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 added quickly; 〃Of course; I am happy to serve in whatever capacity my Emperor wishes。〃
 〃You; Kynes; have been recognized as a true world…reader; a man capable of analyzing plex ecosystems in order to harness them to the needs of the Imperium。 We have chosen you to go to the desert planet of Arrakis and work your magic there。〃
 〃Arrakis!〃 Kynes could not restrain his astonishment  and yes; pleasure…at the prospect。 〃I believe the nomadic Fremen inhabitants call it Dune。〃
 〃Whatever its name;〃 Elrood said a little sharply; 〃it is one of the most unpleasant yet important worlds in the Imperium。 You know; of course; Arrakis is the sole source of the spice melange。〃
 Kynes nodded。 〃I've always wondered why no searchers have ever found spice on any other world。 And why doesn't anyone understand how the spice is created or deposited?〃
 〃You are going to understand it for us;〃 the Emperor said。 〃And it's about time; too。〃
 Kynes suddenly realized he might have overstepped his bounds; and he balked a little。 Here he was in the grandest throne room on a million worlds; having an actual conversation with Emperor Elrood IX。 The other members of the Court stared at him; some with displeasure; some with horror; some with wicked glee as if they anticipated a severe punishment momentarily。
 But soon Kynes found himself thinking of the sweeping landscape of scoured sands; majestic dunes; and monstrous sandworms  visions he'd only seen in filmbooks。 Forgetting his minor lapse in tact; he caught his breath and waited for the details of his assignment。
 〃It is vitally important to the future of the Imperium that we understand the secret of melange。 To date; no one has spent the time or effort to unravel its mysteries。 People think of Arrakis as an unending source of riches; and they don't care about the mechanics or the details。 Shallow thinking。〃 He paused。 〃This is the challenge you will face; Pardot Kynes。 We install you as our official Imperial Planetologist to Arrakis。〃
 As Elrood made this pronouncement; he looked down at the weathered; middle…aged man and assessed him privately。 He saw immediately that Kynes was not a plex man: His emotions and alliances lay wide…open on his face。 Court advisors had indicated that Pardot Kynes was a man utterly without political ambitions or obligations。 His only true interest lay in his work and in understanding the natural order of the universe。 He had a childlike fascination for alien places and harsh environments。 He would do the job with boundless enthusiasm; and would provide honest answers。
 Elrood had spent too much of his political life surrounded by simpering sycophants; brainless yes…men who said what they thought he wanted to hear。 But this rugged man filled with social awkwardness was not like that。
 Now it was even more important that they understand the facts behind the spice; in order to improve the efficiency of operations; vital operations。 After seven years of inept governorship by Abulurd Harkonnen; and the recent accidents and mistakes made by the overambitious Baron Vladimir Harkonnen; the Emperor was concerned about a bottleneck in spice production and distribution。 The spice must flow。
 The Spacing Guild needed vast amounts of melange to fill the enclosed chambers of their mutated Navigators。 He himself; and all the upper classes in the Empire; needed daily (and increasing) doses of melange to maintain their vitality and to extend their lives。 The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood needed it in their training to create more Reverend Mothers。 Mentats needed it for mental focus。
 But though he disagreed with many of Baron Harkonnen's recent harsh management activities; Elrood could not simply take Arrakis for himself。 After decades of political manipulations; House Harkonnen had been placed in charge after the ouster of House Richese。
 For a thousand years now; the governorship of Arrakis had been an Imperial boon; granted to a chosen family that would wring the riches out of the sands for a term not to exceed a century。 Each time the fief changed hands; a firestorm of pleas and requests for favors bombarded the Palace。 Landsraad support came with many strings attached; and some of those strings felt like nooses to Elrood。
 Though he was Emperor; his position of power rested in a careful and uneasy balance of alliances with numerous forces; including the Great and Minor Houses of the Landsraad; the Spacing Guild; and the all…enpassing mercial bines such as CHOAM。 Other forces were even more difficult to deal with; forces that preferred to remain behind the scenes。
 I need to disrupt the balance; Elrood thought。 This business of Arrakis has gone on too long。
 The Emperor leaned forward; seeing that Kynes was fairly bursting with joy and enthusiasm。 He actually wanted to go to the desert world  all the better! 〃Find out everything you can about Arrakis and send me regular reports; Planetologist。 House Harkonnen will be instructed to give you all the support and cooperation you need。〃 Though they certainly won't like an Imperial Observer snooping around。
 Newly installed in the planetary governorship; Baron Harkonnen was wrapped around the Emperor's fingertip; for now。 〃We will provide the items necessary for your journey。 pile your lists and give them to my Chamberlain。 Once you reach Arrakis; the Harkonnens will be instructed to give you whatever else you require。〃
 〃My needs are few;〃 Kynes said。 〃All I require are my eyes and my mind。〃
 〃Yes; but see if you can make the Baron offer a few more amenities than that。〃 Elrood smiled again; then dismissed the Planetologist。 The Emperor noticed a pronounced spring in Kynes's step as he was led out of the Imperial audience chamber。
 Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind。
 …Chief mandment resulting from the Butlerian Jihad; found in the Orange Catholic Bible
 Suffering is the great teacher of men;〃 the chorus of old actors said as they stood on the stage; their voices in perfect unison。 Though the performers were simple villagers from the town below Castle Caladan; they had rehearsed well for the annual performance of the official House Play。 Their costumes were colorful; if not entirely authentic。 The props  the facade of Agamemnon's palace; the flagstoned courtyard  showed a realism based only on enthusiasm and a few filmbook snapshots of ancient Greece。
 The long play by Aeschylus had already gone on for some time; and the gathered audience in the theatre was warm and the air was close。 Glowglobes lit the stage and rows of seating; but the torches and braziers around the performers added aromatic smoke to the building。
 Though the background noises were loud enough; the Old Duke's snores threatened to carry all the way forward to the performers。
 〃Father; wake up!〃 Leto Atreides whispered; nudging Duke Paulus in the ribs。 〃The play isn't even half…over。〃
 In the chair of his private box; Paulus stirred and straightened; brushing imaginary crumbs from his broad chest。 Shadows played across the creased; narrow face and the voluminous salt…and…pepper beard。 He wore a black Atreides uniform with a red hawk crest on the left breast。 〃It's all just talking and standing anyway; la
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