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 The timing; as in so many matters of the Imperium; had to be precise。
 The Spacing Guild has worked for centuries to surround our elite Navigators with mystique。 They are revered; from the lowest Pilot to the most talented Steersman。 They live in tanks of spice gas; see all paths through space and time; guide ships to the far reaches of the Imperium。 But no one knows the human cost of being a Navigator。 We must keep this a secret; for if they really knew the truth; they would pity us。
 …Spacing Guild Training Manual Handbook for Steersmen (Classified)
 The austere Guild Embassy Building contrasted severely with the rest of Ixian grandeur in the stalactite city。 The structure was drab; utilitarian; and gray among the sparkling and ornate cavern towers。 The Spacing Guild had priorities beyond ornamentation or ostentation。
 Today C'tair and D'murr Pilru would be tested; in hopes of being Guild Navigators。 C'tair didn't know whether to be excited or terrified。
 As the twin brothers marched shoulder to shoulder across a shielded crystal walkway from the Grand Palais; C'tair found the Embassy Building so aesthetically repulsive that he considered turning around and leaving。 In the face of the Guild's enormous wealth; the lack of splendor seemed odd; to the point of making him ill at ease。
 As if thinking the same thing but ing to a different conclusion; his brother looked at C'tair and said; 〃Once the wonders of space are opened up to a Guild Navigator's mind; what other decorations are necessary? How can any ornamentation rival the wonders a Navigator sees on a single journey through foldspace? The universe; brother! The whole universe。〃
 C'tair nodded; conceding the point。 〃All right; we'll both have to use different criteria from now on。 'Think outside the box'  remember what old Davee Rogo used to tell us? Things are going to be so。。。changed。〃
 If he passed these examinations; he would have to be up to the challenge; though he had no real desire to leave the beautiful cavern city of Vernii。 His mother S'tina was an important Guild banker; his father a respected ambassador; and  with help from Earl Vernius himself  they had arranged to give the twins this remarkable chance。 He would make Ix proud of him。 Maybe someone would erect a sculpture in his honor someday; or name a side grotto after him and his brother。。。。
 While their father attended to diplomatic duties with the Emperor and a thousand functionaries on Kaitain; his twin sons remained in the underground city; grooming and preparing themselves for 〃bigger things。〃 Over the years of their subterranean childhood; C'tair and his brother had e to the Guild facility many times to see their mother。 Always before; they had been guests in the building; but this time the twins were going for a much more rigorous ordeal。
 C'tair's future would be determined in a few hours。 Bankers; auditors; and merce specialists were all humans; bureaucrats。 But a Navigator was so much more。
 No matter how much he tried to shore up his confidence; C'tair wasn't certain he would pass the mind…twisting tests anyway。 Who was he to think he could bee one of the elite Guild Navigators? His high…ranking parents had only given the twins an opportunity to be considered; not a guarantee。 Could he make the cut? Was he really that special? He ran a hand through his dark hair; found sweat on his fingertips。
 〃If you perform well enough on the test; you'll both bee important representatives of the Spacing Guild;〃 his mother had said; smiling with a severe pride。 〃Very important。〃 C'tair felt a lump grow in his throat; and D'murr drew himself taller。
 Kailea Vernius; Princess of the household of Ix; had also wished the two of them well。 C'tair suspected the Earl's daughter was leading them on; but he and his brother both enjoyed flirting with her。 Occasionally; they even pretended to be jealous when Kailea referred in passing to young Leto; heir to House Atreides。 She played the twins against each other; and he and D'murr engaged in a good…natured rivalry for her affections。 Still; he doubted their families would ever agree to a match; so it was unlikely that there could be any future in it。
 If C'tair joined the Guild; his duties would take him far from Ix and the underground metropolis he loved so well。 If he became a Navigator; so many things would change。。。。
 They arrived in front of the embassy reception chamber; half an hour early。 D'murr paced beside his anxious brother; who was entranced and nonmunicative; as if pletely focused on his thoughts and desires。 Though the two young men looked identical; D'murr seemed so much stronger; so much more dedicated to the challenge; and C'tair struggled to emulate him。
 Now; in the waiting area; he swallowed hard; repeating the words he and his brother had shared; like a mantra; in their quarters that morning。 I want to be a Navigator。 I want to join the Guild。 I want to leave Ix and sail the starlanes; my mind joined to the universe。
 At seventeen; they both felt rather young to endure such a grueling selection process; one that would lock them permanently on a life; path; no matter what they might decide later on。 But the Guild wanted resilient and malleable minds inside bodies that had sufficiently matured。 Navigators who trained at young ages often proved to be the best performers; some even reaching the highest rank of Steersman。 Those candidates taken too early; however; could mutate into ghastly shapes fit only for menial tasks; the worst failures were euthanized。
 〃Are you ready; brother?〃 D'murr asked。 C'tair drew strength and enthusiasm from his twin's confidence。
 〃Absolutely;〃 he said。 〃We're going to be Navigators after today; you and I。〃
 Fighting misgivings; C'tair reassured himself that he wanted this; it would be a great credit to his abilities; an honor for his family。。。but he could not remove the spectre of doubt that nagged at him。 In his heart he didn't want to leave Ix。 His father; the Ambassador; had instilled in both of his sons a deep appreciation for the underground engineering marvels; the innovations; and the technological acumen of this planet。 Ix was like no other world in the Imperium。
 And; of course; if he left; Kailea would be forever lost to him as well。
 When they were summoned forward deeper into the labyrinth of the embassy; the twins walked through the portal; side by side; feeling very alone。 They had no escorts; no one to cheer them to victory or console them if they failed。 Their father wasn't even present to offer his support; the Ambassador had recently been sent to Kaitain in preparation for another Landsraad submittee meeting。
 That morning; as the ominous hour ticked closer and closer; C'tair and D'murr had sat at the breakfast table in the ambassadorial residence; picking over a selection of colored pastries while S'tina played a message their father had holo…recorded for them。 They'd had little appetite; but they listened to Cammar Pilru's words。 C'tair tried to hear some special hints or knowledge; anything he could use。 But the Ambassador's shimmering image merely gave them encouragement and platitudes; like echoes of a well…worn speech he had used many times in his diploma
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