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 Helena sounded eminently reasonable。 〃The children can't help who they are; Paulus  they didn't ask to be born there; raised there; exposed to anything but proper teachings。 Do you think they've ever held the Orange Catholic Bible? It's not their fault。 They are what they are; and I can't hate them for it。〃
 〃Then what 〃
 She lashed out at him with such vehemence that Leto took a silent step backward in surprise out in the shadowy hall。 〃You're the one who has made a choice here; Paulus。 And you've made the wrong one。 That choice will cost you and our House dearly。〃
 He made a rude noise。 〃There was no choice; Helena。 On my honor and my word  there was no choice。〃
 〃Still it was your own decision; despite my warnings and despite my advice。 Your decision alone; Paulus Atreides。〃 Her voice was frighteningly cold。 〃You must live with the consequences; and be damned by them。〃
 〃Oh; calm down and go to sleep; Helena。〃
 Unsettled; Leto crept away; his question forgotten; without waiting to see how soon they extinguished the lights。
 THE NEXT DAY; a calm and sunny morning; Leto stood next to Rhombur at an open window; admiring the quays at the base of the promontory。 The ocean spread out like a blue…green prairie; curving off to the distant horizon。 〃A perfect day;〃 Leto said; realizing that his friend was homesick for the lost underground city of Vernii; probably tired of too much weather。 〃Now it's my turn to show you around Caladan。〃
 The two of them descended the narrow cliffside path and staircase; holding on to rails and vaulting weathered steps; avoiding the slippery moss and the white encrustations of salty spray。
 The Duke had several boats tied up at the dock; and Leto chose his favorite coracle; a white motorcraft around fifteen meters in length。 With a wide; beamy hull; it featured a spacious cutty cabin in the front and sleeping quarters beneath; reached via a spiral staircase。 Aft of the cabin were two decks; at midship and aftship; with cargo holds below: a nice setup for fishing or motor cruising。 Additional modules stored on shore could be installed to change the functions of the craft: adding more cabin space or converting one or both cargo holds to additional sleeping or habitation areas。
 Servants packed them a lunch while three mariner assistants checked all the onboard systems in preparation for a day…long voyage。 Rhombur watched Leto treat these people as friends while they loaded the gear。 〃Is your wife's leg better; Jerrik? Did you finish the roof on your smoke shed; Dom?〃
 Finally; as Rhombur looked on with curiosity and trepidation; Leto clapped him on the shoulder。 〃Remember your rock collection? You and I are going to dive for coral gems。〃
 These precious stones; found in knobby coral reefs; were popular pieces on Caladan; but perilous to handle。 Coral gems were said to hold tiny living creatures that caused their inner fires to dance and simmer。 Because of the hazards and expense of containment; the gems did not support much of an off…world export market; given the more viable alternative of soostones from Buzzell。 But local coral gems were lovely; nonetheless。
 Leto thought he wanted to give one to Kailea as a present。 With the wealth of House Atreides; he could afford to buy Rhombur's sister many greater treasures if he wished; but the gift might mean more if he procured it himself。 She would probably appreciate it either way。
 After all preparations were pleted; he and Rhombur boarded the wickerwood coracle。 An Atreides burgee flew from the stern; snapping in the breeze。 As the mariner assistants cast off the lines; one asked; 〃You can handle this yourself; m'Lord?〃
 Leto laughed and waved the man away。 〃Jerrik; you know I've been handling these boats for years now。 The seas are calm; and we have a shore… aboard。 But thank you for your concern。 Don't worry; we won't go far; just to the reefs。〃
 Rhombur wandered the deck and tried to help; doing whatever Leto told him to do。 He'd never been on an open boat before。 The engines carried them away from the cliffs; beyond the shielded harbor; and out into open water。 Sunlight glittered like sparkflies on the rippled surface of the sea。
 The Prince of Ix stood at the bow while Leto worked the controls。 Rhombur soaked up the experience of water and wind and sun; smiling。 He took a deep breath。 〃I feel so alone and so free out here。〃
 Looking overboard; Rhombur saw rafts of leathery…leafed seaweed and round gourdlike fruits that held up the plants like air bladders。 〃Paradan melons;〃 Leto said。 〃If you want one; just reach over the side and take it。 If you've never had paradan fresh from the sea; you're in for a taste treat。。。though the fruit's a bit salty for me。〃
 Far off to starboard a pod of murmons swam like furred logs; large but harmless creatures that drifted with ocean currents; singing to themselves with low; hooting sounds。
 Leto sailed the coracle for about an hour; consulting satellite maps and charts; making for a knot of outlying reefs。 He handed Rhombur a set of binoculars and indicated a frothy; tumultuous patch on the sea。 Isolated black ridges of rock barely poked above the waves like the spine of a sleeping leviathan。
 〃There's the reef;〃 Leto said。 〃We'll anchor about half a kilometer away so we don't risk ripping open the hull。 Then we can go diving。〃 He opened a partment and withdrew a sack and a small spatulaknife for each of them。 〃The coral gems don't grow very deep。 We can dive without air tanks。〃 He slapped Rhombur on the back。 〃It's about time you started to earn your keep around here。〃
 〃Just keeping you out of trouble is; uh; effort enough;〃 Rhombur countered。
 After the coracle was secured on its anchor cord; Leto pointed a scanner overboard to map out the contours of the reefs below。 〃Look at this;〃 he said; letting his friend view the screen。 〃See those crannies and tiny caves? That's where you'll find the coral gems。〃
 Rhombur peered at the scanner; nodding。
 〃Each one is encrusted with a husk; like an organic scab that grows around them。 Doesn't look like much until you crack one open and see the most beautiful pearls in all creation; like molten droplets from a star。 You have to keep them wet at all times; because the open air oxidizes them instantly and they bee extremely pyrophoric。〃
 〃Oh;〃 Rhombur said; unsure what the word meant; though he was too proud to ask。 Fumbling; he attached his belt; which held the spatulaknife and a small waterlume for probing the darkest caves。
 〃I'll show you when we get down there;〃 Leto said。 〃How long can you hold your breath?〃
 〃As long as you;〃 the Prince of Ix said; 〃naturally。〃
 Leto stripped off his shirt and pants; while Rhombur hurried to do the same。 Simultaneously; both young men dived overboard。 Leto stroked downward into the warm water; pulling himself deeper until he felt the pressure around his skull。
 The large reef was a convoluted; permanently submerged landscape。 Tufts of coralweed waved in the gentle currents; the tiny mouths on their leaves snaring bits of plankton。 Jewel…toned fish darted in and out of holes in the layered coral。
 Rhombur grabbed his arm and pointed at a long purplish eel that drifted by; stre
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