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des uniform with a red hawk crest on the left breast。 〃It's all just talking and standing anyway; lad。〃 He blinked toward the stage; where the old men still hadn't moved much。 〃And we've seen it every year。〃
 〃That is not the point; Paulus; dear。 People are watching。〃 It was Leto's mother; sitting on the other side of the Duke。 The dark…skinned Lady Helena; dressed in her fine gown; took seriously the ponderous words of the Greek chorus。 〃Pay attention to the context。 It's your family history; after all。 Not mine。〃 Leto looked from one parent to the other; knowing that the family history of his mother's House Richese carried just as much grandeur and loss as that of Atreides。 Richese had sunk from a highly profitable 〃golden age〃 to its current economic weakness。
 House Atreides claimed to trace its roots more than twelve thousand years; back to the ancient sons of Atreus on Old Terra。 Now the family embraced its long history; despite the numerous tragic and dishonorable incidents it contained。 The Dukes had made an annual tradition of performing the classic tragedy of Agamemnon; the most famous son of Atreus and one of the generals who had conquered Troy。
 With black…black hair and a narrow face; Leto Atreides strongly resembled his mother; though he had his father's aquiline nose and hawkish profile。 The young man watched; dressed in unfortable finery; vaguely aware of the off…world background of the story。 The author of the ancient play had counted on his audience understanding the esoteric references。 General Agamemnon had been a great military mander in one of human history's legendary wars; long before the creation of thinking machines that had enslaved mankind; long before the Butlerian Jihad had freed humanity。
 For the first time in his fourteen years; Leto felt the weight of legends on his shoulders; he sensed a connection with the faces and personalities of his star…crossed family's past。 One day he would succeed his father; and would bee a part of Atreides history as well。 Events were chipping away at his childhood; transforming him into a man。 He saw it clearly。
 〃The unenvied fortune is best;〃 the old men chimed together to say their lines。 〃Preferable to sacking cities; better than following the mands of others。〃
 Before sailing to Troy; Agamemnon had sacrificed his own daughter to guarantee favorable winds from the gods。 His distraught wife; Clytemnestra; had spent the ten years of her husband's absence plotting revenge。 Now; after the final battle of the Trojan War; a chain of signal fires had been lit along the coast; sending back home word of the victory。
 〃All of the action occurs offstage;〃 Paulus muttered; though he had never been much of a reader or literary critic。 He lived life for the moment; squeezing every drop of experience and acplishment。 He preferred spending time with his son; or his soldiers。 〃Everybody just stands in front of the sets; waiting for Agamemnon to arrive。〃
 Paulus abhorred inaction; always telling his son that even the wrong decision was better than no decision at all。 In the play; Leto thought the Old Duke sympathized most with the great general; a man after his own heart。
 The chorus of old men droned on; Clytemnestra stepped out of the palace to deliver a speech; and the chorus continued again。 A herald; pretending to have disembarked from a ship; came onto the stage; kissed the ground; and recited a long soliloquy。
 〃Agamemnon; glorious king! How you deserve our joyous wele; for annihilating Troy and the Trojan homeland。 Our enemy's shrines lie in ruins; nevermore forting their gods; and their soils are barren。〃
 Warfare and mayhem  it made Leto think of his father's younger days; when he had charged out to fight battles for the Emperor; crushing a bloody rebellion on Ecaz; adventuring with his friend Dominic; who was now the Earl of House Vernius on Ix。 In private times with Leto; the Old Duke often talked about those days with great fondness。
 In the shadows of their box; Paulus heaved a too…loud sigh; not concealing his boredom。 Lady Helena shot him a daggered glare; then returned her attention to the play; reconstructing her face to form a more placid smile in case anyone should look at her。 Leto gave his father a crooked and sympathetic grin; and Paulus winked back at him。 The Duke and his wife played their parts and fit their own fortable roles。
 Finally; on the stage below; the victorious Agamemnon arrived in a chariot; acpanied by his spoils…of…war mistress; the half…insane prophetess Cassandra。 Meanwhile; Clytemnestra made preparations for her hated husband's appearance; feigning devotion and love。
 Old Paulus started to loosen the collar of his uniform; but Helena reached over quickly to pull his hand away。 Her smile didn't waver。
 Seeing this ritual his parents often went through; Leto smiled to himself。 His mother constantly struggled to maintain what she called 〃a sense of decorum;〃 while the old man behaved with far less formality。 Though his father had taught him much about statecraft and leadership; Lady Helena had taught her son protocol and religious studies。
 A daughter of Richese; Lady Helena Atreides had been born into a House Major that had lost most of its power and prestige through failed economic petitions and political intrigues。 After being ousted from the planetary governorship of Arrakis; Helena's family had salvaged some of its respectability through an arranged marital alliance with the Atreides; several of her sisters had been married off to other Houses。
 Despite their obvious differences; the Old Duke had once told Leto he had truly loved Helena in the first years of their union。 Over time; that had eroded; and he'd dabbled with many mistresses; possibly producing illegitimate children; though Leto was his sole official heir。 As decades passed; an enmity built up between husband and wife; causing a deep rift。 Now their marriage was strictly political。
 〃I married for politics in the first place; lad;〃 he had said。 〃Never should have tried to make it otherwise。 At our station; marriage is a tool。 Don't muck everything up by trying to throw love into the mix。〃
 Leto sometimes wondered if Helena herself had ever loved his father; or if it had only been his title and station that she loved。 Of late; she seemed to have assumed the role of Paulus's royal caretaker; she constantly strove to keep him groomed and presentable。 It bore as much on her own reputation as on his。
 On the stage; Clytemnestra greeted her husband; strewing purple tapestries on the ground so he could walk on them rather than on the dirt。 Amidst great pomp and fanfare; Agamemnon marched into his palace; while the oracle Cassandra; speechless in terror; refused to enter。 She foretold her own death and the murder of the general; of course; no one listened to her。
 Through carefully cultivated political channels; Leto's mother maintained contacts with other powerful Houses; while Duke Paulus developed strong bonds with the mon people of Caladan。 The Atreides Dukes led their subjects by serving them and by paying themselves only what was fair from family business enterprises。 This was a family of wealth; but not to excess  not at the expense of 
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