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ith it。
 Here the spice was everywhere: in the air; food; garments; wall hangings; and rugs。 Melange was intertwined with sietch life as much as water。
 That day Turok; who still came to take him out on daily explorations; had noticed Kynes's eyes; the new blue tint。 〃You are being one of us; Planetologist。 That blue we call the Eyes of Ibad。 You are part of Dune now。 Our world has changed you forever。〃
 Kynes had offered a smile; but it was only tentative; because he felt some fear。 〃That it has;〃 he said。
 And now he was about to be married  another important change。
 Standing before him; the mysterious Sayyadina uttered a series of words in Chakobsa; a language Kynes did not understand; but he gave the appropriate responses he had memorized。 The sietch elders had taken extreme care to prepare him。 Perhaps one day; with more research; he would understand the rituals surrounding him; the ancient language; the mysterious traditions。 But for now he could only make reasoned guesses。
 During the ceremony he remained preoccupied; devising various tests he could run in sandy and rocky areas of the planet; dreaming of new experimental stations he would erect; considering which test gardens to plant。 He had vast plans to implement and; at last; all the manpower he could possibly desire。 It would take an incredible amount of work to reawaken this world  but now that the Fremen shared his dream; Pardot Kynes knew it could be done。
 It could be done!
 He smiled; and Frieth gazed up at him; smiling in her own right; though almost certainly her thoughts diverged widely from his。 Nearly oblivious to the activities around him and paying little mind to their import; Kynes found himself married in the Fremen way; almost before he realized it。
 The haughty do but build castle walls behind which they seek to hide their doubts and fears。
 …Bene Gesserit Axiom
 The dawn mists carried an iodine tang from the sea; rising from the wet black cliffs that supported the spires of Castle Caladan。 Normally; Paulus Atreides found it peaceful and refreshing; but today it made him uneasy。
 The Old Duke stood out on one of the tower balconies; drawing a deep breath of fresh air。 He loved his planet; especially the early mornings; the fresh; pure kind of silence gave him more energy than a good night's sleep ever could。
 Even in troubled times such as these。
 To ward off the chill he wrapped himself in a thick robe trimmed with green Canidar wool。 His wife paused behind him in the bedchamber; hanging on every breath as she always did after they had been fighting。 It was a matter of form。 When Paulus didn't object; she came closer to stand next to him to gaze out upon their world。 Her eyes were tired; and she looked hurt; but unconvinced; he would hold her; and she would warm to him; and then she would try to press the issue again。 She still insisted that House Atreides was in grave danger because of what he had done。
 From below; shouts and muted laughter and the sounds of exercise drifted upward。 The Duke looked down to the sheltered courtyard; pleased to see his son Leto already out doing his training routines with the exiled Prince of Ix。 Both wore body…shields that hummed and flickered in the orange early…morning light。 The young men carried blunted stun…daggers in their left hands and training swords in their right。
 In the weeks they had lived on Caladan; Rhombur had recovered quickly and pletely from the concussion he'd received during their escape from Ix。 The exercise and fresh air had improved his health; his muscle tone; his plexion。 But the stocky young man's heart and his mood would take much longer to heal。 He seemed all at sea yet from what had happened to him。
 The two circled and parried; slashing down; trying to judge just how fast they could move their blades without having them deflected by the protective fields。 They challenged and pounced; striking with a flurry of attacks that had no hope of penetrating the other's defenses。 Blades sang and ricocheted from the shimmering shields。
 〃The boys have so much energy for such an hour;〃 Helena said; rubbing her red…rimmed eyes。 A safe ment; not likely to raise any objections。 She took half a step closer。 〃Rhombur's even lost weight。〃
 The Old Duke looked over at her; noting the age…sharpened porcelain of her features; a few strands of gray in her dark hair。 〃This is the best time for training。 Gets the blood flowing for the entire day。 I taught Leto that when he was just a boy。〃
 From far out at sea he heard the clang of a reef…marking buoy and the putter of a fishing coracle; one of the local wickerwood boats with waterproofed hulls。 He saw the hazy fog lights of a trawler farther out; cutting through the low…lying banks of sea mist as it harvested melon…kelp。
 〃Yes。。。the boys are exercising;〃 Helena said; 〃but have you noticed Kailea sitting there? Why do you think she's up so early?〃 The lilt at the end of her question made him think twice。
 The Duke looked down; for the first time marking the lovely daughter of House Vernius。 Kailea lounged on a polished…coral bench in the sunshine; daintily eating from a plate of assorted fruits。 She had her padded copy of the Orange Catholic Bible beside her on the bench  Helena's gift  but she wasn't reading it。
 Puzzled; Paulus scratched his beard。 〃Does the girl always get up this early? I suspect she's not adjusted to our Caladan days yet。〃
 Helena watched as Leto pressed with fury against Rhombur's shield and slipped his stun…dagger in; jolting the Ixian Prince with an electric shock。 Rhombur howled; then chuckled as he backed off。 Leto raised his training sword as if scoring a point。 He flashed a gray…eyed glance at Kailea; touching the tip of his sword to his forehead in a salute。
 〃Have you never seen the way your son looks at her; Paulus?〃 Helena's voice was stern and disapproving。
 〃No; I hadn't much noticed。〃 The Old Duke looked from Leto to the young woman again。 In his mind Kailea; daughter of Dominic Vernius; was just a child。 He had last seen her in infancy。 Perhaps his sluggish old mind hadn't seen her adulthood ing so fast。 Nor Leto's。
 Considering this; he said; 〃That boy's hormones are reaching their peak。 Let me speak to Thufir。 We'll find some appropriate wenches for him。〃
 〃Mistresses like yours?〃 Helena turned away from her husband; looking hurt。
 〃Nothing wrong with it。〃 He prayed with all his heart she wouldn't pursue that subject again。 〃As long as it never bees anything serious。〃
 Like any Lord in the Imperium; Paulus had his dalliances。 His marriage to Helena; one of the daughters of House Richese; had been arranged for strictly political reasons after much consideration and bargaining。 He'd done his best; had even loved her for a time  which had e as a genuine surprise to him。 But then Helena had drifted away; being absorbed in religion and lost dreams instead of current realities。
 Discreetly; quietly; Paulus had eventually gone back to his mistresses; treating them well; enjoying himself; and careful not to produce any bastards from them。 He never spoke of it; but Helena knew。 She always knew。
 And she had to live with the fact。
 〃Never bees serious?〃 Helena leaned
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