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nt called Anderton's。 A small banquet room was reserved for the annual April 15 blowout。 Every associate and active partner was present; along with eleven retired partners。 The retirees were tanned and well rested; the actives were haggard and frayed。 But they were all in a festive spirit; ready to get plastered。 The stringent rules of clean living and moderation would be forgotten this night。 Another firm rule prohibited any lawyer or secretary from working on April 16。
  Platters of cold boiled shrimp and raw oysters sat on tables along the walls。 A huge wooden barrel filled with ice and cold Moosehead greeted them。 Ten cases stood behind the barrel。 Roosevelt popped tops as quickly as possible。 Late in the night; he would get drunk with the rest of them; and Oliver Lambert would call a taxi to haul him home to Jessie Frances。 It was a ritual。
  Roosevelt's cousin; Little Bobby Blue Baker; sat at a baby grand and sang sadly as the lawyers filed in。 For now; he was the entertainment。 Later; he would not be needed。
  Mitch ignored the food and took an icy green bottle to a table near the piano。 Lamar followed with two pounds of shrimp。 They watched their colleagues shake off coats and ties and attack the Moosehead。
  〃Get 'em all finished?〃 Lamar asked; devouring the shrimp。
  〃Yeah。 I finished mine yesterday。 Avery and I worked on Sonny Capps's until five P。M。 It's finished。〃
  〃How much?〃
  〃Quarter of a mill。〃
  〃Ouch。〃 Lamar turned up the bottle and drained half of it。 〃He's never paid that much; has he?〃
  〃No; and he's furious。 I don't understand the guy。 He cleared six million from all sorts of ventures; and he's mad as hell because he had to pay five percent in taxes。〃
  〃How's Avery?〃
  〃Somewhat worried。 Capps made him fly to Houston last week; and it did not go well。 He left on the Lear at midnight。 Told me later Capps was waiting at his office at four in the morning; furious over his tax mess。 Blamed it all on Avery。 Said he might change firms。〃
  〃I think he says that all the time。 You need a beer?〃
  Lamar left and returned with four Mooseheads。 〃How's Abby's mom?〃
  Mitch borrowed a shrimp and peeled it。 〃She's okay; for now。 They removed a lung。〃
  〃And how's Abby?〃 Lamar was watching his friend; and not eating。
  Mitch started another beer。 〃She's fine。〃
  〃Look; Mitch; our kids go to St。 Andrew's。 It's no secret Abby took a leave of absence。 She's been gone for two weeks。 We know it; and we're concerned。〃
  〃Things will work out。 She wants to spend a little time away。 It's no big deal; really。〃
  〃e on; Mitch。 It's a big deal when your wife leaves home without saying when she'll return。 At least that's what she told the headmaster at school。〃
  〃That's true。 She doesn't know when she'll e back。 Probably a month or so。 She's had a hard time coping with the hours at the office。〃
  The lawyers were all present and accounted for; so Roosevelt shut the door。 The room became noisier。 Bobby Blue took requests。 。
  〃Have you thought about slowing down?〃 Lamar asked。
  〃No; not really。 Why should I?〃
  〃Look; Mitch; I'm your friend; right? I'm worried about you。 You can't make a million bucks the first year。〃
  Oh yeah; he thought。 I made a million bucks last week。 In ten seconds the little account in Freeport jumped from ten thousand to a million ten thousand。 And fifteen minutes later; the account was closed and the money was resting safely in a bank in Switzerland。 Ah; the wonder of wire transfer。 And because of the million bucks; this would be the first and only April 15 party of his short; but distinguished legal career。 And his good friend who is so concerned about his marriage will most likely be in jail before long。 Along with everyone else in the room; except for Roosevelt; Hell; Tarrance might get so excited he'll indict Roosevelt and Jessie Frances just for the fun of it。
  Then the trials。 〃I; Mitchell Y。 McDeere; do solemnly swear to tell the truth; the whole truth and nothing but the truth。 So help me God。〃 And he'd sit in the witness chair and point the finger at his good friend Lamar Quin。 And
  Kay and the kids would be sitting in the front row for jury appeal。 Crying softly。
  He finished the second beer and started the third。 〃I know; Lamar; but I have no plans to slow down。 Abby will adjust。 Things'll be fine。〃
  〃If you say so。 Kay wants you over tomorrow for a big steak。 We'll cook on the grill and eat on the patio。 How about it?〃
  〃Yes; on one condition。 No discussion about Abby。 She went home to see her mother; and she'll be back。 Okay?〃
  〃Fine。 Sure。〃
  Avery sat across the table with a plate of shrimp。 He began peeling them。
  〃We were just discussing Capps;〃 Lamar said。
  〃That's not a pleasant subject;〃 Avery replied。 Mitch watched the shrimp intently until there was a little pile of about six freshly peeled。 He grabbed them across the table and shoved the handful into his mouth。
  Avery glared at him with tired; sad eyes。 Red eyes。 He struggled for something appropriate; then began eating the unpeeled shrimp。 〃I wish the heads were still on them;〃 he said between bites。 〃Much better with the heads。〃
  Mitch raked across two handfuls and began crunching。 〃I like the tails myself。 Always been a tail man。〃
  Lamar stopped eating and gawked at them。 〃You must be kidding。〃
  〃Nope;〃 said Avery。 〃When I was a kid in El Paso; we used to go out with our nets and scoop up a bunch of fresh shrimp。 We'd eat 'em on the spot; while they were still wiggling。〃 Chomp; chomp。 〃The heads are the best part because of all the brain juices。〃
  〃Shrimp; in El Paso?〃
  〃Yeah; Rio Grande's full of them。〃
  Lamar left for another round of beer。 The wear; tear; stress and fatigue mixed quickly with the alcohol and the room became rowdier。 Bobby Blue was playing Step…penwolf。 Even Nathan Locke was smiling and talking loudly。 Just one of the boys。 Roosevelt added five cases to the barrel of ice。
  At ten; the singing started。 Wally Hudson; minus the bow tie; stood on a chair by the piano and led the howling chorus through a riotous medley of Australian drinking songs。 The restaurant was closed now; so who cared。 Kendall Mahan was next。 He had played rugby at Cornell and had an amazing repertoire of raunchy beer songs。 Fifty untalented and drunk voices sang happily along with him。
  Mitch excused himself and went to the rest room。 A bus…boy unlocked the rear door; and he was in the parking lot。 The singing was pleasant at this distance。 He started for his car; but instead walked to a window。 He stood in the dark; next to the corner of the building; and watched and listened。 Kendall was now on the piano; leading his choir through an obscene refrain。
  Joyous voices; of rich and happy people。 He studied them one at a time; around the tables。 Their faces were red。 Their eyes were glowing。 They were his friends…family men with wives and children…all caught up in this terrible conspiracy。
  Last year Joe Hodge and Marty Kozinski were singing with the rest of them。
  Last year he was a hotshot Harvard man with job offers in every pocket。
  Now he was a millionaire; and would soon have a 
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