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t to intimidate the witches。
 The Burseg Kryubi; formerly a pilot on Arrakis and now head of Harkonnen house security; stood in front of the shuttle…debarkation ramp; two steps ahead of his nearest troops。 All were dressed in formal blue。
 Mohiam appeared at the top of the ramp; engulfed in her Bene Gesserit robes and flanked by acolyte retainers; personal guards; and other Sisters。 She frowned with disdain at the Burseg and his men。 〃What is the meaning of this reception? Where is the Baron?〃
 Burseg Kryubi looked up at her。 〃Do not attempt your manipulative Voice on me or there will be a。。。dangerous。。。reaction from the troops。 My orders state that you alone are allowed to see the Baron。 No guards; no retainers; no panions。 He awaits you in the formal hall of the Keep。〃 He nodded toward the attendants behind her in the shuttle。 〃None of these others may enter。〃
 〃Unthinkable;〃 Mohiam said。 〃I request formal diplomatic courtesy。 All of my party must be received with the respect they are due。〃
 Kryubi did not flinch。 〃I know what the witch wants;〃 the Baron had said。 〃And if she thinks she can show up here to rut with me on a regular basis; she's sadly mistaken!〃  whatever that meant。
 The Burseg stared her down; eye to eye。 〃Your request is denied。〃 He was far more frightened of the Baron's punishments than of anything this woman could do to him。 〃You are free to leave if this does not meet with your approval。〃
 With a snort; Mohiam started down the ramp; flashing a glance at those who remained in the ship。 〃For all his perversions; the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is somewhat prudish;〃 she said mockingly; more for the benefit of the Harkonnen troops than for her own people。 〃Especially when it es to matters of sexuality。〃
 Kryubi; who had not been apprised of the situation; was intrigued by this reference。 But he decided that certain things were best left unknown。
 〃Tell me; Burseg;〃 the witch said to him in an irritating tone; 〃how would you even know if I was using Voice on you?〃
 〃A soldier never reveals his full arsenal of defenses。〃
 〃I see。〃 Her tone was soothing; sensual。 Kryubi didn't feel threatened by it; but wondered if his bluff had worked。
 Unknown to this foolish soldier; Mohiam was a Truthsayer capable of recognizing nuances of falsehood and deception。 She allowed the pompous Burseg to lead her across an overpass on a walkway tunnel。 Once inside Harkonnen Keep; the Reverend Mother put on her best air of aloof confidence; gliding along with feigned nonchalance。
 But every one of her heightened senses was attuned to the slightest anomaly。 The Baron made her extremely suspicious。 She knew he was up to something。
 PACING RESTLESSLY IN the Great Hall; Baron Harkonnen looked around; his black eyes flashing and intent。 The room was large and cold; the harsh light too bright from unfiltered glowglobes clustered in the corners and along the ceiling。 As he walked in pointed black boots; his footsteps echoed; making the entire hall sound hollow; empty  a good place for an ambush。
 Though the residential portion of the Keep might appear vacant; the Baron had stationed guards and electronic spy…eyes in various alcoves。 He knew he couldn't fool the Bene Gesserit whore for long; but it didn't matter。 Even if she learned they were being watched; it might give her pause and prevent her from pulling her insidious tricks。 The caution might at least gain him a few seconds。
 Since he planned to be in control this time; the Baron wanted his people to watch。 He'd give them a very good show; something they'd talk about in their barracks and troop ships for years to e。 Best of all; it would put the witches in their place。 Blackmail me; indeed!
 Piter de Vries came up behind him; moving so swiftly and silently that he startled the Baron; who snapped; 〃Don't do that; Piter!〃
 〃I've brought what you asked; my Baron。〃 The twisted Mentat extended his hand; offering two small plugs; white…noise transmitters。 〃Insert these deeply into your ear canals。 They're designed to distort any Voice she might try to use。 You can still hear normal conversation; but the plugs will scramble the unwanted; preventing it from reaching your ears。〃
 The Baron heaved a deep breath and flexed his muscles。 The preparations had to be perfect。
 〃You just take care of your part; Piter。 I know what I'm doing。〃 He went to a small alcove; snatched up the decanter of kirana brandy; and took a long deep swig directly from the bottle。 Feeling the brandy burn in his chest; he wiped his mouth and the top of the bottle。
 The Baron had already imbibed more alcohol than was usual for him; perhaps more than was wise considering the ordeal he was about to face。 De Vries; who recognized the Baron's anxiety; looked at his master as if laughing at him。 With a scowl; the Baron took another deep swallow; just to spite the Mentat。
 De Vries scuttled about; relishing their joint plan; eager to participate。 〃Perhaps; Baron; the witch is returning here because she enjoyed her first encounter with you so much。〃 He cackled。 〃Do you think she's been lusting after you ever since?〃
 The Baron scowled at him again  this time sharply enough that the Mentat wondered if he had pushed too far。 But de Vries always managed to talk his way out of reprisals。
 〃Is that the best prime projection my Mentat can offer? Think; damn you! Why would the Bene Gesserit want another child from me? Are they just trying to twist the knife deeper; to make me hate them even more than I already do?〃 He snorted; wondered if that could be possible。
 Maybe they needed two daughters for some reason。 Or maybe something was wrong with the first one。。。。 The Baron's generous lips curved upward in a slight smile。 This child would certainly be the last。
 No evidence remained for the Bene Gesserit to use as blackmail。
 Lankiveil now hid the largest treasure of Harkonnen melange right under Abulurd's nose。 The fool had no inkling of how he was being used to cover the Baron's secret activities。 But though softhearted and softheaded; Abulurd was still a Harkonnen。 Even if he discovered the deception; he wouldn't dare expose it for fear of destroying his own family holdings。 Abulurd revered the memory of their father too much for that。
 The Baron walked away from the kirana brandy; and the sweet burning taste turned sour in the back of his mouth。 He wore a loose maroon…and…black pajama top tightly sashed across his flat stomach。 The pale blue griffin crest of House Harkonnen emblazoned the left breast。 He'd left his arms bare to show off his biceps。 His reddish hair was cut short; tousled for a rakish look。
 He looked hard at de Vries。 The Mentat gulped from a small bottle of deep red sapho juice。 〃Are we ready; my Baron? She's waiting outside。〃
 〃Yes; Piter。〃 He lounged back in a chair。 His silky pants were loose; and the prying eyes of the Reverend Mother would be able to detect no bulge of a weapon  no expected weapon。 He smiled。 〃Go and send her in。〃
 WHEN MOHIAM PASSED into the main hall of the Keep; Burseg Kryubi and his troops closed the doors behind her; remaining outside。 The locks sealed with a click。 Immediately on her guard; she noted that the Baron had orchestrated ev
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