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  Tammy ordered another club soda; with a twist of lime; and started for the patio。 The wolf locked into the big breasts immediately and watched them bounce his way。
  〃Mind if I sit down?〃 she asked。
  He half stood and reached for the chair。 〃Please do。〃 It was a great moment for him。 Of all the hungry wolves lusting around the bar and patio at Rumheads; she picked him。
  He'd had younger babes; but at this moment at this place; she was the hottest。
  〃I'm Avery Tolar。 From Memphis。〃
  〃Nice to meet you。 I'm Libby。 Libby Lox from Birmingham。〃 Now she was Libby。 She had a sister named Libby; a mother named Doris; and her name was Tammy。 And she hoped to hell she could keep it all straight。 Although she wore no rings; she had a husband whose legal name was Elvis; and he was supposed to be in Oklahoma City impersonating the King; and probably screwing teenage girls with
  LOVE ME TENDER T…shirts。
  〃What brings you here?〃 Avery asked。
  〃Just fun。 Got in this morning。 Staying at the Palms。 You?〃
  〃I'm a tax lawyer; and believe it or n'ot; I'm here on business。 I'm forced to e down several times a year。 Real torture。〃
  〃Where are you staying?〃
  He pointed。 〃My firm owns those two condos over there。 It's a nice little write…oif。〃
  〃Very pretty。〃
  The wolf did not hesitate。 〃Would you like to see them?〃
  She giggled like a sophomore。 〃Maybe later。〃
  He smiled at her。 This would be easy。 He loved the islands。
  〃What're you drinking?〃 he asked。
  〃Gin and tonic。 Twist of lime。〃
  He left for the bar; and returned with the drinks。 He moved his chair closer to her。 Now their legs were touching。 The breasts were resting fortably on the table。 He looked down between them。
  〃Are you alone?〃 Obvious question; but he had to ask it。
  〃Yeah。 You?〃
  〃Yeah。 Do you have plans for dinner?〃
  〃Not really。〃
  〃Good。 There's this great cookout there at the Palms beginning at six。 The best seafood on the island。 Good music。 Rum punch。 The works。 No dress code。〃
  〃I'm game。〃
  They moved closer together; and his hand was suddenly between her knees。 His elbow nestled next to her left breast; and he smiled。 She smiled。 This was not altogether unpleasant; she thought; but there was business at hand。
  The Barefoot Boys began to tune up; and the festival began。 Beachbers from all directions flocked to the Palms。 Natives in white jackets and white shorts lined up folding tables and laid heavy cotton cloths over them。 The smell of boiled shrimp and grilled amberjack and barbecued shark filled the beach。 The lovebirds; Avery and Libby; walked hand in hand into the courtyard of the Palms and lined up for the buffet。
  For three hours they dined and danced; drank and danced; and fell madly in heat over each other。 Once he became drunk; she returned to straight club soda。 Business was at hand。 By ten; he was sloppy and she led him away from the dance floor; to the condo next door。 He attacked her at the front door; and they kissed and groped for five minutes。 He managed the key; and they were inside。
  〃One more drink;〃 she said; ever the party girl。 He went to the bar and fixed her a gin and tonic。 He was drinking scotch and water。 They sat on the balcony outside the master bedroom and watched a half…moon decorate the gentle sea。
  She had matched him drink for drink; he thought; and if she could handle another; then so could he。 But nature was calling again; and he excused himself。 The scotch and water sat on the wicker table between them; and she smiled at it。 Much easier than she had prayed for。 She took a small plastic packet from the orange strap between her legs and dumped one capsule of chloral hydrate into his drink。 She sipped her gin and tonic。
  〃Drink it up; big boy;〃 she said when he returned。 〃I'm ready for bed。〃
  He grabbed his whiskey and gulped it down。 The taste buds had been numb for hours。 He took another swallow; then began to relax。 Another swallow。 His head wobbled from shoulder to shoulder; and finally his chin hit his chest。 The breathing became heavy。
  〃Sleep well; lover boy;〃 she said to herself。
  With a man of a hundred eighty pounds; one shot of chloral hydrate would induce a dead sleep for ten hours。 She took his glass and gauged what was left。 Not much。 Eight hours; to be safe。 She rolled him out of the chair and dragged him to the bed。 Head first; then feet。 Very gently; she pulled his yellow…and…blue surfer shorts down his legs and laid them on the floor。 She stared for a long second; then tucked the sheets and blankets around him。 She kissed him good night。
  On the dresser she found two key rings; eleven keys。 Downstairs in the hall between the kitchen and the great room with a view of the beach; she found the mysterious locked door Mitch had found in November。 He had paced off every room; upstairs and down; and determined this room to be at least fifteen by fifteen。 It was suspicious because the door was metal; and because it was locked; and because a small STORAGE sign was affixed to it。 It was the only labeled room in the condo。 A week earlier in Unit B; he and Abby had found no such room。
  One key ring held a key to a Mercedes; two keys to the Bendini Building; a house key; two apartment keys and a desk key。 The keys on the other ring were unmarked and fairly generic。 She tried it first; and the fourth key fit。 She held her breath and opened the door。 No electric shocks; no alarms; nothing。 Mitch told her to open the door; wait five minutes and; if nothing happened; then turn on the light。
  She waited ten minutes。 Ten long and frightful minutes。 Mitch had speculated that Unit A was used by the partners and trusted guests; and that Unit B was used by the associates and others who required constant surveillance。 Thus; he hoped; Unit A would not be laden with wires and cameras and recorders and alarms。 After ten minutes; she opened the door wide and turned on the light。 She waited again; and heard nothing。 The room was square; about fifteen by fifteen; with white walls; no carpet; and; as she counted; twelve fireproof legal…size file cabinets。 Slowly; she walked over to one and pulled the top drawer。 It was unlocked。
  She turned off the light; closed the door and returned to the bedroom upstairs; where Avery was now atose and snoring loudly。 It was ten…thirty。 She would work like crazy for eight hours and quit at six in the morning。
  Near a desk in a corner; three large briefcases sat neatly in a row。 She grabbed them; turned off the lights and left through the front door。 The small parking lot was dark and empty with a gravel drive leading to the highway。 A sidewalk ran next to the shrubbery in front of both units and stopped at a white board fence along the property line。 A gate led to a slight grassy knoll; with the first building of the Palms just over it。
  It was a short walk from the condos to the Palms; but the briefcases had grown much heavier when she reached Room 188。 It was on the first floor; front side; with a view of the pool but not of the beach。 She was panting and sweating when she knocked on the door。
  Abby yanked it open。 She took the briefcases and placed them on the
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