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  〃The manager;〃 he answered。 The door opened; and the man who resembled the posite of Mitchell Y。 McDeere slid out。 His hair was now very short and gold…colored。 Andy stared at his hair。
  〃Good morning; Andy;〃 he said politely while glancing around the parking lot。
  〃Good morning。 I was kinda wondering if you folks were still here。〃
  Mr。 McDeere nodded and continued to look around the parking lot。
  〃I mean; according to the television this morning; you folks traveled halfway across Florida last night。〃
  〃Yeah; we're watching it。 They're playing games; aren't they; Andy?〃
  Andy kicked at a rock on the sidewalk。 〃Television said there were three positive identifications last night。 At three different places。 Kinda strange; I thought。 I was here all night; working and being on the lookout and all; and I didn't see you leave。 Before sunrise I sneaked across the highway to a coffee shop; just over there; and as usual; there were cops in there。 I sat close to them。 According to them; the search has been called off around here。 They said the FBI moved out right after the last sighting came in; around four this morning。 Most of the other cops left too。 They're gonna keep the Strip blocked until noon and call it off。 Rumor has it you've got help from the outside; and you're trying to get to the Bahamas。〃
  Mr。 McDeere listened closely as he watched the parking lot。 〃What else did they say?〃
  〃They kept talking about a U…Haul truck full of stolen goods; and how they found the truck; and it was empty; and how nobody can figure out how you loaded the stolen goods into a trailer and sneaked outta town right under their noses。 They're very impressed; all right。 Of course; I didn't say nothing; but I figured it was the same U…Haul you drove in here Thursday night。〃
  Mr。 McDeere was deep in thought and did not say anything。 He didn't appear to be nervous。 Andy studied his face carefully。
  〃You don't seem too pleased;〃 Andy said。 〃I mean; the cops are leaving and calling off the search。 That's good; ain't it?〃
  〃Andy; can I tell you something?〃
  〃It's more dangerous now than before。〃
  Andy thought about this for a long minute; then said; 〃How's that?〃
  〃The cops just wanted to arrest me; Andy。 But there are some people who want to kill me。 Professional killers; Andy。 Many of them。 And they're still here。〃
  Andy narrowed his good eye and stared at Mr。 McDeere。 Professional killers! Around here? On the Strip? Andy took a step backward。 He wanted to ask exactly who they were and why they were chasing him; but he knew he wouldn't get much of an answer。 He saw an opportunity。 〃Why don't you escape?〃
  〃Escape? How could we escape?〃
  Andy kicked another rock and nodded in the direction of a 1971 Pontiac Bonneville parked behind the office。 〃Well; you could use my car。 You could get in the trunk; all three of you; and I could drive you outta town。 You don't appear to be broke; so you could catch a plane and be gone。 Just like that。〃
  〃And how much would that cost?〃
  Andy studied his feet and scratched his ear。 The guy was probably a doper; he thought; and the boxes were probably full of cocaine and cash。 And the Colombians were probably after him。 〃That'd be pretty expensive; you know。 I mean; right now; at five thousand a day; I'm just an innocent motel clerk who's not very observant。 Not part of nothing; you understand。 But if I drive you outta here; then I bee an acplice; subject to indictment and jail and all that other crap I've been through; you know? So it'd be pretty expensive。〃
  〃How much; Andy?〃
  〃A hundred thousand。〃
  Mr。 McDeere did not flinch or react; he just kept a straight face and glanced across the beach to the ocean。 Andy knew immediately it was not out of the question。
  〃Let me think about it; Andy。 For right now; you keep your eyes open。 Now that the cops are gone; the killers will move in。 This could be a very dangerous day; Andy; and I need your help。 If you see anyone suspicious around here; call us quick。 We're not leaving these rooms; okay?〃
  Andy returned to the front desk。 Any fool would jump in the trunk and haul ass。 It was the boxes; the stolen goods。 That's why they wouldn't leave。
  The McDeeres enjoyed a light breakfast of stale pastries and warm soft drinks。 Ray was dying for a cold beer; but another trip to the convenience store was too risky。 They ate quickly and watched the early…morning news。 Occasionally a station along the coast would flash their posites on the screen。 It scared them at first; but they got used to it。
  A few minutes after 9 A。M。; Saturday; Mitch turned off the television and resumed his spot on the floor among the boxes。 He picked up a stack of documents and nodded at Abby; the camera operator。 The deposition continued。
  Lazarov waited until the maids were on duty; then scattered his troops along the Strip。 They worked in pairs; knocking on doors; peeking in windows and sliding through dark hallways。 Most of the small places had two or three maids who knew every room and every guest。 The procedure was simple; and most of the time it worked。 A goon would find a maid; hand her a hundred…dollar bill; and show her the posites。 If she resisted; he would continue giving money until she became cooperative。 If she was unable to make the ID; he would ask if she had noticed a U…Haul truck; or a room full of boxes; or two men and a woman acting suspicious or scared; or anything unusual。 If the maid was of no help; he would ask which rooms were occupied; then go knock on the doors。
  Start with the maids; Lazarov had instructed them。 Enter from the beach side。 Stay away from the front desks。 Pretend to be cops。 And if you hit pay dirt; kill them instantly and get to a phone。
  DeVasher placed four of the rented vans along the Strip near the highway。 Lamar Quin; Kendall Mahan; Wally Hudson and Jack Aldrich posed as drivers and watched every vehicle that passed。 They had arrived in the middle of the night on a private plane with ten other senior associates of Bendini; Lambert & Locke。 In the souvenir shops and cafes; the former friends and colleagues of Mitch McDeere milled about with the tourists and secretly hoped they would not see him。 The partners had been called home from airports around the country; and by midmorning they were walking the beach and inspecting pools and hotel lobbies。 Nathan Locke stayed behind with Mr。 Morolto; but the rest of the partners disguised themselves with golf caps and sunglasses and took orders from General DeVasher。 Only Avery Tolar was missing。 Since walking out of the hospital; he had not been heard from。 Including the thirty…three lawyers; Mr。 Morolto had almost a hundred men participating in his private little manhunt。
  At the Blue Tide Motel; a janitor took a hundred…dollar bill; looked at the posites and said he thought he might have seen the woman and one of the men check into two rooms early Thursday evening。 He stared at Abby's sketch and became convinced it was her。 He took some more money and went to the office to check the registration records。 He returned with the information that the woman had checked in as Jackie Nagel and paid cash
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