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Garsenc looked pale and unsteady beside his father。
  〃You will be silent;〃 Bertran said savagely。 〃Ten more words and an archer will shoot。 Your son may be unwilling to give such an order; for reasons that escape me; but he assured that I am not。 Do not put this; I beg you; to the test。〃
  〃Who are you?〃 Galbert snarled; through gritted teeth。
  En Bertran laughed aloud then; as strange a sound in the fog as Thaune had heard all night。 〃That is three words;〃 he said。 〃Seven left。 Hoard your store。 I am sorely offended; though; I would have thought you would surely know the appearance of a man you paid so much to kill last summer。〃
  〃Bertran de Talair;〃 said Ranald de Garsenc; his first words。 〃I remember you from the tournaments。〃
  Galbert's eyes narrowed to slits; but he kept silent; his body rigid with anger。 His gloved hands; Thaune saw; were ceaselessly working; opening and closing at his sides; as if longing for someone's throat。
  Ranald turned from the duke of Talair to stare at his brother。 〃What have you done? Turned traitor entirely? Invaded with Arbonne?〃
  〃Hardly;〃 said Blaise; beginning to regain his posure but carefully not looking at his father。 〃Bertran is here as a friend。 My men are mercenaries recruited by Rudel Correze for me; you'll very likely know a number of them…mostly from Gotzland。 This is a seizing of Garsenc Castle from you; brother。 I am sorry; but it seems a necessary first step; since you yourself are doing nothing at all。 Worse than nothing; actually。 I intend to take Gorhaut from Ademar with my own countrymen; and without burning women; either。〃
  〃I had no choice about that;〃 Ranald said fiercely。 
  〃Not so。〃 It was; surprisingly; Valery of Talair; behind Thaune by the portcullis。 He was invisible in the fog; his disembodied voice flat and final as that of some judge at the iron gates of the afterworld。 〃We can say no and die。 It is a choice; my lord of Garsenc。 In the face of some things asked of us it is the only choice。〃
  No one spoke in reply。 There was silence on the bridge; heavy as the fog。 Thaune heard only quick footsteps and saw cloaked and hurrying shapes as Blaise's mercenaries went by him into the forecourt。 There had been no alarm raised within Garsenc; the world was wrapped in mist like a creation of dream。
  And it was in that stillness; as if it were a part of such a dreaming; that Thaune then heard the rumble of hoof beats to the east。 A great many; as if the horsemen of the Night Ride were e down among them from the sky; from the train of the god; to ride over the fog…shrouded earth and destroy。
  〃What is that?〃 Valery took two steps forward and stopped。
  〃Get the men inside!〃 said Blaise sharply。 〃We have to control the castle。 They did send an army! Thaune; have the portcullis lowered; quickly!〃
  Thaune was already moving; shouting a mand to his two guardsmen。 From beyond; in the fog; the drum roll of unseen hooves grew louder。 There were torches visible now; and shadowy horses; and from the distance between the first and the last of those carried flames; Thaune realized that an army had indeed e。
  It had always been likely they would fail。 He had not made his choice last autumn because of any measured assessment of the chances of success。 He did not want to die on a pyre; though。 His only prayer in that moment was that so much mercy might be allowed。 He wondered if; when he crossed to the god; he would be allowed to walk with his father again; in the wide meadows of Corannos; in the gentle light。
  〃I shall set the torch to your burning myself;〃 said Galbert de Garsenc; speaking to his son; as if giving voice to Thaune's own terror。 He was smiling again now; a glittering triumph in his eyes; reflecting the torches' glow。
  〃That;〃 said Bertran de Talair; 〃is two words too many。〃
  〃Bertran!〃 said Blaise quickly。
  〃Valery;〃 said the duke of Talair in the same moment。 And simultaneous with the two names spoken something sang past Thaune in the fog and he heard the High Elder of Corannos cry out as an arrow embedded itself in his shoulder through the links of the mail he wore。
  〃Ten more;〃 said Bertran de Talair calmly; 〃and we will twin that in your other arm。 Tell me…in less than ten words; mind you…do you think these horsemen will attack us at risk of your life; my lord High Elder? Why don't we wait for them here and consider the question at leisure?〃
  He was; thought Thaune; unbelievably calm。
  The hoofbeats had been a rolling as of thunder but gradually stopped now beyond the end of the bridge in the wide; clear space before the woods。 There were a great many torches; Thaune could see the outline of horses and riders; bulky figures heavily armed。
  〃We have the High Elder here; and the duke of Garsenc;〃 Blaise called out; his voice knifing into the fog。 〃Have a care for their lives。 Will you declare yourselves?〃
  His father; clutching at his left arm; laughed then。 A harsh; ugly sound; at odds with the effortless beauty of his voice。 〃Who do you think it is?〃 he snarled。
  〃Six words;〃 said Bertran quietly。
  From amid the mist and the weaving torches a voice called back; cold and austere; 〃There is no hostage you could name who will stay my hand or those of my men if we are minded to strike。 Is it Blaise de Garsenc to whom I speak?〃
  〃Careful!〃 said Rudel Correze sharply; under his breath。
  〃No point denying it;〃 Thaune heard Blaise reply softly。 〃Our only hope is the hostages; whatever he says。 He might be bluffing。 He must be bluffing。〃
  There was a sound of horses approaching the far end of the bridge; and then the creak of an armoured rider dismounting。 From behind; Thaune finally heard the rattle and the clang of the portcullis as the guards finished lowering it。 Valery of Talair was beside him; another arrow to his bow。 Thaune drew his sword。
  〃I am Blaise de Garsenc;〃 said the tall coran Thaune had sworn an oath to serve and to have for his king。
  〃I thought it might be so;〃 said the unseen man in a voice crisp with resolution。 〃I had hoped my information was correct; that I would find you here tonight。〃
  And into the torchlight; heavily cloaked against the cold; strode Fulk de Savaric; to kneel on the planks of the bridge before Blaise。
  He looked up; and the hovering torchlight fell upon the square; fair…haired; intelligent features he shared with all his family。 Thaune; catching his breath; taking an involuntary step forward; saw that the duke of Savaric was not smiling。 〃My lord; will you accept my sworn homage and the hand of a friend? Can you make use of a thousand men from Savaric and the lands of the north who share your feelings about the Treaty of Iersen Bridge and the men who rule us now?〃
  Long afterwards; Thaune remembered looking up then; almost expecting to see the moons appear like beacons in the fog; as if the heavens and the dark earth around them must somehow mirror the glow that seemed to be emanating from this bridge。 It was still thick as river mud overhead; though; the sky lost to sight in the fog and only the nearest torches lending their light to the tableau before him as he looked back down to see En Blaise tak
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