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nt and platitudes; like echoes of a well…worn speech he had used many times in his diplomatic duties。
 Then; after a final hug; their mother had stared at each of them before she hurried off to her daily duties at Guild Bank headquarters; a section of the drab building that now hung before them。 S'tina had wanted to be at her sons' side during the testing; but the Guild had forbidden it。 Navigator testing was an intensely private and personal matter。 Each of them had to do it by himself; relying on his abilities alone。 So their mother would be in her office; probably distracted; probably worried for them。
 As S'tina said goodbye; she did manage to hide most of the horror and despair on her face。 C'tair had noticed the flicker; but D'murr had not。 He wondered what his mother had hidden from them during their preparations for the test。 Doesn't she want us to succeed?
 Navigators were the stuff of legends; shrouded in secrecy and Guild…fostered superstitions。 C'tair had heard whispered rumors about bodily distortions; the damage that intense and constant immersion in spice could wreak upon a human physique。 No outsider had ever seen a Navigator; so how were those people to know what kind of changes might surge through the body of someone with such phenomenal mental abilities? He and his brother had laughed at the silly speculations; convincing each other how outrageous such ideas could be。
 But are they so outrageous? What does Mother fear?
 〃C'tair  keep focused! You look upset;〃 D'murr said。
 C'tair's tone overflowed with sarcasm。 〃Upset? Absolutely。 I wonder why! We are about to take the biggest test of our lives; and no one knows how to study for it。 I'm worried we haven't prepared enough。〃
 D'murr looked at him with intense concern; gripping his brother's arm。 〃Your nervousness may be your failing; brother。 A Navigator test isn't about studying。 It's about natural ability and the potential to expand our minds。 We'll have to pass safely through the void。 Now it's your turn to remember what old Davee Rogo told us: You can only be successful if you let your mind go beyond the boundaries that other people have set for themselves。 C'tair; open up your imagination and go beyond the boundary with me。〃
 His brother's confidence seemed unshakable; and C'tair had no choice but to nod。 Davee Rogo  until this morning; he hadn't thought about the crippled and eccentric Ixian inventor in years。 When they'd been ten; the twins had met the famous innovator Rogo。 Their father had introduced them; imaged holograms of them with the man for the ambassadorial scrapbook shelf; then fluttered off to meet other important people。 The two boys; though; had continued talking with the inventor; and he had invited them to visit his laboratory。 For two years afterward; Rogo had set himself up as an offbeat mentor to C'tair and D'murr; until his death。 Now the twins had only Davee Rogo's advice to remember; and his confidence that they would succeed。
 Rogo would be scolding me for my doubts now; C'tair thought。
 〃Think about it; brother。 How does one practice for the job of moving huge ships from one star system to another in the wink of an eye?〃 To demonstrate; D'murr winked。 〃You'll pass。 We both will。 Get ready to swim in spice gas。〃
 As they strode up to the embassy's inner reception desk; C'tair stared across the underground city of Vernii; beyond the glittering chains of glowglobes that illuminated the site where another Heighliner was already under construction。 Perhaps someday he would fly that very vessel。 Thinking of how the visiting Navigator had whisked the immense new Heighliner out of the cavern and into open space; the young man felt an infusion of desire。 He loved Ix; wanted to stay here; wanted to see Kailea one last time  but he also wanted to be a Navigator。
 The brothers identified themselves and waited。 They stood together at the flat marbleplaz counter in silence; each brooding with personal thoughts; as if a trance might increase their chances of succeeding。 I will keep my mind pletely open; ready for anything。
 A shapely female testing proctor appeared in a loose gray suit。 The Guild's infinity symbol was stitched on her lapel; but she wore no jewelry or other ornamentation。 〃Wele;〃 she said; without introducing herself。 〃The Guild seeks the finest talent because our work is the most important。 Without us; without space travel; the fabric of the Imperium would unravel。 Think on that; and you will realize how selective we must be。〃
 She did not smile at all。 Her hair was reddish brown and close…cropped; C'tair would have found her attractive at any other time; but now he could think of nothing beyond the impending examination。
 Checking their identification yet again; the proctor escorted the brothers to isolated; separate testing chambers。 〃This is an individual test; and each of you must face it alone。 There is no way you can cheat; or even help each other;〃 she said。
 Alarmed at being separated; C'tair and D'murr looked at each other; then silently wished the other luck。
 THE CHAMBER DOOR closed behind D'murr with a loud and frightening slam。 His ears popped from the difference in air pressure。 He was alone; intensely alone  but he knew he was up to the challenge。
 Confidence is half the battle。
 He noted the armored walls; the sealed cracks; the lack of ventilation。 Hissing gas boiled from a single nozzle in the ceiling。。。thickening clouds of rusty orange; with a sharp gingery tang that burned his nostrils。 Poison? Drugs? Then D'murr realized what the Guild had in mind for him。
 Closing his eyes; he smelled the unmistakable cinnamon odor of the rare spice。 Rich melange; an incredible wealth of it in the confined air; filling the chamber and permeating his every breath。 Knowing the value of Arrakis spice from his mother's meticulous work in the Guild Bank; D'murr sucked in another large gulp。 The sheer cost of this! No wonder the Guild didn't test just anyone  the price for a single examination would be enough to build a housing plex on another planet。
 The wealth controlled by the Spacing Guild  in banking; transportation; and exploration  awed him。 The Guild went everywhere; touched everyone。 He wanted to be part of it。 Why did they need frivolous ornamentation when they had so much melange?
 He felt possibilities spinning all around him like an elaborate contour map; with ripples and intersections; a locus of points; and paths that led into and out of the void。 He opened his mind so that the spice could transport him anywhere in the universe。 It seemed like such a natural thing to do。
 As the orange fog enfolded D'murr; he could no longer see the featureless walls of the testing chamber。 He felt melange pressing into his every pore and cell。 The sensation was marvelous! He envisioned himself as a revered Navigator; expanding his mind to the farthest reaches of the Imperium; enpassing everything。。。。
 D'murr soared along; without leaving the test chamber  or so he thought。
 THE TEST WAS far worse than C'tair could have imagined。
 No one ever told him what he was expected to do。 He never had a chance。 He choked on the spice gas; became dizzy; fought to keep control of hi
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