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 〃As you wish;〃 Brey said。 She recited the memorized words; using even the intonations Dominic Vernius had used。
 〃We are under attack from the Bene Tleilax under a false guise of internal unrest。 Through infiltration by Face Dancer mimics; the Tleilaxu have fomented an insurrection among our working class。 By these treacherous means; the rebels have gained the advantage of surprise。 Many of our defense installations have either been destroyed or are besieged。 Like madmen; they scream 'Jihad! Jihad!' 〃
 〃Holy war?〃 Hesban said。 〃Over what? What has Ix done now?〃
 〃We have no idea; Monsieur Chamberlain。 The Tleilaxu are known to be religious fanatics。 Our suboids are bred to follow instructions; and thus are easily manipulated。〃 Yuta Brey hesitated; with a slight trembling of her lips。 〃Earl Dominic Vernius respectfully requests the immediate intervention of the Emperor's Sardaukar against this illegal act。〃
 She recited extensive details on Ixian and Tleilaxu military positions; including the extent of the uprising; the manufacturing facilities crippled; and the citizens murdered。 Prominent among the victims was the Ambassador's own wife; a Guild banker; who had died in an explosion at the Guild Embassy Building。
 〃They've gone too far。〃 Indignant; Hesban appeared ready to issue the order himself for the defense of Ix。 The request of House Vernius was eminently reasonable。 Looking down at the Emperor; he said; 〃Sire; if the Tleilaxu wish to accuse Ix of violating any strictures of the Great Convention; let them do so in open Landsraad court。〃
 Although incense burned in the air; and spicy hors d'oeuvres sat arrayed on mother…of…pearl serving trays; Brey could still smell a sour odor of sickness hanging in the stuffy air of the anteroom。 Elrood fidgeted under the weight of his heavy robe。 He narrowed his rheumy eyes。 〃We will take your request under advisement; Courier。 I feel as if I need to rest a bit now。 Doctor's orders; you know。 We will discuss the matter tomorrow。 Please take refreshment and select a chamber in our visiting dignitaries' quarters。 You may also wish to meet with the Ixian Ambassador。〃
 A look of alarm electrified the woman's gaze。 〃This information is already several hours old; Sire。 We are in a most desperate situation。 I have been instructed to tell you that Earl Vernius believes any delay will be fatal。〃
 Hesban responded loudly; still confused as to why Elrood would not take immediate action。 〃One does not tell the Emperor anything; young lady。 One makes requests of him; no more。〃
 〃My deepest apologies; Sire。 Please forgive my agitation; but today I have seen my world struck a deadly blow。 What response may I give to Earl Vernius?〃
 〃Be patient。 I will get back to him in due time; after I have considered my reply。〃
 All color drained from Brey's face。 〃May I ask when?〃
 〃You may not!〃 Elrood thundered。 〃Your audience is concluded。〃 He glared back at her。
 Taking charge; Chamberlain Hesban stepped forward; placing a hand on Brey's shoulder and steering her toward the door as he looked curiously over his shoulder at the Emperor。
 〃As you wish; Sire。〃 Brey bowed; and the elite guards escorted her from the room。
 ELROOD HAD NOT failed to notice anger and despair in the Courier's expression when she realized that her mission had failed。 He had seen desperation and the beginnings of tears in her eyes。 So tiresome; so predictable。
 But everything had proceeded perfectly。
 As soon as the Ixian Courier and the Court Chamberlain were gone; Crown Prince Shaddam and Fenring entered the anteroom and stood before Elrood。 The old man knew they had been eavesdropping。
 〃Quite an education you two are getting; eh?〃 Elrood said。 〃Watch; and learn。〃
 〃Ah; yes。 You handled the situation masterfully; Father。 Events are unfolding exactly as you predicted。〃 With a great deal of invisible help from me and Fenring。
 The Emperor beamed; then fell into a bout of coughing。 〃My Sardaukar would have been more efficient than Tleilaxu; but I couldn't risk showing my hand too early。 A formal Ixian plaint to the Landsraad could spell trouble。 We've got to get rid of House Vernius and put the Tleilaxu in place as our puppets; with legions of Sardaukar sent in afterward to crack down and ensure the takeover。〃
 〃Hm…m…m…m…ah; perhaps it would be preferable to refer to it as 'fostering a smooth and orderly transition。' Avoid using the term 'crack down。' 〃
 Elrood smiled with his papery lips; exposing teeth in a way that made his head look even more like a skull。 〃See; Hasimir; you are learning to be a politician after all  despite your rather direct methods。〃
 Though all three of them knew the underlying reasons for the overthrow of Ix; none of them spoke of the benefits they would receive after Hidar Fen Ajidica had begun the artificial spice research there。
 Chamberlain Hesban burst back into the room; uncharacteristically flustered。 He bowed。 〃Sire; pardon me; please? As I was transferring the Courier back to her Guild escorts; she informed them that you had refused to act in accordance with Imperial regulations。 She has already joined with Ambassador Pilru in requesting an immediate audience with the members of the Landsraad Council。〃
 〃Hm…m…m…m; she's going behind your back; Sire;〃 Fenring said。
 〃Absurd;〃 the old Emperor snapped; then searched for his ever…present mug of spice beer。 〃What does a messenger know of Imperial regulations?〃
 〃Though they have not qualified for full Mentat training; Licensed Couriers have perfect memories; Sire;〃 Fenring pointed out; bending close to the Emperor in the position Chamberlain Hesban usually assumed。
 〃She can't process the concepts; but she may well have every regulation and codicil readily accessible in her brain。 She rattled off a number of them in my presence。〃
 〃Ah; yes。 But how can she contest the Emperor's decision; when he hasn't even made up his mind yet?〃 Shaddam asked。
 Hesban tugged on one of his drooping mustaches; increasing the frown that he directed at the Crown Prince; but he refrained from scolding Shaddam for his ignorance of Imperial law。 〃By mutual agreement between the Federated Council of the Landsraad and House Corrino; the Emperor is required either to render immediate assistance; or convene an emergency Security Council meeting to deal with the matter。 If your father does not act within the hour; the Ixian Ambassador is within his rights to convene the Council himself。〃
 〃Security Council?〃 Elrood grimaced and looked first to Chamberlain Hesban; then to Fenring for assistance。 〃What regulation is that infernal woman citing?〃
 〃Volume thirty; section six point three; under the Great Convention。〃
 〃What does it say?〃
 Hesban took a deep breath。 〃It concerns situations of House…to…House warfare; in which an appeal to the Emperor has been made by one of the parties engaged in hostilities。 The regulation was designed to prohibit Emperors from taking sides; in such matters you must act as a neutral arbiter。 Neutral; yes  but you must act。〃 He shuffled his feet。 〃Sire; I'm afraid I don't understand why you would wish to delay。 Surely; you don't side with。。。with the Tleilaxu?〃
 〃There are many things you don't
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