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 button and watched as the machine made two perfect copies of everything。
  Thirty minutes later; the seven files were returned to the briefcase。 The new files; fourteen of them; were locked away in a fireproof file cabinet hidden in a small closet; which was also locked。 Tammy placed the briefcase near the door; and waited。
  Frank Mulholland was a partner in a ten…man firm that specialized in banking and securities。 His client was an old man who had founded and built a chain of do…it…yourself hardware stores and at one point had been worth eighteen million before his son and a renegade board of directors took control and forced him into retirement。 The old man sued。 The pany countersued。 Everybody sued everybody; and the suits and countersuits had been hopelessly deadlocked for eighteen months。 Now that the lawyers were fat and happy; it was time to talk settlement。 Bendini; Lambert & Locke handled the tax advice for the son and the new board; and two months earlier Avery had introduced Mitch to the hostilities。 The plan was to offer the old man a five…million…dollar package of mon stock; convertible warrants and a few bonds。
  Mulholland was not impressed with the plan。 His client was not greedy; he explained repeatedly; and he knew he would never regain control of the pany。 His pany; remember。 But five million was not enough。 Any jury of any degree of intelligence would be sympathetic to the old man; and a fool could see the lawsuit was worth at least; well 。。。 at least twenty million!
  After an hour of sliding proposals and offers and counteroffers across Mulholland's desk; Mitch had increased the package to eight million and the old man's lawyer said he might consider fifteen。 Mitch politely repacked his attache case and Mulholland politely escorted him to the door。 They promised to meet again in a week。 They shook hands like best friends。
  The elevator stopped on the fifth floor; and Tammy walked casually inside。 It was empty; except for Mitch。 When the door closed; he said; 〃Any problems?〃
  〃Nope。 Two copies are locked away。〃
  〃How long did it take?〃
  〃Thirty minutes。〃
  It stopped on the fourth floor; and she picked up the empty briefcase。 〃Noon tomorrow?〃 she asked。
  〃Yes;〃 he replied。 The door opened and she disappeared onto the fourth floor。 He rode alone to the lobby; which was empty except for the same security guard。 Mitchell McDeere; Attorney and Counselor at Law; hurried from the building with a heavy briefcase in each hand and walked importantly back to his office。
  The celebration of Abby's twenty…fifth birthday was rather subdued。 Through the dim candlelight in a dark corner of Grisanti's; they whispered and tried to smile at each other。 It was difficult。 Somewhere at that moment in the restaurant an invisible FBI agent was holding a cassette tape that he would insert into a cigarette machine in the lounge at precisely nine o'clock; and Mitch was supposed to be there seconds later to retrieve it without being seen or caught by the bad guys; whoever they were and whatever they looked like。 And the tape would reveal just how much cold hard cash the McDeeres would receive in return for evidence and a subsequent life on the run。
  They picked at their food; tried to smile and carry on an extended conversation; but mainly they fidgeted and glanced at their watches。 The dinner was brief。 By eight forty…five they were finished with the plates。 Mitch left in the direction of the rest room; and he stared into the dark lounge as he walked by。 The cigarette machine was in the corner; exactly where it should be。
  They ordered coffee; and at exactly nine Mitch returned to the lounge; to the machine; where he nervously inserted six quarters and pulled the lever under Marlboro Lights; in memory of Eddie Lomax。 He quickly reached into* the tray; took the cigarettes and; fishing around in the darkness; found the cassette tape。 The pay telephone next to the machine rang; and he jumped。 He turned and surveyed the lounge。 It was empty except for two men at the bar watching the television behind and above the bartender。 Drunk laughter exploded from a dark corner far away。
  Abby watched every step and move until he sat across from her。 She raised her eyebrows。 〃And?〃
  〃I got it。 Your basic black Sony cassette tape。〃 Mitch sipped coffee and smiled innocently while quickly surveying the crowded dining room。 No one was watching。 No one cared。
  He handed the check and the American Express card to the waiter。 〃We're in a hurry;〃 he said rudely。 The waiter returned within seconds。 Mitch scribbled his name。
  The BMW was indeed wired。 Heavily wired。 Tarrance's gang had very quietly and very thoroughly examined it with magnifying glasses while waiting for the Greyhound four days earlier。 Expertly wired; with terribly expensive equipment capable of hearing and recording the slightest sniffle or 。 cough。 But the bugs could only listen and record; they could not track。 Mitch thought that was awfully nice of them; just to listen but not follow the movements of the BMW。
  It left the parking lot of Grisanti's with no conversation between its occupants。 Abby carefully opened a portable tape recorder and placed the cassette inside。 She handed Mitch the earphones; which he; stuck onto his head。 She pushed the PLAY button。 She watched him as he listened and drove aimlessly toward the interstate。
  The voice belonged to Tarrance: 〃Hello; Mitch。 Today is Tuesday; March 9; sometime after nine P。M。 Happy Birthday to your lovely wife。 This tape will run about ten minutes; and I instruct you to listen to it carefully; once or twice; then dispose of it。 I had a face…to…face meeting with Director Voyles last Sunday and briefed him on everything。 By the way; I enjoyed the bus ride。 Director Voyles is very pleased with the way things are going; but he thinks we've talked long enough。 He wants to cut a deal; and rather quickly。 He explained to me in no uncertain terms that we have never paid three million dollars and we're not about to pay it to you。 He cussed a lot; but to make a long story short; Director Voyles said we could pay a million cash; no more。 He said the money would be deposited in a Swiss bank and no one; not even the IRS; would ever know about it。 A million dollars; tax…free。 That's our best deal; and Voyles said you can go to hell if you said no。 We're gonna bust that little firm; Mitch; with or without you。〃
  Mitch smiled grimly and stared at the traffic racing past them on the 1…240 loop。 Abby watched for a sign; a signal; a grunt or groan; anything to indicate good news or bad。 She said nothing。
  The voice continued: 〃We'll take care of you; Mitch。 You'll have access to FBI protection anytime you think you need it。 We'll check on you periodically; if you want。 And if you want to move on to another city after a few years; we'll take care of it。 You can move every five years if you want; and we'll pick up the tab and find jobs for you。 Good jobs with the VA or Social Security or Postal Service。 Voyles said we'd even find you a high…paying job with a private government contractor。 You name it; Mitch; and it's yours。 Of course; we'll provide new identities for you and y
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