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e can use it。 Eventually; we'll have vast underground catchbasins for all the water; a step toward bringing water back to the surface。 Yes; I said back。 Once water ran freely on Dune。 I have seen signs of it。〃
 In dismay Uliet stared at the poisoned knife; unable to believe that this man had no fear of him whatsoever。 Remove yourself。 Kynes had faced his death and walked right past it。 Guided by God。
 Uliet stood there now; knife in hand; the unprotected shoulders of the Imperial servant taunting him。 He could easily drive a killing blow into the man's spine。
 But the assassin could not move。
 He saw the Planetologist's confidence; as if he were protected by some holy guardian。 The vision this great man brought for the future of Dune had already captivated these people。 And the Fremen; with their harsh lives and generations of enemies who had forced them from planet to planet; needed a dream。
 Perhaps someone had finally been sent to guide them; a prophet。 Uliet's soul would be damned forever if he dared to kill the long…awaited messenger sent by God!
 But he had accepted a mission from his sietch leader; and knew that the crysknife could never be put away without shedding blood。 In this case; the dilemma could not be resolved by a minor cut either; for the blade was poisoned; the merest scratch would kill。
 Those facts could not be reconciled with each other。 Uliet's hands trembled on the hilt of the curved knife。
 Without noticing that everyone had fallen silent around him; Kynes rambled on about windtrap placement; but his audience; knowing what must happen; watched their esteemed warrior。
 Then Uliet's mouth watered。 He tried not to think of it; but  as if in a dream  he seemed to taste the sweet; sticky juice of portyguls; fresh fruit that one could simply pluck from a tree and eat。。。a mouthful of lush pulp washed down with pure water from an open pond。 Water for everyone。
 Uliet took a step back; and another; holding the knife up in a ceremonial gesture。 He took a third step away; as Kynes spoke of wheat… and rye…covered plains and gentle rain showers in the spring。
 The assassin turned; dizzy; thinking of the two words the messenger had said to him; 〃Remove yourself。〃
 He turned away and stared down at the knife he held in front of him。 Then; Uliet swayed; stopped; then swayed forward again; deliberately  and fell on his knife。 His knees did not bend; nor did he flinch or try to avoid his fate as he let himself fall facefirst onto the floor; onto the tip of the blade。 The poisoned crysknife plunged below his sternum and up into his heart。 Sprawled on the stone floor; his body trembled。 Within moments Uliet was dead。 There was very little blood。
 The sietch audience cried out at the omen they had just witnessed and backed away。 Now; as the Fremen gazed at Kynes with religious awe; his words finally stuttered to a halt。 He turned and saw the sacrifice this Fremen had just made for him; the bloodletting。
 〃What's going on here?〃 Kynes demanded。 〃Who was that man?〃
 The watermen rushed forward to remove Uliet's body。 With a rustle of robes; a shrouding of blankets and towels and cloths; they whisked away the fallen assassin; taking him to the deathstills for processing。
 The other Fremen now stared at Kynes with reverence。 〃Look! God has shown us what to do;〃 one woman exclaimed。 〃He has guided Uliet。 He has spoken to Pardot Kynes。〃
 〃Umma Kynes;〃 someone said。 Prophet Kynes。
 One man stood up and glared at the others gathered around。 〃We would be fools not to listen to him now。〃
 Runners departed and dashed through the sietch。 Not understanding the Fremen religion; Kynes couldn't grasp it all。
 From that point on; however; he didn't think he would have trouble getting anyone to listen to him。
 No outsider has ever seen a Tleilaxu female and lived to tell about it。 Considering the Tleilaxu penchant for genetic manipulation  see; e。g。; related memos on clones and gholas  this simple observation raises a wealth of additional questions。
 …Bene Gesserit Analysis
 A breathless Ixian woman with full Courier credentials arrived on Kaitain; bearing an important munique for the Emperor。 She marched into the Palace without pause; stopping to answer no questions。 Even Cammar Pilru; the official Ambassador from Ix; had not yet heard the message or the dire news of the underground suboid revolt。
 Since instantaneous foldspace munication did not exist between planets; certified and bonded Couriers booked passage on express Heighliners; bearing flash…memorized munications for personal delivery to the intended recipients。 The net result was much faster than radio or other electronic signals that would take years to cross vast space。
 Under the escort of two Guildsmen; Courier Yuta Brey arranged for an immediate appointment with the Emperor。 The woman staunchly refused to reveal anything to her planet's own Ambassador; who got wind of the excitement and rushed into the audience chamber。 The magnificent Golden Lion Throne sat empty; Elrood was again feeling tired and ill。
 〃This is for the Emperor's ears only; an urgent private request from Earl Dominic Vernius;〃 Brey said to Ambassador Pilru; turning hard eyes toward him。 The Guild and CHOAM used various harsh techniques to indoctrinate official Couriers; ensuring accuracy and loyalty。 〃However; please remain at hand; Ambassador。 I also bear vital news regarding the possible downfall of Ix。 You must be apprised of the situation。〃
 Gasping; Ambassador Pilru beseeched the Courier for more information; but the woman remained silent。 Leaving her Guild escorts and the Ixian diplomat behind in the audience chamber; Sardaukar elite guards examined her credentials and ushered her alone into an anteroom adjacent to Elrood's bedchamber。
 The Emperor; looking aged and drawn; wore a robe bearing the Imperial crest on its lapel。 He sat slumped in a high…backed chair; with his feet on a heated ottoman。 Beside him stood a tall; fussy…looking man with drooping mustaches; Chamberlain Aken Hesban。
 It surprised Brey to see the old man seated in this rather ordinary fashion instead of on the massive throne。 His blue…tinted eyes were filled with sickness; and he could hardly hold his head erect on its rail…thin; wattled neck。 Elrood seemed ready to pass out at any moment。
 With a curt bow she announced; 〃I am Courier Yuta Brey from Ix; Sire; with an important request from Lord Dominic Vernius。〃
 The Emperor scowled upon hearing his old rival's name; but said nothing; waiting and ready to pounce。 He coughed; hawking something onto a lacy handkerchief。 〃I am listening。〃
 〃It is for the Emperor's ears only;〃 she said; staring insolently at Hesban。
 〃Well?〃 Elrood said; with a terse smile。 〃I don't hear so well anymore; and this distinguished gentleman is my ears。 Or should I say; 'are my ears'? Does one use the plural in a situation like this?〃
 The Chamberlain bent over to whisper something to him。
 〃I am informed that he is my ears;〃 Elrood said with a decisive nod。
 〃As you wish;〃 Brey said。 She recited the memorized words; using even the intonations Dominic Vernius had used。
 〃We are under attack from the Bene Tleilax under a false guise of
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