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 〃There are many things you don't understand; Aken;〃 the Emperor said。 〃Just follow my wishes。〃 The Chamberlain appeared stung。
 〃Um…m…m…m。〃 Fenring paced behind the high…backed chair; then snagged a crystallized fruit wafer off one of the snacking trays。 〃Technically the Courier is correct; Sire。 You're not allowed to delay for a day or two。 The regulation also goes on to say that; if called; the Landsraad Security Council meeting cannot be concluded without a decision。〃 Fenring placed a finger on his lips as he considered。 〃The hostile parties and their representatives have a right to attend。 In the Ixians' case; their representative could be the Spacing Guild as well as Ambassador Pilru  who; I might add; has a son currently threatened by the revolt on Ix; and another son recently inducted into the Guild。〃
 〃Remember; too; the Ambassador's wife has been killed in the revolt;〃 Hesban added。 〃People are dying。〃
 〃Considering our plans for the Tleilaxu to use Ixian facilities; it would be better to keep the Guild out of this; too;〃 Shaddam spoke up。
 〃Plans?〃 The Chamberlain looked alarmed to learn he had been kept out of such important discussions。 He turned to Elrood。 〃What plans; Sire?〃
 〃Later; Aken。〃 The Emperor frowned。 Shifting unfortably on his chair; he tugged the robes around his sunken chest。 〃Damn that woman!〃
 〃The Guildsmen are waiting with her down in the hall;〃 Hesban pressed。 〃Ambassador Pilru demands an audience with you。 In only a few moments other Houses will get wind of the news; and they'll insist on action as well  especially the ones with CHOAM directorships。 Turmoil on Ix will have drastic economic consequences; at least for the immediate future。〃
 〃Bring me the regulations and two Mentats to run independent analyses。 Find something to get us out of this!〃 The Emperor appeared suddenly alert; pumped up by the crisis。 〃House Corrino must not interfere with the Tleilaxu takeover of Ix。 Our future depends on it。〃
 〃As。。。you wish; Sire。〃 Hesban bowed and left in a rustle of his deep blue finery; still perplexed but willing to follow orders。
 Minutes later a house servant entered the anteroom carrying a projector and a blackplaz oval screen。 Bustling about; the servant set up the apparatus on a table。 Fenring moved it into position so the Emperor could see it better。
 Hesban returned; flanked by two Mentats; their lips stained red with sapho juice。 Outside the door; the Sardaukar elite guard held back several representatives who clamored for entry。 Clearly recognizable above the clamor was the high…pitched; agitated voice of the Ixian Ambassador。
 Fenring called up recorded data on shigawire reels as Chamberlain Hesban summarized the events and the problem for the two Imperial Mentats。 Images danced above the table  black words printed in Galach。 Staying close to his friend; Shaddam peered into the depths of the law as if he might spot some subtlety that had eluded everyone else。
 Both Mentats stood rigid; eyes distant; as they ran their separate analyses of the law and its subsidiary codes。 〃To begin;〃 one of the Mentats said; 〃take a look at six point three。〃
 The words scrolled across the projector field in a blur; then stopped on a particular page。 One of the sections was highlighted in red; and a second holo copy of the page appeared in midair。 The duplicate floated to the Emperor's lap; so that both he and the others could read it。
 〃Won't work;〃 the second Mentat said。 〃Cross…reference seventy…eight point three; volume twelve。〃
 Leaning close; Elrood scanned the regulation。 Then he passed a hand through the page; and it disappeared。 〃Rotten Guild;〃 he said。 〃We'll bring them to their knees as soon as 〃 Fenring cleared his throat to interrupt the failing Emperor's train of thought before he could reveal too much。
 The holoprojector began searching again as the Mentats fell silent。 Chamberlain Hesban leaned close to study pages that slowed in front of him。
 〃Blast these regulations! That's what I'd like to do; use atomics on all the laws。〃 Elrood continued to fume。 〃Do I rule the Imperium; or don't I? Having to pander to the Landsraad; having to avoid stepping on the Guild's toes。。。an Emperor shouldn't be required to bow to other powers。〃
 〃Quite right; Sire;〃 Hesban acknowledged。 〃But we're caught in a web of treaties and alliances。〃
 〃Maybe this is something;〃 Fenring said; presently。 〃Jihad Appendix nineteen point oh…oh…four。〃 He paused。 〃In matters involving the Butlerian Jihad and the strictures established thereafter; the Emperor is given additional latitude to make decisions regarding punishment for those who breach the prohibition against thinking machines。〃
 The Emperor's sunken eyes lit up。 〃Ah; and since there is some question here about possible Ixian violations; perhaps we can legally proceed with 'all due caution。' Especially since we have recently received disturbing reports about machine developments。〃
 〃We have?〃 the Chamberlain asked。
 〃Certainly。 Remember the self…learning fighting meks on the black market? That bears closer scrutiny。〃
 Shaddam and Fenring smiled at each other。 They all knew such a stance might not hold up to prolonged scrutiny; but for now Elrood only needed to delay taking action。 The Tleilaxu would seal their conquest in another day or two。 Without outside support; House Vernius didn't have a chance。
 Hesban added; studying the precise Galach words; 〃According to this Appendix; the Padishah Emperor is the 'Holy Guardian of the jihad;' charged with protecting it and all it represents。〃
 〃Ah; yes。 In that case; we could request to see this alleged evidence from the Tleilaxu Ambassador; and then give Pilru a set time to respond afterward。〃 Shaddam paused; looked at Fenring for encouragement。 〃By the end of the day; the Emperor could issue a request for a temporary cessation of hostilities。〃
 〃It'll be too late; then;〃 Chamberlain Hesban said。
 〃Exactly。 Ix will fall; and there will be nothing they can do about it。〃
 Like many culinary delicacies; revenge is a dish best savored slowly; after long and delicate preparation。
 Deathbed Insights
 Half an hour later; Shaddam watched the opposing Ambassadors enter the Emperor's anteroom for a private audience meant to 〃resolve the matter。〃 At Fenring's suggestion; he had changed into a more formal outfit with subtle military trappings; so that while his father looked unkempt and sloppy; he had the appearance of a leader。
 The Ixian Ambassador had a broad; flesh…fat face with pink cheeks。 His entire body looked rumpled in a serge singlesuit with wide lapels and fluffed collar。 His thin gray hair had been bed hurriedly。 Since he admitted he wasn't personally familiar with the crisis conditions on Ix; he brought along the Courier Yuta Brey; an eyewitness。
 The only Tleilaxu delegate they could find; Mofra Tooy; was a man of small stature with scruffy orange hair and grayish skin。 The man exuded a barely suppressed rage; seething as his small dark eyes bored holes through his Ixian counterpart。 Tooy had been briefed in exactly what to say。
 Ambassador Pilru remained shocked by the entire situation; only now beginning to grasp the death of his w
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