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 If Kailea Vernius were to set eyes on him now; she would draw back in horror or disdain and send him to work in the dimmest lower levels with the suboids。 Somehow; though; after the tragedy of Ix; the rape of his beautiful underground city; his boyish crush on the Earl's daughter seemed irrelevant。 Of all the sacrifices C'tair had made; that was among the smallest。
 And he was sure there would be harder ones to e。
 Before cleaning himself or the hiding place; though; he began preparations for the next call to his brother。
 Perceptions rule the universe。
 …Bene Gesserit Saying
 A robo…controlled shuttle left its orbiting Heighliner in the Laoujin system and streaked toward the surface of Wallach IX; transmitting appropriate security codes to bypass the Sisterhood's primary defenses。 The Bene Gesserit homeworld was just another stop on its long circuitous route wandering among the stars in the Imperium。
 Her thick hair beginning to turn gray; her body starting to hint at its age; Gaius Helen Mohiam thought it would be good to be home after many months of other duties; each separate assignment a thread in the vast Bene Gesserit tapestry。 No Sister understood the entire pattern; the entire weaving of events and people; but Mohiam did her part。
 With her advancing pregnancy; the Sisterhood had called her home; to remain at the Mother School until such time as Mohiam delivered the much…anticipated daughter。 Only Kwisatz Mother Anirul prehended her true value to the breeding program; how everything hinged on the child she now carried。 Mohiam understood that this baby was important; but even the whispers of her Other Memory; which could always be called upon to offer a cacophony of advice; remained deliberately silent on the subject。
 The Guild shuttle carried only her。 Working under the spectre of the Jihad; the Richesian manufacturers of the robo…pilot had gone out of their way to make a clunky…looking; rivet…covered device that most vehemently neither emulated the human mind nor looked the least bit human。。。or even sophisticated; for that matter。
 The robo…pilot transported passengers and materials from a big ship to the surface of a planet; and back again in a well…rehearsed chain of events。 Its functions included barely enough programming flexibility to deal with air…traffic patterns or adverse weather conditions。 The robo…pilot took its shuttle in a routine sequence: from Heighliner to planet; from planet to Heighliner。。。
 At a window seat in the shuttle; Mohiam reflected on the delicious revenge she had exacted on the Baron。 It had been months already; and no doubt he still suspected nothing; but a Bene Gesserit could wait a long time for the appropriate payment。 Over the years; as his precious body weakened and bloated from the disease; an utterly defeated Vladimir Harkonnen might even contemplate suicide。
 Mohiam's vengeful action might have been impulsive; but it was fitting and appropriate after what the Baron had done。 Mother Superior Harishka would not have allowed House Harkonnen to go unpunished; and Mohiam thought her spontaneous idea had been cruelly apt。 It would save the Sisterhood time and trouble。
 As the ship descended into the cloud layer; Mohiam hoped this new child would be perfect; because the Baron would no longer be of any use to them。 But if not; the Sisterhood always had other options and other plans。 They had many different breeding schemes。
 Mohiam was of a type considered optimal for a certain mysterious genetic program。 She knew the names of some; but not all; of the other candidates; and knew as well that the Sisterhood didn't want simultaneous pregnancies in the program; fearing this might muddle the mating index。 Mohiam did wonder; though; why she had been selected again; after the first failure。 Her superiors hadn't explained it to her; and she knew better than to ask。 And again; the Voices in Other Memory kept their counsel to themselves。
 Do the details matter? she wondered。 I carry the requested daughter in my womb。 A successful birth would elevate Mohiam's stature; might even result in her eventual election as Mother Superior by the proctors; when she got much older。。。depending on how important this daughter really was。
 She sensed the girl would be very important。
 Aboard the robo…piloted shuttle; she felt a sudden change of motion。 Looking out the narrow window; she saw the horizon of Wallach IX lurch as the craft flipped over and plunged down; out of control。 The safety field around her seat glimmered an unfamiliar; disconcerting yellow。 Machine sounds; which had been limited to a smooth whir; now screamed through the cabin; hurting her ears。
 Lights blinked wildly on the control module ahead of her。 The robo's movements were jerky and uncertain。 She had been trained to handle crises; and her mind worked rapidly。 Mohiam knew about occasional malfunctions on these shuttles  statistically unlikely  exacerbated by the lack of pilots with the ability to think and react。 When a problem did occur  and Mohiam felt herself in the midst of one now  the potential for disaster was high。
 The shuttle plummeted; lurching and bucking。 Clothlike scraps of cloud slapped the windows。 The robo…pilot went through the same circular motions; unable to try anything new。 The engine flared out; went silent。
 This can't be; Mohiam thought。 Not now; not when I'm carrying this child。 Viscerally; she felt that if she could just survive this; her baby would be healthy and would be the one so badly needed by the Sisterhood。
 But dark thoughts assailed her; and she began to tremble。 Guild Navigators; such as the one in the Heighliner above her; utilized higher…order dimensional calculations; and they did so in order to see the future; enabling them to maneuver ships safely through the dangerous voids of foldspace。 Had the Spacing Guild learned of the secret Bene Gesserit program; and did they fear it?
 As the shuttle hurtled toward disaster; an incredible array of possibilities tumbled through Mohiam's mind。 The safety field around her stretched and grew more yellow。 Her body pressed against it; threatening to break through。 Holding her hands protectively over her womb; she felt a frantic desire to live; and for her unborn child to thrive  and her thoughts went beyond the parochial concerns of a mother and child; to a much larger significance。
 She wondered if her suspicions might be totally in error。 What if some higher force than either she or her Sisters could possibly imagine was behind this? Were the Bene Gesserit; through their breeding program; playing God? Did a real God  regardless of the Sisterhood's cynicism and skepticism toward religion  in fact exist?
 What a cruel joke that would be。
 The deformities of her first child; and now the impending death of this fetus and Mohiam; too。。。it all seemed to add up to something。 But if so; who  or what  was behind this emergency?
 The Bene Gesserit did not believe in accidents or coincidences。
 〃 'I must not fear;' 〃 she intoned; her eyes closed。 〃 'Fear is the mind…killer。 Fear is the little…death that brings total obliteration。 I will face my fear。 I will permit it to pass over me and through me。 And when it has
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