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  〃How many lawyers are in ?〃
  〃My goodness;〃 said Mrs。 Sutherland。 She lit up one of hers。 〃There's not that many in Dane County。〃
  〃Where's your office?〃 he asked。
  〃Can we see it?〃 she asked。
  〃Maybe some other time。 It's closed to visitors on Saturdays。〃 Mitch amused himself with his answer。 Closed to visitors; as if it was a museum。
  Abby sensed disaster and began talking about the church they had joined。 It had four thousand members; a gymnasium and bowling alley。 She sang in the choir and taught eight…year…olds in Sunday school。 Mitch went when he was not working; but he'd been working most Sundays。
  〃I'm happy to see you've found a church home; Abby;〃 her father said piously。 For years he had led the prayer each Sunday at the First Methodist Church in Danesboro; and the other six days he had tirelessly practiced greed and manipulation。 He had also steadily but discreetly pursued whiskey and women。
  An awkward silence followed as the conversation came to a halt。 He lit another one。 Keep smoking; old boy; Mitch thought。 Keep smoking。
  〃Let's have dessert on the patio;〃 Abby said。 She began clearing the table。
  They bragged about his gardening skills; and he accepted the credit。 The same kid down the street had pruned the trees; pulled the weeds; trimmed the hedges and edged the patio。 Mitch was proficient only in pulling weeds and scooping dog crap。 He could also operate the lawn sprinkler; but usually let Mr。 Rice do it。
  Abby served strawberry shortcake and coffee。 She looked helplessly at her husband; but he was nonmittal。
  〃This is a real nice place you've got here;〃 her father said for the third time as he surveyed the backyard。 Mitch could see his mind working。 He had taken the measure of the house and neighborhood; and the curiosity was being unbearable。 How much did the place cost; dammit? That's what he wanted to know。 How much down? How much a month? Everything。 He would keep pecking away until he could work in the questions somewhere。
  〃This is a lovely place;〃 her mother said for the tenth time。
  〃When was it built?〃 her father asked。
  Mitch laid his plate on the table and cleared his throat。 He could sense it ing。 〃It's about fifteen years old;〃 he answered。
  〃How many square feet?〃
  〃About three thousand;〃 Abby answered nervously。 Mitch glared at her。 His posure was vanishing。
  〃It's a lovely neighborhood;〃 her mother added helpfully。
  〃New loan; or did you assume one?〃 her father asked; as if he were interviewing a loan applicant with weak collateral。
  〃It's a new loan;〃 Mitch said; then waited。 Abby waited and prayed。
  He didn't wait; couldn't wait。 〃What'd you pay for it?〃
  Mitch breathed deeply and was about to say; 〃Too much。〃 Abby was quicker。 〃We didn't pay too much; Daddy;〃 she said firmly with a frown。 〃We're quite capable of handling our money。〃
  Mitch managed a smile while biting his tongue。
  Mrs。 Sutherland was on her feet。 〃Let's go for a drive; shall we? I Want to see the river and that new pyramid they've built beside it。 Shall we? e on; Harold。〃
  Harold wanted more information about the house; but his wife was now tugging on his arm。
  〃Great idea;〃 Abby said。
  They loaded into the shiny new BMW and went to see the river。 Abby asked them not to smoke in the new car。 Mitch drove in silence and tried to be nice。
  NINA entered the office in a rush with a stack of paper work and laid it before her boss。 〃I need signatures;〃 she demanded; and handed him his pen。
  〃What is all this?〃 Mitch asked as he dutifully scribbled his name。
  〃Don't ask。 Just trust me。〃
  〃I found a misspelled word in the Landmark Partners agreement。〃
  〃It's the puter。〃
  〃Okay。 Get the puter fixed。〃
  〃How late are you working tonight?〃
  Mitch scanned the documents and signed off on each。 〃I don't know。 Why?〃
  〃You look tired。 Why don't you go home early; say around ten or ten…thirty; and get some rest。 Your eyes are beginning to look like Nathan Locke's。〃
  〃Very funny。〃
  〃Your wife called。〃
  〃I'll call her in a minute。〃
  When he finished she restacked the letters and documents。 〃It's five o'clock。 I'm leaving。 Oliver Lambert is waiting on you in the first…floor library。〃
  〃Oliver Lambert! Waiting on me?〃
  〃That's what I said。 He called not more than five minutes ago。 Said it was very important。〃
  Mitch straightened his tie and ran down the hall; down the stairs; and walked casually into the library。 Lambert; Avery and what appeared to be most of the partners sat around the conference table。 All of the associates were present; standing behind the partners。 The seat at the head of the table was empty; and waiting。 The room was quiet; almost solemn。 There were no smiles。 Lamar was close by and refused to look at him。 Avery was sheepish; sort of embarrassed。 Wally Hudson twirled the end of his bow tie and slowly shook his head。
  〃Sit down; Mitch;〃 Mr。 Lambert said gravely。 〃We have something to discuss with you。〃 Doug Turney closed the door。
  He sat and searched for any small sign of reassurance。 None。 The partners rolled their chairs in his direction; squeezing together in the process。 The associates surrounded him and glared downward。
  〃What is it?〃 he asked meekly; looking helplessly at Avery。 Small beads of sweat surfaced above his eyebrows。 His heart pounded like a jackhammer。 His breathing was labored。
  Oliver Lambert leaned across the edge of the table and removed his reading glasses。 He frowned sincerely; as if this would be painful。 〃We've just received a call from Nashville; Mitch; and we wanted to talk with you about it。〃
  The bar exam。 The bar exam。 The bar exam。 History had been made。 An associate of the great Bendini firm had finally flunked the bar exam。 He glared at Avery; and wanted to scream; 〃It's all your fault!〃 Avery pinched his eyebrows as if a migraine had hit and avoided eye contact。 Lambert eyed the other partners suspiciously and returned to McDeere。
  〃We were afraid this would happen; Mitch。〃
  He wanted to speak; to explain that he deserved just one more chance; that the exam would be given again in six months and he would ace it; that he would not embarrass them again。 A thick pain hit below the belt。
  〃Yes; sir;〃 he said humbly; in defeat。
  Lambert moved in for the kill。 〃We aren't supposed to know these things; but the folks in Nashville told us that you made the highest score on the bar exam。 Congratulations; Counselor。〃
  The room exploded with laughter and cheers。 They gathered around and shook his hand; patted his back and laughed at him。 Avery rushed forward with a handkerchief and wiped his forehead。 Kendall Mahan slammed three bottles of champagne on the table and began popping corks。 A round was poured into plastic wineglasses。 He finally breathed and broke into a smile。 He slugged the champagne; and they poured him another glass。
  Oliver Lambert placed his arm gently around Mitch's neck and spoke。 〃Mitch; we are very proud of you。 This calls for a little bonus。 I have here a firm check in the amount of two thousand dollars; which I am presenti
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