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  Lamar flipped a switch in one and they stepped inside; closing the door behind them。 〃Nice view; huh;〃 he said as Mitch walked to the windows and looked ^t the river moving ever so slowly beyond Riverside Drive。
  〃How do you get this office?〃 Mitch asked as he admired a barge inching under the bridge leading to Arkansas。
  〃Takes time; and when you get here you'll be very wealthy; and very busy; and you won't have time to enjoy the view。〃
  〃Whose is it?〃
  〃Victor Milligan。 He's head of tax; and a very nice man。 Originally from New England; he's been here for twenty…five years and calls Memphis home。〃 Lamar stuck his hands in his pockets and walked around the room。 〃The hardwood floors and ceilings came with the building; over a hundred years ago。 Most of the building is carpeted; but in a few spots the wood was not damaged。 You'll have the option of rugs and carpet when you get here。〃
  〃I like the wood。 What about that rug?〃
  〃Some kind of antique Persian。 I don't know its history。 The desk was used by his great…grandfather; who was a judge of some sort in Rhode Island; or so he says。 He's full of crap; and you never know when he's blowing smoke。〃
  〃Where is he?〃
  〃Vacation; I think。 Did they tell you about vacations?〃
  〃You get two weeks a year for the first five years。 Paid; of course。 Then three weeks until you bee a partner; then you take whatever you want。  has a chalet in Vail; a cabin on a lake in Manitoba and two condos on Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman Island。 They're free; but you need to book early。 Partners get priority。 After that it's first e。 The Caymans are extremely popular in 。 It's an international tax haven and a lot of our trips are written off。 I think Milligan's there now; probably scuba diving and calling it business。〃
  Through one of his tax courses; Mitch had heard of the Cayman Islands and knew they were somewhere in the Caribbean。 He started to ask exactly where; but decided to check it himself。
  〃Only two weeks?〃 he asked。
  〃Uh; yeah。 Is that a problem?〃
  〃No; not really。 s in New York are offering at least three。〃 He spoke like a discriminating critic of expensive vacations。 He wasn't。 Except for the three…day weekend they referred to as a honeymoon; and an occasional drive through New England; he had never participated in a vacation and had never left the country。
  〃You can get an additional week; unpaid。〃
  Mitch nodded as though this was acceptable。 They left Milligan's office and continued the tour。 The hallway ran in a long rectangle with the attorneys' offices to the outside; all with windows; sunlight; views。 Those with views of the river were more prestigious; Lamar explained; and usually occupied by partners。 There were waiting lists。
  The conference rooms; libraries and secretarial desks were on the inside of the hallway; away from the windows and distractions。
  The associates' offices were smaller…fifteen by fifteen… but richly decorated and much more imposing than any associates' offices he had seen in New York or Chicago。  spent a small fortune on design consultants; Lamar said。 Money; it seemed; grew on trees。 The younger lawyers were friendly and talkative and seemed to wele the interruption。 Most gave brief testimonials to the greatness of  and of Memphis。 The old town kind of grows op you; they kept telling him; but it takes time。 They; too; had been recruited by the big boys in Washington and on Wall Street; and they had no regrets。
  The partners were busier; but just as nice。 He had been carefully selected; he was told again and again; and he would fit in。 It was his kind of firm。 They promised to talk more during lunch。
  An hour earlier; Kay Quin had left the kids with the baby nurse and the maid and met Abby for brunch at the Peabody。 She was a small…town girl; much like Abby。 She had married Lamar after college and lived in Nashville for three years while he studied law at Vanderbilt。 Lamar made so much money she quit work and had two babies in fourteen months。 Now that she had retired and finished her childbearing; she spent most of her time with the garden club and the heart fund and the country club and the PTA and the church。 Despite the money and the affluence; she was modest and unpretentious; and apparently determined to stay that way regardless of her husband's success。 Abby found a friend。
  After croissants and eggs Benedict; they sat in the lobby of the hotel; drinking coffee and watching the ducks swim in circles around the fountain。 Kay had suggested a quick tour of Memphis with a late lunch near her home。 Maybe some shopping。
  〃Have they mentioned the low…interest loan?〃 she asked。
  〃Yes; at the first interview。〃
  〃They'll want you to buy a house when you move here。 Most people can't afford a house when they leave law school; so  loans you the money at a lower rate and holds the mortgage。〃
  〃How low?〃
  〃I don't know。 It's been seven years since we moved here; and we've bought another house since then。 It'll be a bargain; believe me。  will see to it that you own a home。 It's sort of an unwritten rule。〃
  〃Why is it so important?〃
  〃Several reasons。 First of all; they want you down here。 This firm is very selective; and they usually get who they want。 But Memphis is not exactly in the spotlight; so they have to offer more。 Also;  is very demanding; especially on the associates。 There's pressure; overwork; eighty…hour weeks and time away from home。 It won't be easy on either of you; and  knows it。 The theory is that a strong marriage means a happy lawyer; and a happy lawyer is a productive lawyer; so the bottom line is profits。 Always profits。
  〃And there's another reason。 These guys…all guys; no women…take a lot of pride in their wealth; and everyone is expected to look and act affluent。 It would be an insult to  if an associate was forced to live in an apartment。 They want you in a house; and after five years; in a bigger house。 If we have some time this afternoon; I'll show you some of the partners' homes。 When you see them; you won't mind the eighty…hour weeks。〃
  〃I'm used to them now。〃
  〃That's good; but law school doesn't pare with this。 Sometimes they'll work a hundred hours a week during tax season。〃
  Abby smiled and shook her head as if this impressed her a great deal。 〃Do you work?〃
  〃No。 Most of us don't work。 The money is there; so we're not forced to; and we get little help with the kids from our husbands。 Of course; working is not forbidden。〃
  〃Forbidden by whom?〃
  〃I would hope not。〃 Abby repeated the word 〃forbidden〃 to herself; but let it pass。
  Kay sipped her coffee and watched the ducks。 A small boy wandered away from his mother and stood near the fountain。 〃Do you plan to start a family?〃 Kay asked。
  〃Maybe in a couple of years。〃
  〃Babies are encouraged。〃
  〃By whom?〃
  〃Why should  care if we have children?〃
  〃Again; stable families。 A new baby is a big deal around the office。 They send flowers and gifts to the hospital。 You're treated like a queen。 Your husband gets a week off; but he'll be too busy to take it。 They put a thousand dollars in a trust fund for col
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