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  〃Another limo?〃 Mitch asked。
  〃Yeah。 They wouldn't do this for you on Wall Street。〃
  They shook hands; and Avery climbed back on the plane。 The refueling took thirty minutes; and when the Lear took off and turned south; he was asleep again。
  Three hours later; it landed in Georgetown; Grand Cayman。 It taxied past the terminal to a very small hangar where it would spend the night。 A security guard waited on Avery and his luggage and escorted him to the terminal and through customs。 The pilot and copilot ran through the post flight ritual。 They too were escorted through the terminal。
  After midnight; the lights in the hangar were extinguished and the half dozen planes sat in the darkness。 A side door opened; and three men; one of them Avery; entered and walked quickly to the Lear 55。 Avery opened the baggage partment; and the three hurriedly unloaded twenty…five heavy cardboard boxes。 In the muggy tropical heat; the hangar was like an oven。 They sweated profusely but said nothing until all boxes were out of the plane。
  〃There should be twenty…five。 Count them;〃 Avery said to a muscle…bound native with a tank top and a pistol on his hip。 The other man held a clipboard and watched intently as if he was a receiving clerk in a warehouse。 The native counted quickly; sweat dripping onto the boxes。
  〃Yes。 Twenty…five。〃
  〃How much?〃 asked the man with the clipboard。
  〃Six and a half million。〃
  〃All cash?〃
  〃All cash。 U。S。 dollars。 Hundreds and twenties。 Let's get it loaded。〃
  〃Where's it going?〃
  〃Quebecbanq。 They're waiting for us。〃
  They each grabbed a box and walked through the dark to the side door; where a rade was waiting with an Uzi。
  The boxes were loaded into a dilapidated van with CAYMAN PRODUCE stenciled badly on the side。 The armed natives sat with guns drawn as the receiving clerk drove away from the hangar in the direction of downtown Georgetown。
  Registration began at eight outside the Century Room on the mezzanine。 Mitch arrived early; signed in; picked up the heavy notebook of materials with his name printed neatly on the cover and went inside。 He took a seat near the center of the large room。 Registration was limited to two hundred; the brochure said。 A porter served coffee; and Mitch spread the Washington Post before him。 The news was dominated by a dozen stories of the beloved Redskins; who were in the Super Bowl again。
  The room filled slowly as tax lawyers from around the country gathered to hear the latest developments in tax laws that changed daily。 A few minutes before nine; a clean…cut; boyish attorney sat to Mitch's left and said nothing。 Mitch glanced at him and returned to the paper。 When the room was packed; the moderator weled everyone and introduced the first speaker。 Congressman something or other from Oregon; chairman of a House Ways and Means submittee。 As he took the podium for what was supposed to be a one…hour presentation; the attorney to Mitch's left leaned over and offered his hand。
  〃Hi; Mitch;〃 he whispered。 〃I'm Grant Harbison; FBI。〃 He handed Mitch a card。
  The congressman started with a joke that Mitch did not hear。 He studied the card; holding it near his chest。 There were five people seated within three feet of him。 He didn't know anyone in the room; but it would be embarrassing if anyone knew he was holding an FBI card。 After five minutes; Mitch shot a blank stare at Harbison。
  Harbison whispered; 〃I need to see you for a few minutes。〃
  〃What if I'm busy?〃 Mitch asked。
  The agent slid a plain white envelope from his seminar notebook and handed it to Mitch。 He opened it near his chest。 It was handwritten。 Across the top; in small but imposing letters; the words read simply: 〃Office of the Director …FBI。〃
  The note read:
  Dear Mr。 McDeere:
  I would like to speak with you for a few moments during lunch。 Please follow the instructions of Agent Harbison。 It won't take long。 We appreciate your cooperation。
  Mitch folded the letter in the envelope and slowly placed it in his notebook。 We appreciate your cooperation。 From the Director of the FBI。 He realized the importance at this moment of maintaining his posure; of keeping a straight; calm face as if it was simply routine。 But he rubbed his temples with both hands and stared at the floor in front of him。 He closed his eyes and felt dizzy。 The FBI。 Sitting next to him! Waiting on him。 The Director and hell knows who else。 Tarrance would be close at hand。
  Suddenly; the room exploded in laughter at the congressman's punch line。 Harbison leaned quickly toward Mitch and whispered; 〃Meet me in the men's room around the corner in ten minutes。〃 The agent left his notebooks on the table and exited amid the laughter。
  Mitch flipped to the first section of the notebook and pretended to study the materials。 The congressman was detailing his courageous battle to protect tax shelters for the wealthy while at the same time easing the burden on the working class。 Under his fearless guidance; the submittee had refused to report legislation limiting deductions for oil and gas exploration。 He was a one…man army on the Hill。
  Mitch waited fifteen minutes; then another five; then began coughing。 He needed water; and with hand over mouth he slid between the chairs to the back of the room and out the rear door。 Harbison was in the men's room washing his hands for the tenth time。
  Mitch walked to the basin next to him and turned on the cold water。 〃What are you boys up to?〃 Mitch asked。
  Harbison looked at Mitch in the mirror。 〃I'm just following orders。 Director Voyles wants to personally meet you; and I was sent to get you。〃
  〃And what might he want?〃
  〃I wouldn't want to steal his thunder; but I'm sure it's rather important。〃
  Mitch cautiously glanced around the rest room。 It was empty。 〃And what if I'm too busy to meet with him?〃
  Harbison turned oflf the water and shook his hands into the basin。 〃The meeting is inevitable; Mitch。 Let's not play games。 When your little seminar breaks for lunch; you'll find a cab; number 8667; outside to the left of the main entrance。 It will take you to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial; and we'll be there。 You must be careful。 Two of them followed you here from Memphis。〃
  〃Two of whom?〃
  〃The boys from Memphis。 Just do as we say and they'll never know。〃
  The moderator thanked the second speaker; a tax professor from New York University; and dismissed them for lunch。
  Mitch said nothing to the taxi driver。 He sped away like a maniac; and they were soon lost in traffic。 Fifteen minutes later; they parked near the Memorial。
  〃Don't get out yet;〃 the driver said with authority。 Mitch did not move。 For ten minutes; he did not move or speak。 Finally; a white Ford Escort pulled alongside the cab and honked。 It then drove away。
  The driver stared ahead and said; 〃Okay。 Go to the Wall。 They'll find you after about five minutes。〃
  Mitch stepped to the sidewalk; and the cab left。 He stuck his hands deep in the pockets of his wool overcoat and walked slowly to the Memorial。 Bitter wind gusts from the north scattered leaves in all direc
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