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 and the underpinnings of the Holtzman Effect; and then Ixian manufacturing and distribution systems。 On the walls around them; ancient paintings hung in hermetically sealed frames; including works of the Old Terran masters Claude Monet and Paul Gauguin; with interactive plates that allowed enhancements by Ixian depth artists。 Since Leto had reported his adventure down in the suboid tunnels; he had heard of no further discussions or investigations。 Perhaps the Earl hoped the problem would just go away。
 Another concussion rocked the room; this one closer; stronger。 The Prince of Ix gripped the table to keep it from toppling。 Leto rushed over to the cracked window。 〃Rhombur; look out here!〃
 From the crosswalk streets connecting the stalactite buildings; someone screamed。 Off to the left; an out…of…control transport capsule plummeted to smash into the ground far below with a spray of crystal shards and mutilated passengers。
 The door to the tutorial room crashed open。 Captain Zhaz of the Palace Guard burst in; carrying one of the new pulsed assault lasguns。 Four subordinates followed him; all armed in the same fashion; all wearing the silver…and…white uniforms of House Vernius。 No one on Ix; especially not the Earl himself; had ever thought Leto or Rhombur would need the protection of personal bodyguards。
 〃e with us; young masters!〃 Zhaz said; breathing hard。 The man's dark eyes; framed by his squarish brown beard; darted with excitement as he noted the stone fragments falling from the ceiling; then the cracked windowplaz。 Though he was ready to fight to the death; Zhaz clearly didn't understand what had taken place in the normally peaceful city of Vernii。
 〃What's happening; Captain?〃 Rhombur asked; as the retinue of guards hustled them out of the room and into the corridor; where the lights flickered。 His voice quavered for a moment; then sounded stronger; like an Earl's heir should。 〃Tell me…is my family safe?〃
 Other guards and members of the Ixian court ran helter…skelter; with excited shouts ringing out; high…pitched and strident; in counterpoint to yet another explosion。 From far below came the hubbub of an angry mob; so distant it sounded like a deep murmur。 Then Leto made out the buzzing hum of lasgun fire。 Even before the captain answered Rhombur; Leto guessed the source of the disturbance。
 〃There's trouble with the suboids; my Lords!〃 Zhaz shouted。 〃Don't worry; though  we'll have it under control soon。〃 He touched a button on his belt; and a previously unseen door opened in the marble…mirrored wall。 The captain and the household guard had drilled and prepared for so long against large…scale external attacks; they didn't seem to know how to deal with a revolt from within。 〃This way to safety。 I'm sure your family will be there waiting for you。〃
 When the two young men ducked under the low half door behind the mirrors; the portal sealed shut behind them。 In the yellow light of emergency glowglobes; Leto and Rhombur ran alongside an electromagnetic track; while the captain of the guard shouted frantically into a tiny handheld ceiver。 Lavender light flashed from the face of the instrument; and Leto heard the metallic sound of a responding voice: 〃Help is on the way!〃
 Seconds later an armored personnel car roared along the sheltered track and screeched to a stop。 Zhaz boarded with the two young heirs and a pair of guards; leaving the rest of the security men behind to defend their exit。 Leto tumbled into a bucket seat; while Zhaz and Rhombur clambered into the front。 The railcar began to move。
 〃Suboids blew two of the diamond columns;〃 Zhaz said; breathlessly consulting the lavender screen of his ceiver。 〃Part of the overhead crust has collapsed。〃 His face turned gray with disbelief; and he scratched his brown beard。 〃This is impossible。〃

 Leto; who had seen the signs of the gathering storm all along; knew that the situation was probably even worse than the guard captain imagined。 Ix's troubles would not be solved within an hour。
 A metallic…voiced report clattered in; sounding desperate。 〃Suboids are boiling up from the lower levels! How did。。。how could they bee so organized?〃
 Rhombur cursed; and Leto looked knowingly at his stocky friend。 He had tried to warn the Ixians; but he did not point out the fact。 House Vernius had not been willing to consider the seriousness of the situation。
 In the railcar; a safety harness snapped into place over Leto as soon as he situated himself; and the car continued to accelerate with a smooth hum; traveling at high speed upward into caverns hidden in the rock ceiling。 Captain Zhaz worked a board at the front of the partment; his fingers dancing over the munication keys。 A blue glow surrounded his hands。 At his side; Rhombur watched the guard captain intently; as if knowing he might be expected to take charge。
 〃We're in an escape pod;〃 one of the secondary guards explained to Leto。 〃You two are safe; for now。 The suboids won't be able to penetrate our upper defenses; once we have them activated。〃
 〃But what about my parents?〃 Rhombur asked。 〃And Kailea?〃
 〃We've got a plan for this; an option。 You and your family should all meet at a rendezvous point。 By all the saints and sinners; I hope my people remember what to do。 For the first time; it isn't a drill。〃
 The car made several track changes; clicking and humming along with increased speed; and then ascended steeply into darkness。 Presently the track leveled off and the vehicle was bathed in light as it sped past an immense window wall of one…way armor…plat。 They caught just a glimpse of the riots down below: flares of spontaneous fires and swirling demonstrations going on beneath the city。 Another explosion; and one of the transparent upper walkway tubes shattered; tumbling in shards to the floor of the cavern far below; tiny puppetlike figures of pedestrians flailed and fell to their doom。
 〃Stop here; Captain!〃 Rhombur cried。 〃I need to see what's happening out there。〃
 〃Please; sir; keep it to a few seconds;〃 the captain said。 〃The rebels could breach that wall。〃
 Leto found it hard to prehend what he was hearing。 Rebels? Explosions? Emergency evacuations? Ix had seemed so sophisticated; so peaceful; so。。。protected from discord。 Even dissatisfied with their lot; how could the suboids have orchestrated such a massive and coordinated assault? Where could they have gotten the resources?
 Through the one…way panel; Leto saw uniformed Vernius soldiers fighting a losing battle against swarms of the pale; smooth…skinned opponents down on the grotto floor。 The suboids hurled crudely made explosive or incendiary devices; while Ixians cut the mobs down with purple beams of lasgun fire。
 〃mand says the suboids are rebelling on all levels;〃 Zhaz said in a tone of disbelief。 〃They're screaming 'Jihad' as they attack。〃
 〃Vermilion hells!〃 Rhombur said。 〃What does the Jihad have to do with anything? What could it have to do with us?〃
 〃We need to leave the window; sir;〃 Zhaz insisted; tugging at Rhombur's sleeve。 〃We have to make it to the rendezvous point。〃
 Rhombur lurched back from the window as part of a tiled street collapsed behind it; and wave upon wave of the pale suboids scrambled 
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