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tly is…by the blessing and the protection of the god。 Which means that they; too; in his pany; are so blessed; the chosen; the elect; the weapons of Corannos。
  This; in fact; is his message to them when the prayer is over and they rise。 He holds up for all to see the Arbonnais arrow…fired by a coward; and not in a time of war…that might have killed him in his own castle。 The god is with us; he tells them all; we are his agents and his instrument。
  It is hard not to agree; and the men of the army of Gorhaut; in the presence of their king; are not inclined to be cynical or doubting at a time like this。 They have e miraculously through the mountains in winter; and before them now; bright and fair as a dream under blue skies lies the land that has been promised them。
  Promised; that is; after the scourging is done。 They are the hammers of the god; the High Elder proclaims。 The temples and villages of Arbonne and the depraved; unclean women who inhabit them are the anvils upon which their most holy; cleansing blows must fall。
  The temples are first; the castles will e after; he tells them。 Everything will e to them if they but follow their great king。 The men of Arbonne are cowards; they are woman…mastered; cuckolded as a matter of course by their own musicians and barnyard servants。 What; Galbert de Garsenc asks; what will such soft men do when they e face to face with the assembled might of Gorhaut sweeping down upon them with the power of the god?
  They will die; he tells them; answering his own question; as a sound shaped of hunger and excitement rises among the army。 They will die like the craven unbelievers they are; and when all is done; when holy Corannos is worshipped properly again in this land; then shall the men of Gorhaut have shown themselves worthy of the great favour the god has always bestowed upon them。 Then shall the whole world know their worth。 Then shall this sunlight; these high green valleys; vineyards and castles and grainfields; the rich cities and harbours and the great sea beyond…all shall be truly given over to Gorhaut by the high; pure grace of Corannos。
  Shall this not be the way of it; he cries to them; the magnificent instrument of his voice carrying the question down on the breeze to all those gathered below。
  They give him his answer; fervent; exalted; with one voice of their own。
  The king rides down from that high place; then; the High Elder beside him with the arrow still held aloft。 They take their places together; handsome men; stern and majestic; at the forefront of an army。 Near to them but a proper distance behind rides the lord Borsiard d'Andoria at the head of a pany of his own men。 The Portezzan's presence among them; the army has been told; is a mark of how not only the god but all the countries of the world are with them in this purging of dark unholiness。
  King Ademar of Gorhaut lifts a hand and the trumpets of Gorhaut are heard in the clean; cool air under a sky where birds are wheeling and darting in the sunlight。 Before them the slopes fall away southward; green with winter grass。 In the middle distance the river most of them have never seen sparkles blue; then white where there are rapids; then blue again; rushing towards the distant sea。 The ports on that sea will be theirs soon; they have been promised this。 The god is with them。
  They start south; the invading warriors of Gorhaut; in a vast glitter of spears and armour。 Later that same day the vanguard rides past and above the ruined; empty village of Aubry and es to the next hamlet beyond。 And there; with sword and mace and brand; amid the screaming of the corrupt women and their heretic; unsouled children and the desperate cries of craven men…farmers; labourers; artisans; cowards all of them…the harrowing of Arbonne is begun。
  The god is with his army。 After the grey cold of the mountains and the miracle of their passage they can feel it in the shining grace of his holy sun above them。 Everything they ride past is bright; is weling; gleams wondrously in the light。
  They are the hammers of Corannos; the scourges of heresy; this war is blessed from the sky; every man of them knows it now; and so as they kill; they sing。
  Let Arbonne learn the battle songs of Gorhaut。 Let it hear them sung by brave men; true warriors of the north; amid the steady crackling of the fires。
  〃They are not in any great hurry;〃 said the countess grimly in her council chamber。 〃They are waiting for us to e out。〃 It was four days after the first burning of the war。 The army of Gorhaut was reported to be moving slowly; methodically south; destroying as it went。
  〃They are taking each village; burning every temple;〃 she went on。 Rosala; sitting on one of the benches; hands clasped in her lap; marvelled at the control in her voice; she knew Signe well enough by now to know how hard…won such a dispassionate tone would be。 There were some twenty men and women in the room; assembled in Barbentain by the countess's mand。 Signe said; 〃They have no interest in besieging us in the castle or cities。 Not in winter; with food a problem for them。〃
  〃That is mostly true; but not entirely so; your grace。 Food is not their problem I am afraid;〃 said Urté de Miraval heavily。 He was leaning against the mantel of the larger fireplace; bulky and formidable; dressed in a dark green; fur…lined robe。 〃I have recent information about that。 They have used their monies from Valensa; the enormous price they received for the northern lands they ceded; to ensure a flow of supplies to follow them here from Gotzland。 With our villagers taking refuge in the cities and castles we will be at risk of hunger before them。 We might want to consider an attack against their supply line。〃
  〃That will not be necessary;〃 said Bertran de Talair; briefly; dismissively; from the opposite wall。 Rosala turned to look at him。
  He had arrived only the night before; with Blaise and his mercenaries and eight hundred armed men of Gorhaut。 The assembled council was still dealing with that last fact; and the presence among them this morning of Duke Fulk de Savaric。 Rosala was struggling to adjust to it as well; if for different reasons。 Pride and fear and disbelief swept over her whenever she looked at her brother。 They had not yet had a chance to speak privately。
  〃I would be very interested in learning why;〃 Urté said to Bertran; gazing inimically at the other man across the room。 〃Have military strategies changed so greatly in recent years?〃
  〃Hardly at all。〃 Bertran; dressed in nondescript brown riding clothes; turned away from de Miraval to the countess。 〃You will remember; your grace; that I had dealings with King Daufridi of Valensa during the Lussan Fair。〃 He paused。 There was a stir in the room at this; it was news to most of them。 Bertran ignored the reaction。 〃These dealings have borne useful fruit; though not; I'm afraid; dramatically so。 Daufridi has persuaded Jorg of Gotzland that their joint interests will not be served by a swift destruction of Arbonne。 They will not go so far as to intercede for us; but the promised supplies from the east will be sadly late in arriving; I am informed。 The food; when it reach
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