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 Outside in the hidden corridor; half a dozen armed soldiers took up positions again; sealing the access door behind them。 On the external…monitor screen; Leto saw the rest of them  shock troops in case of a violent rebel incursion  setting up lascannons; sensors; and sonic defensive equipment in the chamber's access tube。
 Relieved to see his family safe at last; Rhombur hugged his parents and sister。 〃It'll be all right;〃 he said。 〃You'll see。〃
 Despite her wound; the Lady Shando appeared proud and brave; though salty tracks around her reddened eyes showed evidence of tears。 Self…consciously; Kailea glanced over at Leto; then dropped her emerald gaze。 She looked defeated now; and fragile; without her usual aloof demeanor。 He wanted to fort her; but hesitated。 Everything seemed too unsettled now; too frightening。
 〃We don't have much time; children;〃 Dominic said; wiping perspiration from his brow; then rubbing his sweaty biceps; 〃and this time calls for desperate measures。〃 His shaved scalp was smudged with someone else's blood  ally or enemy? Leto wondered。 The torn helix insignia dangled from his lapel。
 〃Then now is not the time to call us children;〃 Kailea said with surprising strength。 〃We're a part of this fight。〃
 Rhombur stood tall; looking unusually regal beside his broad…shouldered father; rather than spoiled and stocky。 〃And we're ready to help you retake Ix。 Vernii is our city; and we have to get it back。〃
 〃No; all three of you are going to stay here。〃 Dominic held up a wide; callused hand to silence Rhombur's instant objection。 〃First order of business is to keep the heirs safe。 I'll hear no argument in this。 Each moment of arguing takes me away from my people; and they desperately need my leadership right now。〃
 〃You boys are too young to fight;〃 Shando said; her delicate face now looking hard and unbreakable。 〃You're the future of your respective Houses  both of you。〃
 Dominic came forward to stand in front of Leto and looked him directly in the eye for the first time; as if he finally saw the Atreides boy as a man。 〃Leto; your father would never forgive me if anything happened to his son。 We have already sent a message to the Old Duke; notifying him of the situation。 In response; your father has promised limited assistance and has dispatched a rescue mission to take you; Rhombur; and Kailea to safety on Caladan。〃 Dominic placed beefy hands on the shoulders of his two children  children who now needed to be much more than that。 〃Duke Atreides will protect you; give you sanctuary from this。 It is all he can do for now。〃
 〃That's ridiculous;〃 Leto said; his gray eyes flashing。 〃You should take refuge with House Atreides as well; m'Lord。 My father would never turn you away。〃
 Dominic gave a wan smile。 〃No doubt Paulus would do exactly as you say  but I cannot; because that would doom my children。〃
 Rhombur looked over at his sister in alarm。 Lady Shando nodded and continued; she and her husband had already discussed the various possibilities。 〃Rhombur; if you and Kailea live in exile on Caladan; then you may be safe; not worth anyone's trouble。 I suspect that this bloody revolt has been engineered with Imperial influence and support; and all the pieces have fallen into place。〃
 Rhombur and Kailea stared at each other in disbelief; then at Leto。 〃Imperial support?〃
 〃Why the Emperor wants Ix; I do not know;〃 Dominic said; 〃but Elrood's grudge is against me and your mother。 If I go with you to House Atreides; the hunters will e for all of us。 They'll find some reason to attack Caladan。 No; your mother and I have to find a way to draw this fight away from you。〃
 Rhombur stood indignant。 His pale skin flushed。 〃We can hold out here a while longer; Father。 I don't want to leave you behind。〃
 〃The deal is done; my son。 It's already negotiated。 Other than the Atreides rescue operation; there is no help ing  no Imperial Sardaukar to assist us; no Landsraad armies to drive back the Tleilaxu。 The suboids are their pawns。 We have sent appeals to all the Houses Major and to the Landsraad; but no one will move fast enough。 Someone has outmaneuvered us。。。。〃
 At her husband's side; Lady Shando held her head high; despite her pain and disheveled appearance。 She had been the Lady of a Great House; and an Imperial concubine before that; but first of all she had been lowborn。 Shando could be happy even without the riches of an Ixian governorship。
 〃But what happens to the two of you now?〃 Leto asked; since Rhombur and Kailea didn't have the courage to inquire。
 〃House Vernius will go。。。renegade。〃 Shando let the word hang in an astonished silence for a heartbeat。
 〃Vermilion hells!〃 Rhombur finally said; and his sister also gasped。
 Shando stood and kissed her children。
 〃We'll take what we can salvage; then Dominic and I will separate and go into hiding。 Maybe for years。 A few of the most loyal will acpany us; others will flee entirely; still others will stay here; for better or worse。 We'll make new lives for ourselves; and eventually our fortunes will turn again。〃
 Dominic gave Leto an awkward handshake; not quite the Imperial clasp of fingers; but more the way Old Terrans used to do it; since the Imperium  from the Emperor to all of the Houses Major  had let House Vernius down。 Once they declared themselves renegade; the family Vernius would no longer be part of the Imperium。
 Shando and Kailea were crying softly as they hugged one another; while Dominic clasped his son by the shoulders。 Moments later; Earl Vernius and his wife hurried out through the chamber's access tube; taking a contingent of guards with them; while Rhombur and his sister held one another and watched them go on the eye screen。
 THE FOLLOWING MORNING; the three refugees sat in unfortable but efficient suspensor chairs; eating energy bars and drinking Ixap juice。 And waiting。
 Kailea said little; as if she had lost her energy for fighting the circumstances。 Her older brother tried to cheer her up; but to no avail。 Isolated here; walled off; they had heard no word from outside; didn't know if reinforcements had arrived; or if the city continued to burn。。。。
 Kailea had cleaned herself up; made a valiant effort to reconstruct her damaged gown and torn lace; and then wore her altered appearance like a badge。 〃I should have been attending a ball this week;〃 she said; her voice empty as if all the emotion had been scrubbed from it。 〃The Solstice of Dur; one of the largest social events on Kaitain。 My mother said I could attend one when I was old enough。〃 She looked over at Leto and gave a mirthless laugh。 〃Since I could have gotten betrothed to an appropriate husband this year; I must be old enough to attend a dance。 Don't you think?〃
 She plucked at her torn lace sleeve。 Leto didn't know what to say to her。 He tried to think of what Helena would have said to the Vernius daughter。 〃When we get to Caladan; I'll have my mother throw a grand ball to wele you there。 Would you like that; Kailea?〃 He knew the Lady Helena resented the two Ixian children because of her religious bias; but surely his mother would soften her heart; considering the situation。 If nothing else; she would never be seen mitting a social faux pas。
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