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rd that there exists a confidential relationship between yourself; as a lawyer; and your client。 It's a privileged relationship and you can never be forced to divulge anything a client tells you。 It's strictly confidential。 It's a violation of our ethics if we discuss our client's business。 Now; this applies to every lawyer; but at this firm we take this professional relationship very seriously。 We don't discuss a client's business with anyone。 Not other lawyers。 Not spouses。 Sometimes; not even each other。 As a rule; we don't talk at home; and our wives have learned not to ask。 The less you say; the better off you are。 Mr。 Bendini was a great believer in secrecy; and he taught us well。 You will never hear a member of this firm mention even so much as a client's name outside this building。 That's how serious we are。〃
  Where's he going with this? Mitch asked himself。 Any second…year law student could give this speech。 〃I understand that; Mr。 Lambert; and you don't have to worry about me。〃
  〃 'Loose tongues lose lawsuits。' That was Mr。 Bendini's motto; and he applied it to everything。 We simply do not discuss our client's business with anyone; and that includes our wives。 We're very quiet; very secretive; and we like it that way。 You'll meet other lawyers around town and sooner or later they'll ask something about our firm; or about a client。 We don't talk; understand?〃
  〃Of course; Mr。 Lambert。〃
  〃Good。 We're very proud of you; Mitch。 You'll make a great lawyer。 And a very rich lawyer。 See you Saturday。〃
  Mrs。 Ida had a message for Mitch。 Mr。 Tolar needed him at once。 He thanked her and raced down the stairs; down the hallway; past his office; to the big one in the corner。 There were now three secretaries digging and whispering to each other while the boss yelled into the telephone。 Mitch found a safe spot in a chair by the door and watched the circus。 The women pulled files and notebooks and mumbled in strange tongues among themselves。 Occasionally Avery would snap his fingers and point here and there and they would jump like scared rabbits。
  After a few minutes he slammed the phone down; again without saying goodbye。 He glared at Mitch。
  〃Sonny Capps again。 The Chinese want seventy…five million and he's agreed to pay it。 There will be forty…one limited partners instead of twenty…five。 We have twenty days; or the deal is off。〃
  Two of the secretaries walked over to Mitch and handed him thick expandable files。
  〃Can you handle it?〃 Avery asked; almost with a sneer。 The secretaries looked at him。
  Mitch grabbed the files and headed for the door。 〃Of course I can handle it。 Is that all?〃
  〃It's enough。 I don't want you to work on anything but that file between now and Saturday; understand?〃
  〃Yes; boss。〃
  In his office he removed the bar review materials; all fifteen notebooks; and piled them in a corner。 The Capps file was arranged neatly across the desk。 He breathed deeply and began reading。 There was a knock at the door。
  〃Who is it?〃
  Nina stuck her head through。 〃I hate to tell you this; but your new furniture is here。〃
  He rubbed his temples and mumbled incoherently。
  〃Perhaps you could work in the library for a couple of hours。〃
  They repacked the Capps file and moved the fifteen notebooks into the hall; where two large black men waited with a row of bulky cardboard boxes and an oriental rug。
  Nina followed him to the second…floor library。
  〃I'm supposed to meet with Lamar Quin at two…to study for the bar exam。 Call him and cancel。 Tell him I'll explain later。〃
  〃You have a two o'clock meeting with Gill Vaughn;〃 she said。
  〃Cancel that one too。〃
  〃He's a partner。〃
  〃Cancel it。 I'll make it up later。〃
  〃It's not wise。〃
  〃Just do as I say。〃
  〃You're the boss。〃
  〃Thank you。〃
  The paperhanger was a short muscle…bound woman advanced in years but conditioned to hard work and superbly trained。 For almost forty years now; she explained to Abby; she had hung expensive paper in the finest homes in Memphis。 She talked constantly; but wasted no motion。 She cut precisely; like a surgeon; then applied glue like an artist。 While it dried; she removed her tape measure from her leather work belt and analyzed the remaining corner of the dining room。 She mumbled numbers which Abby could not decipher。 She gauged the length and height in four different places; then mitted it all to memory。 She ascended the stepladder and instructed Abby to hand her a roll of paper。 It fit perfectly。 She pressed it firmly to the wall and mented for the hundredth time on how nice the paper was; how expensive; how long it would look good and last。 She liked the color too。 It blended wonderfully with the curtains and the rug。 Abby had long since grown tired of saying thanks。 She nodded and looked at her watch。 It was time to start dinner。
  When the wall was finished; Abby announced it was quitting time and asked her to return at nine the next morning。 The lady said certainly; and began cleaning up her mess。 She was being paid twelve dollars an hour; cash; and was agreeable to almost anything。 Abby admired the room。 They would finish it tomorrow; and the wallpapering would be plete except for two bathrooms and the den。 The painting was scheduled to begin next week。 The glue from the paper and the wet lacquer from the mantel and the newness of the furniture bined for a wonderful fresh aroma。 Just like a new house。
  Abby said goodbye to the paperhanger and went to the bedroom where she undressed and lay across her bed。 She called her husband; spoke briefly to Nina and was told he was in a meeting and would be a while。 Nina said he would call。 Abby stretched her long; sore legs and rubbed her shoulders。 The ceiling fan spun slowly above her。 Mitch would be home; eventually。 He would work a hundred hours a week for a while; then cut back to eighty。 She could wait。
  She awoke an hour later and jumped from the bed。 It was almost six。 Veal piccata。 Veal piccata。 She stepped into a pair of khaki walking shorts and slipped on a white polo。 She ran to the kitchen; which was finished except for some paint and a set of curtains due in next week。 She found the recipe in a pasta cookbook and arranged the ingredients neatly on the countertop。 There had been little red meat in law school; maybe an occasional hamburger steak。 When she cooked; it had been chicken this or chicken that。 There had been a lot of sandwiches and hot dogs。
  But now; with all this sudden affluence; it was time to learn to cook。 In the first week she prepared something new every night; and they ate whenever he got home。 She planned the meals; studied the cookbooks; experimented with the sauces。 For no apparent reason; Mitch liked Italian food; and with spaghetti and pork cappellini tried and perfected; it was time for veal piccata。 She pounded the veal scallops with a mallet until they were thin enough; then laid them in flour seasoned with salt and pepper。 She put a pan of water on the burner for the linguine。 She poured a glass of Chablis and turned on the radio。 She had called the office twice since lunch; and he had not found time to return the calls。 She thought
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