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 The doctor withdrew his scanner; then studied the Imperial patient's case…history cube。 Presently he announced to the groggy old man; 〃Even melange can't keep you young forever; Sire。 At your age; health naturally begins to decline。 Sometimes rapidly。〃

 Inaudibly; Shaddam released a sigh of relief。
 With great difficulty Elrood sat up; and his concubines propped tasseled pillows behind him。 His cadaverous; parchment face creased in a deep frown。 〃But only a few months ago I felt so much better。〃
 〃Aging is not a perfect downhill graph。 There are peaks and valleys; recoveries and slowdowns。〃 The doctor had the audacity to use a know…it…all tone that implied the Emperor could not understand such plex concepts。 〃The human body is a chemical and bioelectric soup; and changes are often triggered by seemingly inconsequential events。 You have been under stress lately?〃
 〃I'm the Emperor!〃 Elrood snapped; this time responding as if the Suk were unbearably stupid。 〃I have many responsibilities。 Of course this causes stress。〃
 〃Then start to delegate more to the Crown Prince and to your trusted aides; such as Fenring over there。 You're not going to live forever; you know。 Not even an Emperor can do that。 Plan for the future。〃 Smugly; the doctor snapped shut his case。 Shaddam wanted to embrace him。 〃I will leave you with a prescription and devices to make you feel better。〃
 〃The only prescription I want is more spice in my beer。〃 Elrood took a deep drink from his mug; slurping loudly。
 〃As you wish;〃 the scrawny Suk doctor said。 From the suspensor pod he removed a satchel; which he placed on a side table。 〃These are muscle…soothing devices; in case you need them。 Instructions are contained with each unit。 Have your concubines use them on your aches。〃
 〃All right; all right;〃 Elrood said。 〃Now leave me。 I have work to do。〃
 Dr。 Yungar backed down the steps from the bed platform with a bow。 〃With your permission; Sire。〃
 Impatiently; the Emperor waved a gnarled hand in dismissal。 The concubines moved about; whispering to each other; watching with wide eyes。 Two of them picked up muscle…soothing devices and toyed with the controls。
 Shaddam whispered to one of the attendants to have the doctor go with Chamberlain Hesban; who would arrange for the transfer of payment。 Hesban obviously wanted to stay in the bedchamber and discuss certain documents; treaties; and other state matters with the sick old man; but Shaddam  feeling he could take care of such things himself  wanted the dour advisor out of the way。
 When the Suk was gone; old Elrood said to his son; 〃Perhaps the doctor is right; Shaddam。 There is a matter I wish to discuss with you and Hasimir。 A policy and project I wish to continue; regardless of my personal health。 Have I told you about our plans on Ix; and the eventual Tleilaxu takeover?〃
 Shaddam rolled his eyes。 Of course; you old fool! Fenring and I have already done most of the work。 It was our idea to send Tleilaxu Face Dancers to Ix; because they could disguise themselves and infiltrate the working classes。
 〃Yes; Father。 We know of the plans。〃
 Elrood waved a hand to beckon them closer; and the old man's features darkened。 Out of the corner of his eye; Shaddam saw Fenring chase the hovering concubines away; then approach to hear the Emperor's words。 〃This morning I received a cipher from our operatives on Ix。 You know about the enmity between myself and Earl Dominic Vernius?〃
 〃Ah; yes  we do; Father;〃 Shaddam said。 He cleared his throat。 〃An old affront; a stolen woman。。。〃
 Elrood's rheumy eyes brightened。 〃It seems that our brash Dominic has been playing with fire; training his men with mobile fighting meks that scan opponents and process data; probably through a puter brain。 He has also been selling these 'intelligent machines' on the black market。〃
 〃Sacrilege; Sire;〃 Fenring murmured。 〃That clearly goes against the strictures of the Great Convention。〃
 〃Quite so;〃 Elrood agreed; 〃and this isn't the only infraction。 House Vernius has been developing sophisticated cyborg enhancements as well。 Mechanical body replacements。 We can use that to our advantage。〃
 Shaddam frowned; leaning closer and smelling the sour spice beer on the old man's breath。 〃Cyborgs? But they are human minds attached to robot bodies; and therefore not in violation of the Jihad。〃
 Elrood smiled。 〃But we understand there have been certain。。promises。 True or not; it's exactly the sort of excuse our impostors need to finish the job  the time to act is now。 House Vernius is poised on the brink of destruction; and a small nudge will topple them。〃
 〃Hmm…m…ah; that is interesting;〃 Fenring said。 〃Then the Tleilaxu can take over the sophisticated Ixian facilities for their research。〃
 〃This is very important; and you will watch how I handle this situation;〃 Elrood said with a sniff。 〃Watch; and learn。 Already I have set my plan in motion。 Ixian suboid workers are; shall we say; troubled by these developments; and we are。。。〃 the Emperor paused to finish his mug of spice beer with a smack of his lips; 〃。。。encouraging their discontent through our own representatives。〃
 Setting down the empty mug; Elrood grew suddenly lethargic。 He adjusted his pillows; shifted onto his back; and fell into a fitful sleep。
 Exchanging a knowing glance with Fenring; Shaddam thought of the conspiracy within the conspiracy  their own secret participation in the events on Ix; and how he and Fenring had put the Tleilaxu Master in contact with Elrood in the first place。 Now the Bene Tleilax; employing their own genetically altered shape…shifters; were stirring up religious fervor and discontent among Ix's lower classes。 To the fanatical Tleilaxu; any hint of a thinking machine  and the Ixians who created them  was the work of Satan。
 As the two young men left the Emperor's chamber; Fenring smiled with similar thoughts。 〃Watch; and learn;〃 the old fool had said。
 Elrood; you condescending bastard; you have much to learn yourself  and no time left in which to learn it。
 The leaders of the Butlerian Jihad did not adequately define artificial intelligence; failing to foresee all possibilities of an imaginative society。 Therefore; we have substantial gray areas in which to maneuver。
 …Confidential Ixian Legal Opinion
 Though the explosion was distant; the concussion rocked the table where Leto and Rhombur sat studying sample resource ledgers。 Small chunks of decorative plascrete trickled from the ceiling above them; where a long crack had just appeared。 A jagged lightning bolt zigzagged across one of the broad plaz observation windows; fracturing it。
 〃Vermilion hells! What was that?〃 Rhombur said。
 Leto had already surged to his feet; knocking the ledgers aside and looking for the source of the explosion。 He saw the farside of the underground grotto; where several badly damaged buildings crumbled into rubble。 The two young men exchanged blank looks。
 〃Get ready;〃 Leto said; instantly on guard。
 〃Uh; ready for what?〃
 Leto didn't know。
 They had gone together into one of the tutorial rooms of the Grand Palais; first studying Calculus Philosophy and the underpinnings of the Holtzman Effect; and then Ixian manufacturing a
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