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  〃Lazarov wouldn't order a hit on an agent。〃
  〃Oh; it would be a foolish move; but then Lazarov is a fool。 He's very anxious about the situation down here。 He calls a lot and asks all sorts of questions。 I give him all sorts of answers。 Sometimes he listens; sometimes he cusses。 Sometimes he says he's gotta talk to the board。 But if he tells me to take out Tarrance; then we'll take out Tarrance。〃
  〃This makes me sick at my stomach;〃 Lambert said。
  〃You wanna get sick; Ollie。 You let one of your little Gucci…loafered counselors get chummy with Tarrance and start talking; you'll get a helluva lot worse than sick。 Now; I suggest you boys keep McDeere so busy he won't have time to think about Tarrance。〃
  〃My God; DeVasher; he works twenty hours a day。 He started like fire and he hasn't slowed down。〃
  〃Just watch him close。 Tell Lamar Quin to get real tight with him so if he's got something on his mind; maybe he'll unload。〃
  〃Good idea;〃 said Locke。 He looked at Ollie。 〃Let's have a long talk with Quin。 He's closest to McDeere; and maybe he can get closer。〃
  〃Look; boys;〃 DeVasher said; 〃McDeere is scared right now。 He won't make a move。 If Tarrance contacts him again; he'll do what he did today。 He'll run straight to Lamar Quin。 He showed us who he confides in。〃
  〃Did he tell his wife last night?〃 asked Locke。
  〃We're checking the tapes now。 It'll take about an hour。 We've got so damned many bugs in this city it takes six puters to find anything。〃
  Mitch stared through the window in Lamar's office and selected his words carefully。 He said little。 Suppose Tarrance was correct。 Suppose everything was being recorded。
  〃Do you feel better?〃 Lamar asked。
  〃Yeah; I guess。 It makes sense。〃
  〃It's happened before; just like Locke said。〃
  〃Who? Who was approached before?〃
  〃I don't remember。 Seems like it was three or four years ago。〃
  〃But you don't remember who it was?〃
  〃No。 Why is that important?〃
  〃I'd just like to know。 I don't understand why they would pick me; the new man; the one lawyer out of forty who knows the least about this firm and its clients。 Why would they pick me?〃
  〃I don't know; Mitch。 Look; why don't you do as Locke suggested? Try to forget about it and run from this guy Tarrance。 You don't have to talk to him unless he's got a warrant。 Tell him to get lost if he shows up again。 He's dangerous。〃
  〃Yeah; I guess you're right。〃 Mitch forced a smile and headed for the door。 〃We're still on for dinner tomorrow night?〃
  〃Sure。 Kay wants to grill steaks and eat by the pool。 Make it late; say around seven…thirty。〃
  〃See you then。〃
  THE guard called his name; frisked him and led him to a large room where a row of small booths was occupied with visitors talking and whispering through thick metal screens。
  〃Number fourteen;〃 the guard said; and pointed。 Mitch walked to his booth and sat down。 A minute later Ray appeared and sat between his dividers on the other side of the screen。 Were it not for a scar on Ray's forehead and a few wrinkles around the eyes; they could pass for twins。 Both were six…two; weighed about one…eighty; with light brown hair; small blue eyes; high cheekbones and large chins。 They had always been told there was Indian blood in the family; but the dark skin had been lost through years in the coal mines。
  Mitch had not been to Brushy Mountain in three years。 Three years and three months。 They'd exchanged letters twice a month; every month; for eight years now。
  〃How's your French?〃 Mitch finally asked。 Ray's Army test scores had revealed an amazing aptitude for languages。 He had served two years as a Vietnamese interpreter。 He had mastered German in six months while stationed there。 Spanish had taken four years; but he was forced to learn it from a dictionary in the prison library。 French was his latest project。
  〃I'm fluent; I guess;〃 Ray answered。 〃It's kinda hard to tell in here。 I don't get much practice。 Evidently they don't teach French in the projects; so most of these brothers here are unilingual。 It's undoubtedly the most beautiful language。〃
  〃Is it easy?〃
  〃Not as easy as German。 Of course; it was easier to learn German since I was living there and everybody spoke it。 Did you know that fifty percent of our language conies from German through Old English?〃
  〃No; I didn't know that。〃
  〃It's true。 English and German are first cousins。〃
  〃What's next?〃
  〃Probably Italian。 It's a Romance language like French and Spanish and Portuguese。 Maybe Russian。 Maybe Greek。 I've been reading about the Greek isles。 I plan to go there soon。〃
  Mitch smiled。 He was at least seven years away from parole。
  〃You think I'm kidding; don't you?〃 Ray asked。 〃I'm checking out of here; Mitchell; and it won't be long。〃
  〃What are your plans?〃
  〃I can't talk。 But I'm working on it。〃
  〃Don't do it; Ray。〃
  〃I'll need some help on the outside; and enough money to get me out of the country。 A thousand should do it。 You can handle that; can't you? You won't be implicated。〃
  〃Aren't they listening to us?〃
  〃Let's talk about something else。〃
  〃Sure。 How's Abby?〃
  〃She's fine。〃
  〃Where is she?〃
  〃Right now she's in church。 She wanted to e; but I told her she wouldn't get to see you。〃
  〃I'd like to see her。 Your letters sound like y'all are doing real well。 New house; cars; country club。 I'm very proud of you。 You're the first McDeere in two generations to amount to a damned thing。〃
  〃Our parents were good people; Ray。 They had no opportunities and a lot of bad luck。 They did the best they could。〃
  Ray smiled and looked away。 〃Yeah; I guess so。 Have you talked to Mom?〃
  〃It's been a while。〃
  〃Is she still in Florida?〃
  〃I think so。〃
  They paused and studied their fingers。 They thought of their mother。 Painful thoughts for the most part。 There had been happier times; when they were small and their father was alive。 She never recovered from his death; and after Rusty was killed the aunts and uncles put her in an institution。
  Ray took his finger and followed the small metal rods in the screen。 He watched his finger。 〃Let's talk about something else。〃
  Mitch nodded in agreement。 There was so much to talk about; but it was all in the past。 They had nothing in mon but the past; and it was best to leave it alone。
  〃You mentioned in a letter that one of your excellmates is a private investigator in Memphis。〃
  〃Eddie Lomax。 He was a Memphis cop for nine years; until he got sent up for rape。〃
  〃Yeah。 He had a tough time here。 Rapists are not well regarded around this place。 Cops are hated。 They almost killed him until I stepped in。 He's been out about three years now。 He writes me all the time。 Does mainly divorce investigations。〃
  〃Is he in the phone book?〃
  〃969…3838。 Why do you need him?〃
  〃I've got a lawyer buddy whose wife is fooling around; but he can't catch her。 Is this guy good?〃
  〃Very good; so he says。 He's made some money。〃
  〃Can I trust him?〃
  〃Are you kidding。 Tell him you're my brother and 〃he'll kill for you。 He's gonna help me get out of 
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