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 a half; Roody has learned how to wait for his revenge。〃
 Long past any shadow of jealousy; Dominic chuckled at the pet name。 〃Well; now he's gotten even with us。 We'll have to be patient ourselves and find some way to restore our House's fortunes。 If not for us; then for our children。〃
 〃I trust Paulus Atreides to keep them safe;〃 Shando said。 〃He's a good man。〃
 〃We must trust no one else to keep ourselves safe; however;〃 Dominic said。 〃That will be quite enough of a challenge for us。〃
 Dominic and Shando would soon separate; take new identities; and go into hiding on isolated planets; all the while hoping to be reunited one day。 They had paid a huge bribe to the Guild; so that no records would be kept of their respective destinations。 Husband and wife clung together; knowing that from this point on; nothing in their lives was certain。
 Ahead lay uncharted space。
 ALONE WITHIN THE remnants of war…torn Ix; C'tair Pilru buried himself in a tiny transmission…shielded room。 He hoped none of the suboids would find him。 It seemed to be his only chance to survive the carnage。
 His mother had once shown him this place concealed behind a dungeon wall of the Grand Palais; shielded up in the thick crust。 As members of the Vernius Court; sons of the Ambassador to Kaitain; C'tair and D'murr had been assigned a place for personal safety should any emergency ever arise。 With the same methodical efficiency she employed daily as a Guild banker; S'tina had prepared for every likelihood; and made sure her sons remembered。 Sweaty; hungry; and terrified; C'tair had been relieved to find the hiding place intact amidst the chaos; gunfire; and explosions。
 Then; safe and numb; the shock of what was happening to his city  his world  hit him full force。 He couldn't believe everything that had already been lost; how much grandeur had turned to dirt and blood and smoke。
 His twin brother was gone; whisked off by the Guild to be trained as a Navigator。 At the time he had resented that loss; but at least it meant D'murr was safe from the revolution。 C'tair would not wish this ordeal on anyone。。。but he hoped that his brother had somehow received the news by now。 Were the Tleilaxu covering it up?
 C'tair had tried to contact his father; but the Ambassador had been trapped on Kaitain at the height of the crisis。 Amid fires and explosions and murderous suboid gangs; C'tair had found himself with few options other than to hide and survive。 The dark…haired young man would be killed if he tried to make it to the Vernius administration chambers。
 Their mother was dead already。
 C'tair hid in his enclosed room with the glowglobes extinguished; listening to faint tremors of distant fighting and the much louder sounds of his own breathing; his own heartbeat。 He was alive。
 Three days earlier; he had watched the revolutionaries destroy a wing of the Guild facility; the section of the blocky gray building that housed all Ixian banking functions。 His mother had been in there。 He and D'murr had visited her offices enough times during their childhood。
 He knew S'tina had barricaded herself in the records vaults; unable to escape and unwilling to believe the rebellious suboid fighters would dare attack a neutral Guild stronghold。 But the suboids did not understand politics or the subtle strands of power。 S'tina had sent C'tair a final transmission; telling him to hold out; to stay safe; arranging for where they would meet again once the violence died down。 Neither of them had believed the situation could get worse。
 But while C'tair had watched; explosions planted by suboid rebels tore part of the building free。 The structure broke away from its hold on the cave roof。 Burning; groaning; tumbling; the wreckage fell with a monumental crash to the grotto floor; killing hundreds of watching rebels; as well as the Guild bankers and functionaries。 Everyone inside。
 The air filled with smoke and screams; and the fighting continued。 He had known it would be useless to make his way down there to search for his mother。 Instead; realizing that his entire world was falling apart; C'tair had run to the only shelter he knew。
 Hidden within the transmission…shielded bolt…hole; he slept huddled in a fetal position; then awoke with a vague sense of determination partially dulled by his anger and grief。 C'tair found and inventoried provisions laid up in nullentropy storage chambers; he checked outdated weapons in the small armory closet。 Unlike some of the larger algae…rooms; this secret place had no orship。 He hoped the chamber wasn't on any charts; classified or unclassified。 Otherwise; the Tleilaxu and their duped suboid followers would certainly find him。
 Stunned and listless; C'tair holed up and passed the time; not certain when he might be able to escape; or even send a message。 He didn't think any outside military forces would ever arrive to rescue Ix  it should have happened long before now。 His father had departed for good。 A few panicked rumors said that House Vernius had fled; gone renegade。 The Grand Palais was already abandoned and ransacked; soon to bee the headquarters for the new masters of Ix。
 Had Kailea Vernius departed with her family; fleeing the destruction? C'tair hoped so; for her sake。 Otherwise; she would have been a target for the angry revolutionaries。 She was a beautiful young woman bred for Court functions and finery and palace intrigues; never for tooth…and…nail survival。
 It made him sick to think of his beloved city; pillaged and trampled。 He remembered the crystal walkways; the stalactite buildings; the magnificent achievements of the Heighliner construction; a craft that could be whisked away like magic by the powers of a Guild Navigator。 How often had he and D'murr explored long tunnels; looked out at the massive grottoes; watched prosperity spread to all Ix's inhabitants? Now the suboids had ruined everything。 And for what? He doubted even they understood。
 Possibly C'tair could find a passage to the surface; contact a transport ship; use stolen credits to buy a passage off of Ix and make his way to Kaitain; where he would contact his father。 Was Cammar Pilru even still the Ambassador? Of a government in exile? Probably not。
 No; C'tair could not leave here and abandon his world to its fate。 This was Ix; his home; and he refused to run。 He did vow to survive; though。。。somehow。 He would do whatever it took。 Once the dust settled; he could wear old clothes and meekly pretend to be one of the disaffected Ixians coping with new planetary masters。 He doubted he would ever be safe; however。
 Not if he intended to continue the fight。。。
 In ensuing weeks; C'tair was able to sneak out of his hideout late in the programmed subterranean nights; utilizing an Ixian life…tracer to avoid Tleilaxu guards and other enemy personnel。 With disgust he watched magnificent Vernii crumble in front of his eyes。
 The Grand Palais was now occupied by the ugly gnome…men; treacherous gray…skinned usurpers who had stolen an entire world under the indifferent eyes of the Imperium。 They had flooded the underground city with their furtive; robed representatives。 Ferretlike invader teams scoured the stalactite buildings in search of any no
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