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fore and checked them into the Peabody…〃the South's Grand Hotel。〃
  〃Good morning; Mitch! How was your night?〃 They shook hands like lost friends。
  〃Very nice。 It's a great hotel。〃
  〃We knew you'd like it。 Everybody likes the Peabody。〃
  They stepped into the front foyer; where a small billboard greeted Mr。 Mitchell Y。 McDeere; the guest of the day。 A well…dressed but unattractive receptionist smiled warmly and said her name was Sylvia and if he needed anything while he was in Memphis just let her know。 He thanked her。 Lamar led him to a long hallway where he began the guided tour。 He explained the layout of the building and introduced Mitch to various secretaries and paralegals as they walked。 In the main library on the second floor a crowd of lawyers circled the mammoth conference table and consumed pastries and coffee。 They became silent when the guest entered。
  Oliver Lambert greeted Mitch and introduced him to the gang。 There were about twenty in all; most of the associates in ; and most barely older than the guest。 The partners were too busy; Lamar had explained; and would meet him later at a private lunch。 He stood at the end of the table as Mr。 Lambert called for quiet。
  〃Gentlemen; this is Mitchell McDeere。 You've all heard about him; and here he is。 He is our number one choice this year; our number one draft pick; so to; speak。 He is being romanced by the big boys in New York and Chicago and who knows where else; so we have to sell him on our little firm here in Memphis。〃 They smiled and nodded their approval。 The guest was embarrassed。
  〃He will finish at Harvard in two months and will graduate with honors。 He's an associate editor of the Harvard Law Review。〃 This made an impression; Mitch could tell。 〃He did his undergraduate work at Western Kentucky; where he graduated summa cum laude。〃 This was not quite as impressive。 〃He also played football for four years; starting as quarterback his junior year。〃 Now they were really impressed。 A few appeared to be in awe; as if staring at Joe Namath。
  The senior partner continued his monologue while Mitch stood awkwardly beside him。 He droned on about how selective they had always been and how well Mitch would fit in。 Mitch stuffed his hands in his pockets and quit listening。 He studied the group。 They were young; successful and affluent。 The dress code appeared to be strict; but no different than New York or Chicago。 Dark gray or navy wool suits; white or blue cotton button…downs; medium starch; and silk ties。 Nothing bold or nonconforming。 Maybe a couple of bow ties; but nothing more daring。 Neatness was mandatory。 No beards; mustaches or hair over the ears。 There were a couple of wimps; but good looks dominated。
  Mr。 Lambert was winding down。 〃Lamar will give Mitch a tour of our offices; so you'll have a chance to chat with him later。 Let's make him wele。 Tonight he and his lovely; and I do mean lovely; wife; Abby; will eat ribs at the Rendezvous; and of course tomorrow night is  dinner at my place。 I'll ask you to be on your best behavior。〃 He smiled and looked at the guest。 〃Mitch; if you get tired of Lamar; let me know and we'll get someone more qualified。〃
  He shook hands with each one of them again as they left; and tried to remember as many names as possible。
  〃Let's start the tour;〃 Lamar said when the room cleared。 〃This; of course; is a library; and we have identical ones on each of the first four floors。 We also use them for large meetings。 The books vary from floor to floor; so you never know where your research will lead you。 We have two full…time librarians; and we use microfilm and microfiche extensively。 As a rule; we don't do any research outside the building。 There are over a hundred thousand volumes; including every conceivable tax reporting service。 That's more than some law schools。 If you need a book we don't have; just tell a librarian。〃
  They walked past the lengthy conference table and between dozens of rows of books。 〃A hundred thousand volumes;〃 Mitch mumbled。
  〃Yeah; we spend almost half a million a year on upkeep; supplements and new books。 The partners are always griping about it; but they wouldn't think of cutting back。 It's one of the largest private law libraries in the country; and we're proud of it。〃
  〃It's pretty impressive。〃
  〃We try to make research as painless as possible。 You know what a bore it is and how much time can be wasted looking for the right materials。 You'll spend a lot of time here the first two years; so we try to make it pleasant。〃
  Behind a cluttered workbench in a rear corner; one of the librarians introduced himself and gave a brief tour of the puter room; where a dozen terminals stood ready to assist with the latest puterized research。 He offered to demonstrate the latest; truly incredible software; but Lamar said they might stop by later。
  〃He's a nice guy;〃 Lamar said as they left the library。 〃We pay him forty thousand a year just to keep up with the books。 It's amazing。〃
  Truly amazing; thought Mitch。
  The second floor was virtually identical to the first; third and fourth。 The center of each floor was filled with secretaries; their desks; file cabinets; copiers and the other necessary machines。 On one side of the open area was the library; and on the other was a configuration of smaller conference rooms and offices。
  〃You won't see any pretty secretaries;〃 Lamar said softly as they watched them work。 〃It seems to be an unwritten firm rule。 Oliver Lambert goes out of his way to hire the oldest and homeliest ones he can find。 Of course; some have been here for twenty years and have forgotten more law than we learned in law school。〃
  〃They seem kind of plump;〃 Mitch observed; almost to himself。
  〃Yeah; it's part of the overall strategy to encourage us to keep our hands in our pockets。 Philandering is strictly forbidden; and to my knowledge has never happened。〃
  〃And if it does?〃
  〃Who knows。 The secretary would be fired; of course。 And I suppose the lawyer would be severely punished。 It might cost a partnership。 No one wants to find out; especially with this bunch of cows。〃
  〃They dress nice。〃
  〃Don't get me wrong。 We hire only the best legal secretaries and we pay more than any other firm in town。 You're looking at the best; not necessarily the prettiest。 We require experience and maturity。 Lambert won't hire anyone under thirty。〃
  〃One per lawyer?〃
  〃Yes; until you're a partner。 Then you'll get another; and by then you'll need one。 Nathan Locke has three; all with twenty years' experience; and he keeps them jumping。〃
  〃Where's his office?〃
  〃Fourth floor。 It's off…limits。〃
  Mitch started to ask; but didn't。
  The corner offices were twenty…five by twenty…five; Lamar explained; and occupied by the most senior partners。 Power offices; he called them; with great expectation。 They were decorated to each individual's taste with no expense spared and vacated only at retirement or death; then fought over by the younger partners。
  Lamar flipped a switch in one and they stepped inside; closing the door behind them。 〃Nice view; huh;〃 he said as Mitch walked to the windows and looked ^t the river mov
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