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ite another。 The Baron Vladimir Harkonnen would regret this。
 Previously she had manipulated her ovulation to achieve the peak of fertility in this exact hour。 Even raped; she would have no trouble conceiving a new daughter with the Baron's sperm。 That was the most important consideration。
 Technically; she required nothing more from the vile man。 But the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam intended to give him something back; a slow…acting revenge he would never forget for the rest of his life。
 No one was ever allowed to forget a Bene Gesserit punishment。
 Though she remained paralyzed; Mohiam was an acplished Reverend Mother。 Her body itself contained unorthodox weapons that remained at her disposal even now; even as helpless as she appeared to be。
 With the sensitivities and remarkable functions of their bodies; Bene Gesserit Sisters could create antidotes for poisons introduced into their systems。 They were able to neutralize the most hideous strains of diseases to which they had been exposed; and either destroy the virulent pathogens。。。or render them latent in their bodies; keeping the diseases themselves as resources for later use。 Mohiam carried several such latencies within her; and she could activate those diseases by controlling her own biochemistry。
 Now the Baron lay on top of her; grunting like an animal; his jaw clenched; his lips curled back in a sneer。 Beadlets of stinking sweat covered his reddened face。 She stared up。 Their eyes met; and he thrust harder; grinning。
 That was when Mohiam selected the particular disease; an oh…so…gradual vengeance; a neurological disorder that would destroy his beautiful body。 The Baron's physique obviously brought him much pleasure; was a source of great pride。 She could have infected him with any number of fatal; suppurating plagues  but this affliction would be a deeper blow to him; much slower in its course。 She would make the Baron face his own appearance every day as he grew fatter and weaker。 His muscles would degenerate; his metabolism would go haywire。 In a few years; he wouldn't even be able to walk by himself。
 It was such a simple thing for her to do。。。but its effects would last for years。 For the rest of his life。 Mohiam envisioned the Baron pain…wracked; so obese he couldn't even stand erect unassisted; screaming out in agony。
 Finished; smug in the belief that he had shown the witch who was the more powerful; Baron Vladimir Harkonnen withdrew and stood up; frowning at her in disgust now。 〃Piter; get me a towel; so I can wipe the whore's slime off of me。〃
 The Mentat scuttled out of the room; chuckling。 The hall doors were opened again。 Uniformed house guards marched in to watch as Mohiam regained the use of her muscles; bit by bit。
 Baron Harkonnen admonished the Reverend Mother with a cruel smile。 〃Tell the Bene Gesserit never to annoy me again with their genetic schemes。〃
 She raised herself to one arm; then gradually gathered her torn clothes and climbed to her feet with nearly full coordination。 Mohiam raised her chin proudly; but could not hide her humiliation。 And the Baron could not hide his pleasure at watching her。

 You think you have won; she thought。 We shall see about that。
 Satisfied with what she had done; and the inevitability of her terrible revenge; the Reverend Mother strode out of Harkonnen Keep。 The Baron's Burseg followed her for part of the way; then let her return alone and unescorted to the shuttle like a chastened dog。 Other guards remained rigid and at attention; guarding the foot of the ramp。
 Mohiam calmed herself as she approached the craft and finally allowed herself a slight smile。 No matter what had occurred back there; she now carried another Harkonnen daughter inside her。 And that; of course; was what the Bene Gesserit had wanted all along。。。。
 How simple things were when our Messiah was only a dream。
 …STILGAR; Naib of Sietch Tabr
 For Pardot Kynes; life would never be the same now that he had been accepted into the sietch。
 His wedding day to Frieth approached; requiring that he spend hours on preparation and meditation; learning Fremen marriage rituals; especially the ahal; the ceremony of a woman choosing a mate  and Frieth had certainly been the initiator in this relationship。 Many other fascinations distracted him; but he knew he could not make any mistakes in such a delicate matter。
 For the sietch leaders; this was a grand occasion; more spectacular than any normal Fremen wedding。 Never before had an outsider married one of their women; though Naib Heinar had heard of it happening occasionally in other sietches。
 After the would…be assassin Uliet had sacrificed himself; the tale told throughout the sietch (and no doubt spread among other hidden Fremen munities) was that Uliet had received a true vision from God; that he had been directed in his actions。 Old one…eyed Heinar; as well as sietch elders Jerath; Aliid; and Garnah; were suitably chagrined for having questioned the impassioned words of the Planetologist in the first place。
 Though Heinar gravely offered to step down as Naib; bowing to the man he now believed to be a prophet from beyond the stars; Kynes had no interest in being the leader of the sietch。 He had too much work to do  challenges on a scale grander than mere local politics。 He was perfectly happy to be left alone to concentrate on his terraforming plan and study the data collected from instruments scattered all around the desert。 He needed to understand the great sandy expanse and its subtleties before he could know precisely how to change things for the better。
 The Fremen worked hard to ply with anything Kynes suggested; no matter how absurd it might seem。 They believed everything he said now。 So preoccupied was Kynes; however; that he barely noticed their devotion。 If the Planetologist said he needed certain measurements; Fremen scrambled across the desert; setting up collection points in remote regions; reopening the botanical testing stations that had been long abandoned by the Imperium。 Some devoted assistants even traveled to the forbidden territories in the south; using a mode of transportation they had kept secret from him。
 During those frantic first weeks of information gathering; two Fremen men were lost  though Kynes never learned of it。 He reveled in the glorious data flooding to him。 This was more than he had ever dreamed of acplishing in years of working alone as the Imperial Planetologist。 He was in a scientific paradise。
 The day before his wedding; he wrote up his first carefully edited report since joining the sietch; culminating weeks of work。 A Fremen messenger delivered it to Arrakeen; where it was then transmitted to the Emperor。 Kynes's work with the Fremen threatened to put him in a conflict of interest as Imperial Planetologist; but he had to keep up appearances。 Nowhere in his report did he mention; or even hint at; his newfound relationship with the desert people。 Kaitain must never suspect that he had 〃gone native。〃
 In his mind; Arrakis no longer existed。 This planet was now; and forever would be; Dune; after living in the sietch he could not think of it by anything other than its Fremen name。 The more he discovered; the m
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