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 takeoff。 Leto sat back; trying to relinquish mand。 The external simulation still filled his eyes; distracting him with visions of pristine Ixian landscapes。
 Blue light flashed from outside the craft。 An explosion rocked all of them。 Leto heard Rhombur grunt in pain and shook his head to scatter the rest of the tutorial hologram。 The Ixian Prince slumped forward in his chair; blood trickled down his face。
 〃What the hells?〃 Leto said。 〃Rhombur?〃
 〃This is real; Leto!〃 Kailea shouted。 〃Fly this thing out of here。〃
 Leto jammed his fingers against the panel; struggling to switch from tutorial to active status; but Rhombur hadn't finished prepping the ship。 Another explosion blasted through the wall of the chamber; strewing algae…covered shards of rock。 Ominous figures surged into the main room below。
 Rhombur groaned。 From beneath them; suboids shouted and pointed up at the ship that held the three refugees。 Lasgun fire scorched the stone walls and the orship's plated hull。 Leto activated the auto…launch sequence。 Despite his earlier concerns; he now fervently hoped the ship's interactive puter mind would function efficiently。
 The orship shot straight up through a channel; then a rock cap; a layer of snow; and finally into an open sky full of dazzling clouds。 Steering with his fingers; Leto narrowly avoided a brilliant stream of laser bursts; automated defenses the rebels had mandeered。 He squinted against the sudden sunlight。
 Looping high in the stratosphere and trying to get a bead on any enemy that might strike them from space; Leto noticed a hulking Heighliner in low…planetary orbit。 Two streaks of light shot out of the massive craft in separate V…patterns  a familiar signal to Leto: Atreides ships。
 From the board Leto 〃sent an identifier signal in the special battle language his father and teachers had hammered into him。 Rescue craft fell in on each side of the orship; acting as escorts。 The pilots signaled him to acknowledge his identity。 Bursts of purple from the starboard craft pulverized a cloud below; where enemy ships had been concealed。
 〃Rhombur; are you all right?〃 Kailea took a moment to assess her brother's injuries。
 The young Vernius heir stirred; put a hand to his head; and groaned。 A ceiling…mounted electronics box had struck him on the skull; then shattered on the floor。 〃Uh; vermilion hells!  didn't get the blasted PSF activated in time。〃 He blinked repeatedly; then swiped dark blood from his eyes。
 Using his new skills; Leto followed his escort into the safety of the waiting Heighliner; where he saw two large Atreides battle frigates。 As his orship hovered inside the hold; a message came over the system in Galach; but he recognized a familiar Caladanian drawl。 〃Good thing we got the Heighliner to wait an extra hour。 Wele aboard; Prince Leto。 Are you and your panions all right? How many survivors?〃
 He looked over at Rhombur nursing his battered skull。 〃Three of us; more or less intact。 Just get us away from Ix。〃
 After the orship was parked between Atreides escorts within assigned stalls inside the immense Heighliner hold; Leto looked to each side。 Through the portholes of the larger ships he saw uniformed Atreides soldiers in green…and…black livery; familiar hawk crests。 He breathed a deep; relieved sigh。
 Next he looked with concern at Rhombur; whose sister was wiping blood off his brow with a cloth。 Focusing on Leto; the Ixian Prince said; 〃Well; forget the simulations; friend。 It's always best to learn by doing。〃
 Then he passed out and crumpled to one side。
 Even the poorest House can be rich in loyalty。 Allegiance that must be purchased by bribes or wages is hollow and flawed; and could break at the worst possible moment。 Allegiance that es from the heart; though; is stronger than adamantium and more valuable than purest melange。
 Far across the galaxy; within the cargo hold of another Heighliner; a single unmarked Ixian space cruiser rested alone and indistinguishable among the crowded ships。 The runaway cruiser had hopped from one freight line to another; changing designations each time。
 Inside the unmarked ship; Dominic and Shando Vernius sat as passengers amidst the tattered remnants of their armed forces。 Many of the family guard had been killed; and many had not made it to the escape ship in time; others had decided to take their chances in the aftermath of the revolution。 No one aboard had said anything for a long time。
 Lady Shando's personal manservant Omer squirmed; twitching his narrow shoulders; his straight black hair had been cut exactly at the collar line; but now both collar and hair looked a bit ragged。 Omer was the only one of her household staff who had chosen to acpany the family into exile。 A timid man; he had abhorred the prospect of attempting to make a new life among the Tleilaxu。
 Ambassador Pilru's curt reports had made it eminently clear that they could expect no assistance from Landsraad military forces or the Emperor。 By declaring themselves renegade they had severed all ties  and all obligations  to Imperial Law。
 The seats; storage bins; and lockers aboard the renegade ship were filled with gems and valuable items; anything that could be sold for ready cash。 Their flight might last for a long; long time。
 Dominic sat next to his wife; holding her small and delicate hand。 His hairless brow was creased with concern。 〃Elrood will send out teams to track us down;〃 he said。 〃We'll be hunted like animals。〃
 〃Oh; why won't he just leave us alone now?〃 Omer muttered; shaking his straight black hair。 〃We've already lost everything。〃
 〃Not enough for Roody;〃 Shando said; turning to her manservant。 She sat straight…backed and regal。 〃He's never forgiven me for talking him into letting me go。 I never lied; but he thinks I tricked him。〃
 She looked out the narrow port edged with gleaming ser…chrome。 The Ixian ship was small; with no overt markings of House Vernius: a simple vehicle used for hauling cargo or steerage passengers。 Shando squeezed her husband's hand and tried not to think of how far their fortunes had fallen。
 She remembered the day of her departure from the Imperial Court; bathed and perfumed and decked with fresh flowers from Elrood's greenhouses。 The other concubines had given her gifts of brooches; jewels; radiant scarves that glowed from body heat。 She had been young and excited then; her heart swelling with gratitude for the memories and experiences; yet aching to start a new life with a man she desperately loved。
 Shando had kept her romance with Dominic secret and left Elrood under what she thought were good terms; terminating her service with his blessing。 She and the Emperor had made love one last time; talked fondly of memories they shared。 Elrood hadn't understood her desire to leave Kaitain; but he had plenty of other concubines; after all。 Her loss had meant little to him。。。until he learned she'd left him out of love for another man。
 Now Shando's ragged flight from Ix was far different from her departure from Kaitain。 She sighed bitterly。 〃After a reign of almost a century and a half; Roody has learned how to wait for his revenge。〃
 Long past any shadow of jealousy; Domini
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