countess and Rosala de Garsenc in the music gallery of Talair when the duke of Carenzu had e down from the tower to tell them that Gorhaut had e; and that something terrible had been done to men they all knew。
  She would have expected to burst into desperate tears; to faint; to feel her mind slamming shut like a door。 Perhaps it was the shock; or an inward refusal to believe; but she had done none of these things; nor had any of the other women there。 Ariane; to whom her husband had formally told the news about Remy and Aurelian; had risen stiffly from where she sat and walked away; to stand with her back to the room; staring into the fire。 After an interval of time; though; she had turned and e back。 She had been very pale; but her flawless features were carefully posed。 She had sat beside the countess and reached for one of Signe's hands; holding it between both of her own。
  Of all the people in that room; Alain of Rousset had been the only one who wept openly; and Lisseut had gone over to him。 The little troubadour had been wearing his sword。 He was still awkward with it; but he was here to join the soldiers in Talair; had rowed across the water to fight with them。
  It seemed that Remy and Aurelian had been thinking in the same way; spying on the army of Gorhaut as it moved south。 Lisseut would have thought the two of them might even have been good at that; but she didn't know much about warfare。
  Neither had they。
  She had found herself meeting the clear blue gaze of the woman named Rosala。 There was pain there; and something else as hurtful; if harder to understand; but Lisseut had taken resolution and a certain fort from that exchange of glances; and tried; as best she could; to give back the same two things。
  〃There should be a song for them;〃 the countess had said; rising from her chair and turning to where Lisseut was standing beside Alain。 The little troubadour had lifted his head; wiping his eyes。 〃I will not ask for it now; though;〃 Signe de Barbentain went on。 〃This is not a time for music。〃
  It was then that they had heard footsteps in the corridor again; and Bertran had e into the room with a number of other men。 One of whom was Blaise。 There was something bleak and forbidding about him; as if a part of the winter had passed into him on the ramparts。 He had looked at Rosala first…his brother's wife…and nodded his head in greeting。 But then he had turned to Lisseut and; after a moment; had made a small; helpless gesture with his hands。 She did feel like crying then。 She could remember him wounding Remy with his sword。 She had e forward to challenge him for that。 Midsummer; it had been。 Midsummer Carnival in Tavernel。 Hard to believe that there once had been a time of celebration in Arbonne。
  〃They have blown the horns and are ing to parley;〃 Bertran had said to the countess。 〃Ademar is riding with his herald。〃
  〃Then I should be with ours;〃 Signe had said calmly。 〃If you think it right。〃
  〃We are your servants; your grace。 But yes; I think it right。 I think you should e; and Ariane。 This is a war being waged against our women; as much as anything; and I think the army; both armies; should see you here。〃
  〃And I;〃 said Rosala de Garsenc then; rising。 〃I am their excuse for war。〃 Bertran had looked quickly over at her; an odd expression in his face。 He had looked as if he wanted to demur; but did not。
  When Lisseut expressed the same intention to be present no one gainsaid her。 She hadn't expected them to。 She didn't even see herself as being presumptuous。 Not with this。 It seemed to her that there might even be a shared feeling now that one of the musicians should be there。
  She had actually forgotten; for the moment; that Bertran de Talair was a troubadour too。
  The king of Gorhaut; it soon appeared; had not。 The two groups met within sight of the armies but at a careful distance removed。 There were archers of skill in both ranks。 The place chosen by the heralds was to the west; along the northern shore of Lake Dierne; beside a rocky strand of beach。 They could see the great stone arch not far away; and in the distance; to the south…west; the towers of Miraval ended up like an illusion over the forest between。
  Amid that pany; beside the whitecapped lake; the voice of Signe de Barbentain rang out; colder than the waters or the wind。 〃I thought Gorhaut had fallen somewhat since your father's death;〃 she said; looking straight at the broad…shouldered figure of Ademar。 I had not realized until very lately how great that fall was。 The man on that platform was honoured in all the countries of the world。 Are you not ashamed before Corannos to have done this foul thing?〃
  〃The god's name is profanity in your mouth;〃 said Galbert de Garsenc quickly; before Ademar could reply。 The king gave him a sharp glance。
  〃Cannot your king at least speak some answers for himself?〃 Signe asked with deceptive mildness。 Lisseut saw Ademar flush。 She saw him look at Rosala de Garsenc before replying。
  〃He was captured as a spy。〃 The voice was unexpectedly light; but controlled。 〃He would have been dealt with and executed as such; and the yellow…haired one as well; but he made a mistake。〃 Ademar turned to Bertran de Talair。 〃He elected; unwisely; to sing some verses of a song you wrote; my lord。 The wrong verses; the wrong song。 And the other man chose to laugh。 You might say you are responsible for what happened to them。〃
  For the first time he smiled。 Lisseut shivered; seeing that。 She saw Rosala de Garsenc turn away。 But then; despite her own fear; or perhaps because of it; and because it was not clear what had happened; she dared speak; even in that pany; for the sake of the two dead men she had loved。 She said; to the king of Gorhaut:
  〃He sang for you? You didn't remotely deserve such an honour。 Were these the lines by any chance? 
  What manner of man; with his father new…fallen; 
  Would destroy with a pen…stroke a long dream of glory?〃 
  She felt an anger such as she had never known in her life。 Almost snarling the words she added; 〃Or did he ask the other; obvious question in the same song: Where went the manhood of Gorhaut 。。。 ? Where indeed。 They are asking that question all through the world; about a nation that burns helpless women。〃 She spoke the words with all the pass
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