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his trade in nonbat situations; since he didn't want to be surprised in a crisis。
 Called a 〃ponta〃 by its Richesian inventor; it was one of the few recent innovations Fenring considered worthwhile from that tiresome world。 The illusionary green blade slid back into its partment with a realistic snick。 The victim had not only thought she was being stabbed to death; but through intense neurostimulation actually felt an attack powerful enough to kill。 In a sense Grera's own mind had killed her。 And now there wasn't a mark on her skin。
 Sometimes real blood added an exhilarating cap to an already…thrilling experience; but the cleanup often caused problems。
 He recognized familiar noises behind him: an opening door and deactivated security field。 Turning; he saw Shaddam staring down at him。 〃Was that really necessary; Hasimir? What a waste。。。。 Still; she had outlived her usefulness。〃
 〃Poor old thing had a heart attack; I guess。〃 From a fold of his tunic Fenring brought forth another ponta; this one ruby…jeweled with a long red blade。 〃I'd better test this one; too;〃 he said。 〃Your father is hanging on longer than we'd hoped; and this would finish him off neatly。 No evidence on the corpse; not a mark。 Why wait for the n'kee to continue its work?〃 He grinned。
 Shaddam shook his head; as if finally having second thoughts。 He looked around; shuddered; and tried to appear stern。 〃We'll wait as long as we have to。 We agreed not to make any sudden moves。〃 Fenring hated it when the Crown Prince tried to think too much。
 〃Hmmm…mm? I thought you were so anxious! He's been making terrible business decisions; wasting Corrino money every day he stays alive。〃 His large eyes glittered。 〃The longer he remains in a state like this; the more history will paint him as a pathetic ruler。〃
 〃I can't do any more to my father;〃 Shaddam said。 〃I'm afraid of what might happen。〃
 Hasimir Fenring bowed。 〃As you wish; my Prince。〃
 They walked away; leaving Grera's body where it lay。 Someone would find it; sooner or later。 It wasn't the first time Fenring had been so blatant; but the other concubines would know not to challenge him。 It would be a warning to them; and they would jockey with each other to bee the new favorite of the impotent old man; using the situation to their advantage。
 By the time word finally got back to the Emperor; he probably wouldn't even remember Grera Cary's name。
 Man is but a pebble dropped in a pool。 And if man is but a pebble; then all his works can be no more。
 …Zensunni Saying
 Leto and Rhombur trained long and hard every day; in the Atreides way。 They dived into the exercise routine with all the enthusiasm and determination they could muster。 The stocky Ixian Prince regained his vigor; lost some weight; and tightened up his muscles。
 The two young men found themselves quite well matched and therefore good sparring partners。 Because they trusted one another pletely; Leto and Rhombur were able to push their limits; confident that nothing dangerous would happen to them。
 Though they trained vigorously; the Old Duke hoped to acplish more than just turning the exiled Prince into a petent fighter: He also wanted to keep his friend's son happy and make him feel at home。 Paulus could only imagine what terrors Rhombur's renegade parents must be enduring out in the wilds of the galaxy。
 Thufir Hawat let the two fight with recklessness and abandon; honing their skills。 Leto soon noticed remarkable improvement; both in himself and in the heir to what little remained of House Vernius。
 Following the Master of Assassins' advice about the weapons of culture and diplomacy as well as swordplay; Rhombur took an interest in music。 He dabbled with several instruments before finally settling on the soothing but plex tones of the nine…string baliset。 Leaning against a castle wall; he would strum and play simple songs; fingering melodies by ear that he recalled from childhood or pleasant tunes he made up for himself。
 Often; his sister Kailea would listen to him play as she studied her lessons in history and religion that were the traditional fare of young noblewomen。 Helena Atreides aided in the teaching; at the insistence of Duke Paulus。 Kailea studied with good grace; occupying her mind; resigned to her situation as a political prisoner inside Castle Caladan; but trying to imagine more for herself。
 Leto knew that his mother's resentment ran at depths invisible beneath the still waters of her public face。 Helena was a hard taskmaster to Kailea; who responded with even greater determination。
 Late one evening; Leto went up to the tower room after his parents had retired for the night。 He'd intended to ask his father about taking them on one of the Atreides schooners for a day…trip up and down the coast。 But as he approached the wooden door to the ducal chambers; he heard Paulus and Helena engaged in deep discussion。
 〃What have you done to find a new place for those two?〃 The way his mother said the words; Leto knew exactly whom she meant。 〃Surely some Minor House on the fringe will take them in if you pay a large enough bribe。〃
 〃I don't intend to send those children anywhere; and you know that。 They are our guests here; and safe from the loathsome Tleilaxu。〃 His voice dropped to a grumble。 〃I don't understand why Elrood doesn't just send his Sardaukar in to flush those vermin out of the caves on Ix。〃
 Lady Helena said crisply; 〃Despite their unpleasant qualities; the Tleilaxu will undoubtedly bring the factories of Ix back to the path of righteousness and obey the strictures established by the Butlerian Jihad。〃
 Paulus gave an exasperated snort; but Leto knew his mother was deadly serious; and that frightened him all the more。 Her voice grew more fervent as she tried to convince her husband。
 〃Can't you see; perhaps all of these events were meant to happen? You never should have sent Leto to Ix…he's already been corrupted by their ways; their prideful thinking; their high…handed ignorance of the laws of God。 But the takeover on Ix brought Leto back to us。 Don't make the same mistake again。〃
 〃Mistake? I'm quite pleased with everything our boy's learned。 He's going to be a fine Duke someday。〃 Leto heard the thump of a boot tossed into the corner。 〃Stop your worrying。 Don't you feel at all sorry for poor Rhombur and Kailea?〃
 Unswayed; she said; 〃In their pride; the people of Ix have broken the Law; and they have paid for it。 Should I feel sorry for them? I think not。〃
 Paulus hit a piece of furniture hard with his hand; and Leto heard wood scraping across stone; a chair shoved aside。 〃And I'm to believe you are familiar enough with the inner workings of Ix to make such a judgment? Or have you already e to a conclusion based on what you want to hear; without being troubled by mere lack of evidence?〃 He laughed; and his tone turned more gentle。〃 Besides; you seem to be working well with young Kailea。 She enjoys your pany。 How can you say such things about her to me; and then pretend to be kind to her face?〃
 Helena sounded eminently reasonable。 〃The children can't help who they are; Paulus  they didn't ask to be born there; raised there; exposed to anything but proper teachings。 Do you think th
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