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t; considering the situation。 If nothing else; she would never be seen mitting a social faux pas。
 Kailea's eyes flared at his suggestion; and Leto shrank back。 〃What; with fishermen dancing a bawdy jig and rice farmers performing some fertility rite?〃 Her words cut deep; and Leto felt his world and his heritage to be inadequate for someone like her。

 Kailea softened; though; and rested her fingers on Leto's forearm。 〃I'm sorry; Leto。 Very sorry。 It's just that I wanted so badly to go to Kaitain; to see the Imperial Palace; the wonders of the Court。〃
 Rhombur sat sullen。 〃Elrood never would have allowed it; if only because he's still angry at Mother。〃
 Kailea got up and paced the small; algae…smelling chamber。 〃Why did she ever have to leave him? She could have stayed in the Palace; lived her life in luxury  but instead she came here to this。。。cave。 A cave that's now overrun with vermin。 If Father really cared for her; would he have asked her to sacrifice so much? It makes no sense。〃
 Leto tried to console her。 〃Don't you believe in love; Kailea? I've seen the way your parents look at each other。〃
 〃Of course I believe in love; Leto。 But I also believe in mon sense; and you have to weigh one against the other。〃
 Kailea turned her back on them and rummaged in the entertainment files for something to amuse herself。 Leto decided not to pursue the matter。 Instead; he turned to Rhombur with a suggestion。 〃We should each take the time to learn how to operate the orship。 just in case。〃
 〃No need。 I can run it myself;〃 Rhombur said。
 After taking a drink of the tart; preserved juice; Leto puckered his lips。 〃But what if you're injured  or worse? What do we do then?〃
 〃He's right; you know;〃 Kailea said; not even lifting her emerald eyes from the entertainment files。 Her voice sounded weary and brittle。 〃Let's show him; Rhombur。〃
 He stared across the table at Leto。 〃Well; you know how an ornithopter works? Or a shuttle?〃
 〃I learned to pilot a 'thopter by the time I was ten。 But the only shuttles I've seen were robo…controlled。〃
 〃Brainless machines; performing set functions the same way every time。 I hate those things。。。even though we manufacture them。〃 He took a bite of energy bar。 〃Well; we used to; anyway。 Before the Tleilaxu came。〃 He lifted his right hand overhead and rubbed the firejewel ring that designated him as heir of the Ixian House。
 At his signal; a large square in the ceiling dropped smoothly and came to rest on the floor。 Looking up through the aperture; Leto saw a sleek silver shape stored above。 〃e with me。〃 Rhombur stepped onto the panel; and Kailea joined him。 〃We'll do a systems check。〃
 As Leto stepped aboard; he felt an upward thrust。 The three of them surged through the ceiling and beyond; up the side of a silver airship to a platform high on the craft's fuselage。
 The orship reminded Leto of a space lighter; a small craft with a narrow body and plaz windows。 A bination ornithopter…spacecraft; the orship could operate either on…planet or in low orbit。 In violation of the Guild's monopoly on space travel; orships were among the most closely held Ixian secrets; to be employed only as a last resort。
 A hatch slid open on the side of the craft; and Leto heard the ship's systems surround him with a hum of machinery and electronics。 Rhombur led the way into a pact mand center with two high…backed chairs and glimmering finger…panel controls in front of each。 He slid into one seat; and Leto into the other。 The resilient sensiform material conformed to their bodies。 Soft green lights glowed on the finger panels。 Kailea stood behind her brother; her hands on the back of his chair。
 With his fingers dancing over the glowing control panels; Rhombur said; 〃I'm setting yours on tutorial。 The ship will teach you how to pilot it。〃
 Leto's panel changed color to yellow。 Wondering again about the machine…mind taboos of the Butlerian Jihad; he scrunched his face in confusion。 How much could this craft think for itself? His mother had warned him about accepting too many things; especially Ixian things; at face value。 Through the clear plaz windshield he saw only gray rock outside; the rough interior surface of the algae…chamber。
 〃So it thinks for itself? Like those new training meks you showed me?〃
 Rhombur paused。 〃Uh; I know what's on your mind; Leto; but this machine does not emulate human thought processes。 The suboids just don't understand。 Like our adaptive fighting mek; which scans an adversary to make bat decisions; it doesn't think  it only reacts; at lightning speed。 It reads your movements; anticipates; and responds。〃
 〃That sounds like thinking to me。〃 In the finger…panel zone before Leto; lights danced within lights。
 Kailea sighed with frustration。 〃The Butlerian Jihad has been over for thousands of years; and still humankind acts as if we're terrified rodents hiding from shadows。 There is an anti…Ixian prejudice throughout the Imperium because we make plex machines。 People don't understand what we do; and misunderstanding breeds suspicion。〃
 Leto nodded。 〃Then help me understand。 Let's get started。〃 He looked at the control panel and tried not to be too impatient。 After the past few days; they were all feeling the effects of unrelenting stress。
 〃Place your fingers over the identity plates;〃 Rhombur said。 〃Don't actually touch the panel。 Stay a little above it。〃
 After doing so; Leto's body was surrounded by a pale yellow glow that made his skin tingle。
 〃It's absorbing the identity ponents of your body: the shape of your face; tiny scars; fingerprints; hair follicles; retina prints。 I've instructed the machine to accept your inputs。〃 When the glow receded; Rhombur said; 〃You're authorized now。 Activate the tutorial by passing your right thumb over the second row of lights。〃
 Leto plied; and a synthetic…reality box appeared in front of his eyes depicting an aerial view that passed over craggy mountains and rocky gorges  the same scenery he had observed months ago; the day he'd been unceremoniously stranded outside by the Guild shuttle。
 Suddenly sparks filled the air in the hiding chamber below。 Explosions and static bursts inundated his ears。 The synthetic landscape image went hazy; came into focus again; and faded。 Leto's head rang from the noise。
 〃Sit down;〃 Rhombur barked。 〃Uh  this isn't a simulation anymore。〃
 〃They've found us already!〃 Kailea tumbled into a low bulkhead seat behind Leto's and was automatically surrounded by a personal safety field。 Leto felt the warmth of another PSF cocooning him as Rhombur tried to lock himself into the piloting seat。
 On the orship's surveillance screen; Rhombur saw Tleilaxu soldiers and armed suboids filling the hidden chamber's access tube; firing lasgun bursts to break open the hidden doorways。 The attackers were already through the second barrier。 Captain Zhaz and a few remaining men lay in smoking mounds on the floor。
 〃Maybe your parents got away;〃 Leto said。 〃I hope they're safe。〃
 Rhombur thrust his hands into the finger…control field; removing the orship from tutorial mode and preparing for actual takeoff。 Leto sat back; trying to relinquish mand。 The external simulation still filled his eyes; d
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