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 bright honesty; the more they actually began to believe。 Why not dream? Judging from the expressions on the faces of his listeners; they could see that other Fremen had started to consider the possibilities as well。
 The sietch elders called these converts optimistic and overly gullible。 Undaunted; Kynes continued to spread his ideas; as outrageous as they might seem。
 WEARING A GRIM expression; Naib Heinar squinted his one eye and extended the holy crysknife; still sheathed。 The strong warrior standing rigid in front of him held out his hands to receive the gift。
 The Naib intoned ritual words。 〃Uliet; older Liet; you have been chosen for this task for the good of our sietch。 You have proven yourself many times in battle against the Harkonnens。 You are an acplished worm rider and one of the greatest fighters among the Fremen。〃
 A man of middle years and craggy features; Uliet bowed。 His hands remained outstretched。 He waited and did not flinch。 Though a deeply religious man; he held his awe in check。
 〃Take this consecrated crysknife; Uliet。〃 Heinar now grasped the carved hilt and yanked the long milky white blade from its sheath。 The crysknife was a sacred relic among the Fremen; fashioned from the crystal tooth of a sandworm。 This particular blade was fixed; keyed to the body of its owner so that the weapon would dissolve upon his death。
 〃Your blade has been dipped in the poisonous Water of Life; and blessed by Shai…Hulud;〃 Heinar continued。 〃As is our tradition; the sacred blade must not be sheathed again until it has tasted blood。〃
 Uliet took the weapon; suddenly overwhelmed by the importance of the task for which he had been selected。 Intensely superstitious; he had watched the great worms in the desert and had ridden atop them many times。 But never had he allowed himself to bee familiar with the magnificent creatures。 He could not forget that they were the manifestations of the great creator of the universe。
 〃I shall not fail the will of Shai…Hulud。〃 Uliet accepted the blade and held it up high; with its poisoned tip pointed away from him。
 The other elders stood behind the one…eyed Naib; firm in their decision。 〃Take two watermen with you;〃 Heinar said; 〃to collect the water of this Planetologist and use it for the good of our sietch。〃
 〃Perhaps we should take a small amount and plant a bush in his honor;〃 said Aliid; but no one seconded the suggestion。
 Out of the stone…walled chamber Uliet walked tall and proud; a warrior of the Fremen。 He did not fear this Planetologist; though the outsider spoke fervently of his wild and preposterous plans; as if he were guided by a holy vision。 A shudder went up the assassin's spine。
 Uliet narrowed his deep blue eyes and forced such thoughts from his mind as he strode down the shadowed passageways。 Two watermen followed him; bearing empty literjons for collecting Kynes's blood; and absorbent cloths to soak up every drop that might spill on the stone floor。
 The Planetologist was not difficult to find。 An entourage trailed him; their faces filled with either awe or skepticism tinged with wonder。 Towering over the others; Kynes walked an aimless path; lecturing as he went; waving his arms。 His flock scuttled after him at a wary distance; sometimes asking questions; but more often just listening。
 〃The human question is not how many can survive within the system;〃 Kynes was saying as Uliet approached; the crysknife plain in his hand; his mission clear on his face; 〃but what kind of existence is possible for those who do survive。〃
 Moving forward; unwavering; Uliet stepped through the fringes of the crowd。 The Planetologist's listeners saw the assassin and his knife。 They stepped away and looked at each other knowingly; some with disappointment; some with fear。 They fell silent。 This was the way of the Fremen people。
 Kynes didn't notice at all。 With one finger he made a circle in the air。 〃Open water is possible here; with a slight but viable change。 We can do this if you help me。 Think of it  walking in the open without a stillsuit。〃 He pointed at two of the children closest to him。 They backed away shyly。 〃Just imagine: so much moisture in the air that you no longer need to wear stillsuits。〃
 〃You mean we could even have water in a pond that we might dip out and drink anytime we wish?〃 one of the skeptical observers said; his voice sarcastic。
 〃Certainly。 I've seen it on many worlds; and there's no reason we can't do it on Dune; too。 With windtraps; you can grab the water from the air and use it to plant grasses; shrubs; anything that will lock the water in cells and root systems and keep it there。 In fact; beside those open ponds one could even have orchards with sweet; juicy fruit for the picking。〃
 Uliet stepped forward in a trance of determination。 The acpanying watermen behind him held back; they would not be needed until after the killing was finished。
 〃What kind of fruit?〃 a girl asked。
 〃Oh; any kind you like;〃 Kynes said。 〃We'd have to pay attention to soil conditions and moisture first。 Grapes; perhaps; on the rocky slopes。 I wonder what an Arrakeen vintage wine would taste like。。。。〃 He smiled。 〃And round orange fruits; portyguls。 Ah; I like those! My parents used to have a tree on Salusa Secundus。 Portyguls have a hard leathery rind; but you peel it away。 Inside; the fruit is in sections; sweet and juicy; and the brightest color of orange you could ever imagine。〃
 Uliet saw only a red haze。 His assignment burned in his brain; obscuring all else from his vision。 Naib Heinar's orders echoed in his skull。 He walked into the empty area where the people had drawn back to listen to the Planetologist's rantings。 Uliet tried not to hear the dreams; tried not to think of the visions Kynes summoned。 Clearly this man was a demon; sent to warp the minds of his listeners。。。。
 Uliet stared fixedly ahead; while Kynes continued to wander down the corridor; taking no notice。 With broad gestures he described grasslands; canals; and forests。 He painted pictures in their imaginations。 The Planetologist licked his lips as if he could already taste the wine from Dune。
 Uliet stepped in front of him and raised the poisoned crysknife。
 In the middle of a sentence; Kynes suddenly noticed the stranger。 As if annoyed at the distraction; he blinked once and simply said; 〃Remove yourself;〃 as he brushed past Uliet and continued to talk。
 〃Ah; forests! Green and lush as far as the eye can see; covering hills and swales and broad valleys。 In ancient times; sand encroached on plants and destroyed them; but it will be the reverse on the new Dune: The wind will carry seeds across the planet; and more trees and other plants will grow; like children。〃
 The assassin stood still; astonished at being so casually dismissed。 Remove yourself。 The import of what he had been charged to do transfixed him。 If he killed this man; Fremen legends would call Uliet the Destroyer of Dreams。
 〃First; though; we must install windtraps in the rocks;〃 Kynes continued; breathless。 〃They're simple systems; easy to construct; and will grasp moisture; funneling it to where we can use it。 Eventually; we'll have vast underground catchbasins for all the water; a step toward b
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