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ing their son home。
 〃I don't see how you could offer those two sanctuary;〃 she said; her voice quiet but icy。 Her lips continued to smile。 〃The Ixians have gone beyond the strictures of the Jihad; and now they're paying the price for it。 It's dangerous to interfere with the punishments of God。〃
 〃These two Vernius children are innocents and will stay here as guests of House Atreides for as long as necessary。 Why must you keep arguing with me? I have made my decision。〃
 〃Your decisions need not be etched in stone。 If you listen to me; perhaps this veil will be lifted from your eyes and you can see the peril we all face because of their presence。〃 Helena stood exactly as close to her husband as any observers would expect。 〃I'm concerned for us; and for our son。〃
 The ship on the landing field extended its struts; and locked down。 Exasperated; Paulus turned to her。 〃Helena; I owe Dominic Vernius more than you can know  and I do not shirk my obligations。 Even without the blood…debt we owe each other after Ecaz; I'd still offer to protect his children。 I do this as much from my own heart as from a sense of duty。 Soften your heart; woman。 Think of what those two children have been through。〃
 A gust of wind whipped her auburn hair; but Helena did not flinch。 Ironically; she was the first to raise her hand in greeting as the boarding door opened。 She spoke out of the side of her mouth。 〃Paulus; you're baring your throat to the Imperial executioner; and smiling while you're doing it! We'll pay for this folly in ways you can't imagine。 I just want the best for everyone。〃
 Around them; the house guards studiously ignored the argument。 A green…and…black banner snapped in the breeze。 The ship's ramp extended。
 〃Am I the only one who thinks of our family honor instead of politics?〃 Paulus growled。
 〃Hush! Keep your voice down。〃
 〃If I lived my life only by safe decisions and advantageous alliances; I would be no man at all; and certainly not one worthy of being a Duke。〃
 The soldiers marched out and stood at attention; forming a path for the three who had been rescued from Ix。 Leto emerged first; taking a deep breath of the sea…freshened air; blinking in the hazy sunshine of Caladan。 He was washed and dressed in clean clothes again; but his manner still conveyed weariness; his skin seemed gray; his dark hair mussed; his brow above the hawklike eyes and nose scarred by memories。
 Leto took another huge breath; as if he couldn't get enough of the salt…iodine scents of the nearby sea; the hint of fish and woodsmoke。 Home。 He never wanted to spend time away from Caladan again。 He looked beyond the ramp to meet his father's bright gaze  sparkling to see his son again; fiery with indignation and rage at what had happened to House Vernius。
 Rhombur and Kailea came out uncertainly to stand beside Leto at the top of the ramp。 Kailea's emerald eyes were haunted; and she looked around the new world; as if the sky was far too vast overhead。 Leto wanted to fort her。 Again; he held himself back; this time because of his mother's presence。
 Rhombur drew himself up and made a visible attempt to square his shoulders and straighten his tousled blond hair。 He knew he was now all that remained of House Vernius; the face that all members of the Landsraad would see while his father the renegade Earl went into hiding。 He knew the fight was just beginning。 Leto put a strong hand on his friend's shoulder and urged him toward the reception platform。
 After a moment of stillness; Leto and Paulus moved toward each other at the same time。 The Old Duke pressed his salt…and…pepper beard against the side of his son's head; they pounded one another on the back; saying no words。 They drew apart; and Paulus placed broad; callused hands on his son's biceps; just looking at him。
 Leto looked past his father to see his mother standing behind them; wearing a warm; but forced; smile of greeting。 Her glance flicked toward Rhombur and Kailea and then back to him; Leto knew Lady Helena Atreides would receive the two exiles with all the ceremony due important visiting dignitaries。 He did note; however; that she had chosen jewelry and colors resplendent with the markings of House Richese; rival to Ix; as if to twist a knife into the Vernius exiles。 Duke Paulus didn't seem to notice。
 The Old Duke turned to give a vigorous greeting to Rhombur; who still wore a small bandage over his head injury。 〃Wele; wele; lad;〃 he said。 〃As I promised your father; you and your sister will remain here with us; protected by the might of House Atreides; until all this blows over。〃
 Kailea stared up at the scudding clouds as if she'd never seen open sky before。 She shivered; looking lost。 〃What if it never blows over?〃
 Following her obligation; Helena came forward to take the Vernius daughter by the arm。 〃e; child。 We'll help you settle in; just in case this has to be your home for a while。〃
 Rhombur gripped the Old Duke with an Imperial handshake。 〃Uh; I can't express my appreciation enough; sir。 Kailea and I both understand the risk you've taken to shelter us。〃
 Helena glanced over her shoulder at her husband; who ignored her。
 Paulus gestured toward the Castle on the cliffs。 〃House Atreides values loyalty and honor far above politics。〃 He took a hard and insightful look at his exhausted son。 Leto drew a deep breath; receiving the lesson like a sword thrust。 〃Loyalty and honor;〃 Paulus repeated。 〃That is the way it must always be。〃
 Only God can make living; sentient creatures。
 …The Orange Catholic Bible
 In Birthing Room One of the Wallach IX plex; a screaming newborn girl lay on a med…table。 A daughter with the genetic line of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen。 The smell of blood and disinfectant hung in the air; wrapped in the rustle of crisp; sterilized clothing。 Harsh glowglobes burned down; reflecting from the rough stone walls and polished…metal surfaces。 Many daughters had been born here; many new Sisters。
 With more excitement than the Bene Gesserit usually exhibited; Reverend Mothers in dark robes poked at the scrawny infant with instruments; talking about her in worried tones。 One Sister used a hypo…needle to draw a blood sample; while another took a skin scraping with a shallow curette。 No one spoke above a whisper。 Odd skin tone; poor biochemistry; low weight。。。
 Drenched in perspiration; Gaius Helen Mohiam lay nearby in disfort; attempting to reassert control over the pummeled tissues of her body。 Though her preservation hid her actual age; she looked too old to be having babies。 This birth had been hard for her; harder than the previous eight children she had borne。 By now she felt ancient and used up。
 Two acolyte attendants hurried to her bed and wheeled her toward one side of the arched doorway。 One laid a cool rag on her forehead; another placed a wet sponge against her lips; squeezing a few drops of moisture into her dry mouth。 Mohiam had already done her part in this process; the Sisterhood would do the rest。 Though she did not know their plans for this child; she knew the daughter must survive。
 On the inspection table; even before the clinging blood and mucus could be wiped from her skin; the baby was turned over and positioned on al
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