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 to the mall。
  She led him back to the couch。
  THE hall on the tenth floor; Madison Wing; of the Baptist Hospital was empty except for an orderly and a male nurse writing on his clipboard。 Visiting hours had ended at nine; and it was ten…thirty。 He eased down the hall; spoke to the orderly; was ignored by the nurse and knocked on the door。
  〃e in;〃 a strong voice said。
  He pushed the heavy door open and stood by the bed。
  〃Hello; Mitch;〃 Avery said。 〃Can you believe this?〃
  〃What happened?〃
  〃I woke up at six this morning with stomach cramps; I thought。 I took a shower and felt a sharp pain right here; on my shoulder。 My breathing got heavy; and I started sweating。 I thought no; not me。 Hell; I'm forty…four; in great shape; work out all the time; eat pretty good; drink a little too much; maybe; but not me。 I called my doctor; and he said to meet him here at the hospital。 He thinks it was a slight heart attack。 Nothing serious; he hopes; but they're running tests for the next few days。〃
  〃A heart attack。〃
  〃That's what he said。〃
  〃I'm not surprised; Avery。 It's a wonder any lawyer in that firm lives past fifty。〃
  〃Capps did it to me; Mitch。 Sonny Capps。 This is his heart attack。 He called Friday and said he'd found a new tax firm in Washington。 Wants all his records。 That's my biggest client。 I billed him almost four hundred thousand last year; about what he paid in taxes。 He's not mad about the attorney's fees; but he's furious about the taxes。 It doesn't make sense; Mitch。〃
  〃He's not worth dying for。〃 Mitch looked for an IV; but did not see one。 There were no tubes or wires。 He sat in the only chair and laid his feet on the bed。
  〃Jean filed for divorce; you know。〃
  〃I heard。 That's no surprise; is it?〃
  〃Surprised she didn't do it last year。 I've offered her a small fortune as a settlement。 I hope she takes it。 I don't need a nasty divorce。〃
  Who does? thought Mitch。 〃What did Lambert say?〃
  〃It was kind of fun; really。 In nineteen years I've never seen…him lose his cool; but he lost it。 He told me I was drinking too much; chasing women and who knows what else。 Said I had embarrassed 。 Suggested I see a psychiatrist。〃
  Avery spoke slowly; deliberately; and at times with a raspy; weak voice。 It seemed phony。 A sentence later he would forget about it and return to his normal voice。 He lay perfectly still like a corpse; with the sheets tucked neatly around him。 His color was good。
  〃I think you need a psychiatrist。 Maybe two。〃
  〃Thanks。 I need a month in the sun。 Doc said he would discharge me in three or four days; and that I couldn't work for two months。 Sixty days; Mitch。 Said I cannot; under any circumstances; go near the office for sixty days。〃
  〃What〃 a blessing。 I think I'll have a slight heart attack。〃
  〃At your pace; it's guaranteed。〃
  〃What are you; a doctor now?〃
  〃No。 Just scared。 You get a scare like this; and you start thinking about things。 Today is the first time in my life I've ever thought about dying。 And if you don't think about death; you don't appreciate life。〃
  〃This is getting pretty heavy。〃
  〃Yeah; I know。 How's Abby?〃
  〃Okay。 I guess。 I haven't seen her in a while。〃
  〃You'd better go see her and bring her home。 And get her happy。 Sixty hours a week is plenty; Mitch。 You'll ruin your marriage and kill yourself if you work more。 She wants babies; then get them。 I wish I had done things differently。〃
  〃Damn; Avery。 When's the funeral? You're forty…four; and you had a slight heart attack。 You're not exactly a vegetable。〃
  The male nurse glided in and glared at Mitch。 〃Visiting hours are over; sir。 You need to leave。〃
  Mitch jumped to his feet。 〃Yeah; sure。〃 He slapped Avery's feet and walked out。 〃See you in a couple of days。〃
  〃Thanks for ing。 Tell Abby I said hello。〃
  The elevator was empty。 Mitch pushed the button to the sixteenth floor and seconds later got off。 He ran two flights of stairs to the eighteenth; caught his breath and opened the door。 Down the hall; away from the elevators; Rick Acklin watched and whispered into a dead telephone receiver。 He nodded at Mitch; who walked toward him。 Acklin pointed; and Mitch stepped into a small area used as a waiting room by worried relatives。 It was dark and empty; with two rows of folding chairs and a television that did not work。 A Coke machine provided the only light。 Tarrance sat next to it and flipped through an old magazine。 He wore a sweat suit; headband; navy socks and white canvas sneakers。 Tarrance the jogger。
  Mitch sat next to him; facing the hall。
  〃You're clean。 They followed you from the office to the parking lot; then left。 Acklin's in the hall。 Laney's around somewhere。 Relax。〃
  〃I like the headband。〃
  〃I see you got the message。〃
  〃Obviously。 Real clever; McDeere。 I'm sitting at my desk this afternoon; minding my own business; trying to work on something other than the Bendini case。 I've got others; you know。 And my secretary es in and says there's a woman on the phone who wants to talk about a man named Marty Kozinski。 I jump from my chair; grab the phone; and of course it's your girl。 She says it's urgent; as always。 So I say okay; let's talk。 No; she don't play it。 She makes me drop everything I'm doing; run over to the Peabody; go to the lounge…what's the name of it? Mallards…and have a seat。 So I'm sitting there; thinking about how stupid this is because our phones are clean。 Dammit; Mitch; I know our phones are clean。 We can talk on our phones! I'm drinking coffee and the bartender walks over and asks if my name is Kozinski。 Kozinski who? I ask。 Just for fun。 Since we're having a ball; right? Marty Kozinski; he says with a puzzled look on his face。 I say yeah; that's me。 I felt stupid; Mitch。 And he says I have a call。 I walk over to the bar; and it's your girl。 Tolar's had a heart attack or something。 And you'll be here around eleven。 Real clever。〃
  〃Worked; didn't it?〃
  〃Yeah; and it would work just as easily if she would talk to me on my phone in my office。〃
  〃I like it better my way。 It's safer。 Besides; it gets you out of the office。〃
  〃Damned right; it does。 Me and three others。〃
  〃Look; Tarrance; we'll do it my way; okay? It's my neck on the line; not yours。〃
  〃Yeah; yeah。 What the hell are you driving?〃
  〃A rented Celebrity。 Nice; huh?〃
  〃What happened to the little black lawyer's car?〃
  〃It had an insect problem。 Full of bugs。 I parked it at a mall Saturday night in Nashville and left the keys in it。 Someone borrowed it。 I love to sing; but I have a terrible voice。 Ever since I could drive I've done my singing in the car; alone。 But with the bugs and all; I was too embarrassed to sing。 I just got tired of it。〃
  Tarrance could not resist a smile。 〃That's pretty good; McDeere。 Pretty good。〃
  〃You should've seen Oliver Lambert this morning when I walked in and laid the police report on his desk。 He stuttered and stammered and told me how sorry he was。 I acted like I was real sad。 Insurance will cover it; so old Oliver says they'll get me another one。 Then he says they'll go get me a rental car for the meantime。
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