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rth scattered leaves in all directions。 He shivered and flipped the collar of his coat around his ears。
  A solitary pilgrim sat rigidly in a wheelchair and stared at the Wall。 He was covered with a heavy quilt。 Under his oversized camouflage beret; a pair of aviator's sunglasses covered his eyes。 He sat near the end of the wall; near the names of those killed in 1972。 Mitch followed the years down the sidewalk until he stopped near the wheelchair。 He searched the names; suddenly oblivious of the man。
  He breathed deeply and was aware of a numbness in his legs and stomach。 He looked slowly downward; and then; near the bottom; there it was。 Engraved neatly; 。matter…of…factly; just like all the others; was the name Rusty McDeere。
  A basket of frozen and wilted flowers sat on its side next to the monument; inches under his name。 Mitch gently laid them to one side and knelt before the Wall。 He touched the engraved letters of Rusty's name。 Rusty McDeere。 Age eighteen; forever。 Seven weeks in Vietnam when he stepped on a land mine。 Death was instantaneous; they said。 They always said that; according to Ray。 Mitch wiped a small tear and stood staring at the length of the Wall。 He thought of the fifty…eight thousand families who had been told that death was instantaneous and no one suffered over there。
  〃Mitch; they're waiting。〃
  He turned and looked at the man in the wheelchair; the only human in sight。 The aviator's glasses stared at the Wall and did not look up。 Mitch glanced around in all directions。
  〃Relax; Mitch。 We've got the place sealed off。 They're not watching。〃
  〃And who are you?〃 Mitch asked。
  〃Just one of the gang。 You need to trust us; Mitch。 The Director has important words; words that could save your life。〃
  〃Where is he?〃
  The man in the wheelchair turned his head and looked down the sidewalk。 〃Start walking that way。 They'll find you。〃
  Mitch stared for a moment longer at his brother's name and walked behind the wheelchair。 He walked past the statue of the three soldiers。 He walked slowly; waiting; with hands deep in his pockets。 Fifty yards past the monument; Wayne Tarrance stepped from behind a tree and walked beside him。 〃Keep walking;〃 he said。
  〃Why am I not surprised to see you here?〃 Mitch said。
  〃Just keep walking。 We know of at least two goons from Memphis who were flown in ahead of you。 They're at the same hotel; next door to you。 They did not follow you here。 I think we lost them。〃
  〃What the hell's going on; Tarrance?〃
  〃You're about to find out。 Keep walking。 But relax; no one is watching you; except for about twenty of our agents。〃
  〃Yeah。 We've got this place sealed off。 We want to make sure those bastards from Memphis don't show up here。 I don't expect them。〃
  〃Who are they?〃
  〃The Director will explain。〃
  〃Why is the Director involved?〃
  〃You ask a lot of questions; Mitch。〃
  〃And you don't have enough answers。〃
  Tarrance pointed to the right。 They left the sidewalk and headed for a heavy concrete bench near a footbridge leading to a small forest。 The water on the pond below was frozen white。
  〃Have a seat;〃 Tarrance instructed。 They sat down。 Two men walked across the footbridge。 Mitch immediately recognized the shorter one as Voyles。 F。 Denton Voyles; Director of the FBI under three Presidents。 A tough…talking; heavy…handed crime buster with a reputation for ruthless…ness。
  Mitch stood out of respect when they stopped at the bench。 Voyles stuck out a cold hand and stared at Mitch with the same large; round face that was famous around the world。 They shook hands and exchanged names。 Voyles pointed to the bench。 Tarrance and the other agent walked to the footbridge and studied the horizon。 Mitch glanced across the pond and saw two men; undoubtedly agents with their identical black trench coats and close haircuts; standing against a tree a hundred yards away。
  Voyles sat close to Mitch; their legs touching。 A brown fedora rested to one side of his large; bald head。 He was at least seventy; but the dark green eyes danced with intensity and missed nothing。 Both men sat still on the cold bench with their hands stuck deep in their overcoats。
  〃I appreciate you ing;〃 Voyles started。
  〃I didn't feel as though I had a choice。 You folks have been relentless。〃
  〃Yes。 It's very important to us。〃
  Mitch breathed deeply。 〃Do you have any idea how confused and scared I am。 I'm totally bewildered。 I would like an explanation; sir。〃
  〃Mr。 McDeere; can I call you Mitch?〃
  〃Sure。 Why not。〃
  〃Fine。 Mitch; I am a man of very few words。 And what I'm about to tell you will certainly shock you。 You will be horrified。 You may not believe me。 But I assure you it's all true; and with your help we can save your life。〃
  Mitch braced himself and waited。
  〃Mitch; no lawyer has ever left your law firm alive。 Three have tried; and they were killed。 Two were about to leave; and they died last summer。 Once a lawyer joins Bendini; Lambert & Locke; he never leaves; unless he retires and keeps his mouth shut。 And by the time they retire; they are a part of the conspiracy and cannot talk。  has an extensive surveillance operation on the fifth floor。 Your house and car are bugged。 Your phones are tapped。 Your desk and office are wired。 Virtually every word you utter is heard and recorded on the fifth floor。 They follow you; and sometimes your wife。 They are here in Washington as we speak。 You see; Mitch;  is more than a firm。 It is a division of a very large business; a very profitable business。 A very illegal business。  is not owned by the partners。〃
  Mitch turned and watched him closely。 The Director looked at the frozen pond as he spoke。
  〃You see; Mitch; the law firm of Bendini; Lambert & Locke is owned by the Morolto crime family in Chicago。 The Mafia。 The Mob。 They call the shots from up there。 And that's why we're here。〃 He touched Mitch firmly on the knee and stared at him from six inches away。 〃It's Mafia; Mitch; and illegal as hell。〃
  〃I don't believe it;〃 he said; frozen with fear。 His voice was weak and shrill。
  The Director smiled。 〃Yes you do; Mitch。 Yes you do。 You've been suspicious for some time now。 That's why you talked to Abanks in the Caymans。 That's why you hired that sleazy investigator and got him killed by those boys on the fifth floor。 You know  stinks; Mitch。〃
  Mitch leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees。 He stared at the ground between his shoes。 〃I don't believe it;〃 he mumbled weakly。
  〃As far as we can tell; about twenty…five percent of their clients; or I should say your clients; are legitimate。 There are some very good lawyers in that firm; and they do tax and securities work for rich clients。 It's a very good front。 Most of the files you've worked on so far have been legit。 That's how they operate。 They bring in a new rookie; throw money at him; buy the BMW; the house; all that jazz; wine and dine and go to the Caymans; and they work his ass off〃 with what is really legitimate legal stuff。 Real clients。 Real lawyer stuff。 That goes on for a few years; and the rookie doesn't suspect a thing; right? It's a great firm; great bunc
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