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 his friends in  allegedly said something to the effect that Mickel had told him he had bought a gun for protection。 Evidently he was having some emotional problems。〃
  〃What do you think?〃
  Lomax threw his cigarette butt in the frozen rain on the sidewalk。 He cupped his hands over his mouth and blew in them。 〃I don't know。 I can't believe a tax lawyer with no knowledge of guns could obtain one without registration or serial number。 If a guy like that wanted a gun; he would simply go to a gun shop; fill out the papers and buy a nice; shiny new piece。 This gun was at least ten years old and had been sanitized by professionals。〃
  〃Did the cops investigate?〃
  〃Not really。 It was open and shut。〃
  〃Did he sign the letter?〃
  〃Yeah; but I don't know who verified the signature。 He and his wife had been divorced for a year; and she had moved back to Baltimore。〃
  Mitch buttoned the top button of his overcoat and shook the ice from his collar。 The sleet was heavier; and the sidewalk was covered。 Tiny icicles were beginning to form under the barrel of the cannon。 The traffic slowed on Riverside as wheels began to slide and spin。
  〃So what do you think of our little firm?〃 Mitch asked as he stared at the river in the distance。
  〃It's a dangerous place to work。 They've lost five lawyers in the past fifteen years。 That's not a very good safety record。〃
  〃If you include Hodge and Kozinski。 I've got a source telling me there are some unanswered questions。〃
  〃I didn't hire you to investigate those two。〃
  〃And I'm not charging you for it。 I got curious; that's all。〃
  〃How much do I owe you?〃
  〃I'll pay cash。 No records; okay?〃
  〃Suits me。 I prefer cash。〃
  Mitch turned from the river and gazed at the tall buildings three blocks from the park。 He was cold now; but in no hurry to leave。 Lomax watched him from the corner of his eye。
  〃You've got problems; don't you; pal?〃
  〃Wouldn't you say so?〃 Mitch answered。
  〃I wouldn't work there。 I mean; I don't know all that you do; and I suspect you know a lot you're not telling。 But we're standing here in the sleet because we don't want to be seen。 We can't talk on the phone。 We can't meet in your office。 Now you don't want to meet in my office。 You think you're being followed all the time。 You tell me to be careful and watch my rear because they; whoever they are; may be following me。 You've got five lawyers in that firm who've died under very suspicious circumstances; and you act like you may be next。 Yeah; I'd say you got problems。 Big problems。〃
  〃What about Tarrance?〃
  〃One of their best agents; transferred in here about two years ago。〃
  〃From where?〃
  〃New York。〃
  The wino rolled from under the bronze horse and fell to the sidewalk。 He grunted; staggered to his feet; retrieved his cardboard box and quilt and left in the direction of downtown。 Lomax jerked around and watched anxiously。 〃It's just a tramp;〃 Mitch said。 They both relaxed。
  〃Who are we hiding from?〃 Lomax asked。
  〃I wish I knew。〃
  Lomax studied his face carefully。 〃I think you know。〃
  Mitch said nothing。
  〃Look; Mitch; you're not paying me to get involved。 I realize that。 But my instincts tell me you're in trouble; and I think you need a friend; someone to trust。 I can help; if you need me。 I don't know who the bad guys are; but I'm convinced they're very dangerous。〃
  〃Thanks;〃 Mitch said softly without looking; as if it was time for Lomax to leave and let him stand there in the sleet for a while。
  〃I would jump in that river for Ray McDeere; and I can certainly help his little brother。〃
  Mitch nodded slightly; but said nothing。 Lomax lit another cigarette and kicked the ice from his lizard…skins。 〃Just call me anytime。 And be careful。 They're out there; and they play for keeps。〃
  AT THE intersection of Madison and Cooper in midtown; the old two…story buildings had been renovated into singles bars and watering holes and gift shops and a handful of good restaurants。 The intersection was known as Overton Square; and it provided Memphis with its best nightlife。 A playhouse and a bookstore added a touch of culture。 Trees lined the narrow median on Madison。 The weekends were rowdy with college students and sailors from the Navy base; but on weeknights the restaurants were full but quiet and uncrowded。 Paulette's; a quaint French place in a white stucco building; was noted for its wine list and desserts and the gentle voice of the man at the Steinway。 With sudden affluence came a collection of credit cards; and the McDeeres had used theirs in a quest for the best restaurants in town。 Paulette's was the favorite; so far。
  Mitch sat in the corner of the bar; drinking coffee and watching the front door。 He was early; and had planned it that way。 He had called her three hours earlier and asked if he could have a date for seven。 She asked why; and he said he would explain later。 Since the Caymans he had known someone was following; watching; listening。 For the past month he had spoken carefully on the phone; had caught himself watching the rearview mirror; had even chosen his words around the house。 Someone was watching and listening; he was sure。
  Abby rushed in from the cold and glanced around the parlor for her husband。 He met her in the front of the bar and pecked her on the cheek。 She removed her coat; and they followed the maitre d' to a small table in a row of small tables which were all full with people within earshot。 Mitch glanced around for another table; but there were none。 He thanked him and sat across from his wife。
  〃What's the occasion?〃 she asked suspiciously。
  〃Do I need a reason to have dinner with my wife?〃
  〃Yes。 It's seven o'clock on Monday night; and you're not at the office。 This is indeed a special occasion。〃
  A waiter squeezed between their table and the next; and asked if they wanted a drink。 Two white wines; please。 Mitch glanced around the dining room again and caught a glimpse of a gentleman sitting alone five tables away。 The face looked familiar。 When Mitch looked again; the face slid behind a menu。
  〃What's the matter; Mitch?〃
  He laid his hand on hers and frowned。 〃Abby; we gotta talk。〃
  Her hand flinched slightly and she stopped smiling。 〃About what?〃
  He lowered his voice。 〃About something very serious。〃
  She exhaled deeply and said; 〃Can we wait for the wine。 I might need it。〃
  Mitch looked again at the face behind the menu。 〃We can't talk here。〃
  〃Then why are we here?〃
  〃Look; Abby; you know where the rest rooms are? Down the hall over there; to your right?〃
  〃Yes; I know。〃
  〃There's a rear entrance at the end of the hall。 It goes out to the side street behind the restaurant。 1 want you to go to the rest room; then out the door。 I'll be waiting next to the street。〃
  She said nothing。 Her eyebrows lowered and the eyes narrowed。 Her head leaned slightly to the right。
  〃Trust me; Abby。 I can explain later。 I'll meet you outside and we'll find another place to eat。 I can't talk in here。〃
  〃You're scaring me。〃
  〃Please;〃 he said firmly; squeezing her hand。 〃Everything 
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