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 knew。 She always knew。
 And she had to live with the fact。
 〃Never bees serious?〃 Helena leaned over the balcony to see Kailea better。 〃I'm afraid Leto feels something for this girl; that he's falling in love with her。 I told you not to send him to Ix。〃
 〃It isn't love;〃 Paulus said; pretending to pay attention to the movements of the sword…and…shield duel below。 The boys had more energy than skill; they needed to work on finesse。 The clumsiest of Harkonnen guards would be able to wade in and dispatch both of them in an eyeblink。
 〃You're sure about that?〃 Helena asked in a worried tone。 〃A great deal is at stake here。 Leto is the heir to House Atreides; the son of a Duke。 He has to take care and choose his romantic assignations with forethought。 Consult with us; negotiate for terms; get the most he can 〃
 〃I know that;〃 Paulus muttered。
 〃You know it all too well。〃 His wife's voice became cold and brittle。 〃Maybe one of your wenches isn't such a bad idea after all。 At least it'll keep him away from Kailea。〃
 Down below; the young woman nibbled on fruit; eyed Leto with coy admiration; and laughed at a particularly outrageous maneuver he had pulled off。 Rhombur countered him; their shields clashing and sparking against each other。 When Leto turned to smile back at her; Kailea looked at her breakfast plate with feigned aloofness。
 Helena recognized the movements of the courtship dance; as intricate as any swordplay。 〃See how they look at each other?〃
 The Old Duke shook his head sadly。 〃At one time the daughter of House Vernius might have been an excellent match for Leto。〃
 It saddened him to know how his friend Dominic Vernius was being hunted down by Imperial decree。 Emperor Elrood; seemingly irrational; had branded Vernius not only a renegade and an exile; but also a traitor。 Neither Earl Dominic nor Lady Shando had sent any word to Caladan; but Paulus hoped they remained alive; both were fair game for ambitious fortune seekers。
 House Atreides had risked a great deal by accepting the two children into sanctuary on Caladan。 Dominic Vernius had called in all his remaining favors among the Houses of the Landsraad; which had confirmed the young exiles in their protected status; so long as they did not aspire to regain the former title of their House。
 〃I'd never agree to a marriage between our son and。 。 。 her;〃 Helena said。 〃While you've strutted around with bullfights and parades; I've had my ear to the ground。 House Vernius has been falling into disfavor for years now。 I've told you that; but you never listen。〃
 Paulus said in a mild voice; 〃Ah; Helena; your Richesian bias keeps you from seeing Ix fairly。 Vernius has always been your family's rival; and they roundly defeated you in the trade wars。〃 Despite their disagreements; he tried to accord her the respect due a Lady of a Great House; even when nobody was listening。
 〃Clearly; the wrath of God has fallen upon Ix;〃 she pointed out。 〃You can't deny that。 You should get rid of Rhombur and Kailea。 Send them away; or even kill them  it would be a kindness。〃
 Duke Paulus smoldered。 He'd known she'd get back around to the subject before long。 〃Helena! Watch your words。〃 He looked at her in disbelief。 〃That's an outrageous suggestion; even from you。〃
 〃Why? Their House brought about its own destruction by scorning the strictures of the Great Revolt。 House Vernius taunted God with their hubris。 Anyone could see it。 I warned you myself before Leto went to Ix。〃 She held the edge of his robe; trembling with her passion as she tried to make a reasoned plea。 〃Hasn't humanity learned its lesson well enough? Think of the horrors we went through; the enslavement; the near extermination。 We must never stray from the correct path again。 Ix was trying to bring back thinking machines。 'Thou shalt not make a machine in the '〃
 〃No need to quote verses to me;〃 he said; cutting her off。 When Helena dropped into her rigid and zealous mind…set; no rebuttal could penetrate her blinders。
 〃But if you would just listen and read;〃 Helena pleaded。 〃I can show you the passages in the Book 〃
 〃Dominic Vernius was my friend; Helena;〃 Paulus said。 〃And House Atreides stands by its friends。 Rhombur and Kailea are my guests here at Castle Caladan; and I will hear no more of this talk from you。〃
 Though Helena turned and vanished back into the bedchamber; he knew she would try to convince him again; at some other time。 He sighed。
 Gripping the balcony railing; Paulus looked back down to where the boys continued their exercises。 It was more like a brawl; with Leto and Rhombur battering at each other; laughing and running around and wasting energy。
 Despite her self…righteousness; Helena had made some valid points。 This was the kind of opening their age…old enemies; the Harkonnens; would use to try and destroy House Atreides。 Enemy legal minds were probably already working on it。 If House Vernius had in fact violated Butlerian precepts; then House Atreides might be considered guilty by association。
 But the die was cast; and Paulus was up to the challenge。 Still; he had to make sure nothing terrible happened to his own son。
 Below the boys fought on; still playful; though the Old Duke knew Rhombur ached to strike back at the myriad faceless foes who had driven his family from their ancestral home。 To do that; however; both young men needed training  not only the required brutal instruction in the use of personal weaponry; but in the skills required to lead men; and the abstractions of large…scale government。
 Smiling grimly; the Duke knew what he had to do。 Rhombur and Kailea had been placed in his care。 He had sworn to keep them safe; had given his blood oath to Dominic Vernius。 He must give them the best chance they could possibly have。
 He would send Rhombur and Leto to his Master of Assassins; Thufir Hawat。
 THE WARRIOR MENTAT stood like an iron pillar; glaring at his two new students。 They stood atop a barren sea cliff kilometers north of Castle Caladan。 The wind smashed against the slick rocks and blasted upward; rustling clumps of pampas grass。 Gray gulls wheeled overhead; shrieking to each other; scanning for edible flotsam on the rocky beach。 Stunted cypress trees huddled like hunchbacks; bowed against the constant ocean breeze。
 Leto had no idea how old Thufir Hawat was。 The sinewy Mentat had trained Duke Paulus when he was much younger; and now the Master of Assassins fended off any appearance of age through brute force。 His skin was leathery; having been exposed to harsh environments on many worlds during previous Atreides campaigns; from blistering heat to numbing cold; whipping storms and the hard rigors of open space。
 Thufir Hawat stared at the young men in silence。 He crossed his arms over his scuffed leather chestplate。 His eyes were like weapons; his silence a goad。 His unsmiling lips were stained the deep cranberry of sapho juice。
 Leto stood next to his friend; fidgeting。 His fingers were chilled enough that he wished he had brought gloves。 When are we going to begin training? He and Rhombur glanced at each other; impatient; waiting。
 〃Look at me; I said!〃 Hawat snapped。 〃I could have leaped forward and gutted both of you in the in
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