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ally translated pomp。 〃My Lord Emperor; Highness of a Million Worlds  the Master Hidar Fen Ajidica; representative of the Bene Tleilax; is here at your request for a private meeting。〃
 A gnomelike man with grayish skin walked proudly into the hall flanked by pasty…faced guards and his own retainers。 His slippered feet scuttled like whispered gossip across the polished stones of the floor。
 A ripple of surprise and distaste passed through the attendees at court。 Chamberlain Aken Hesban; his mustaches drooping; stood indignantly behind the throne and glared at the Emperor's scheduling advisors as if this were some sort of trick。
 Elrood IX lurched forward in his massive throne and demanded to see his calendar。
 Thus caught off guard; the old reprobate might just be surprised enough to listen; Fenring thought。 With surprising astuteness; Chamberlain Hesban's eagle gaze fell on him; but Fenring returned the look with only a bland; curious expression。
 Ajidica; the Tleilaxu representative; waited patiently; letting the chatter and whispers flow around him。 He had a narrow face; long nose; and a pointed black beard that protruded like a trowel from his cleft chin。 Maroon robes gave Ajidica an air of some importance。 His skin was weathered…looking; and pale and discolored blotches marked his hands; especially on the fingers and palms; as if frequent exposure to harsh chemicals had neutralized the melanin。 Despite his diminutive stature; the Tleilaxu Master came forward as if he had a perfect right to be in the Imperial audience chamber of Kaitain。
 From the side of the room Shaddam studied Ajidica; and his nose wrinkled; from the lingering food odors that were so characteristic of the Tleilaxu。
 〃May the one true God shine his light upon you from all the stars in the Imperium; my Lord Emperor;〃 said Hidar Fen Ajidica; placing his palms together and bowing as he quoted from the Orange Catholic Bible。 He stopped in front of the massive Hagal…quartz throne。
 The Tleilaxu were notorious for handling the dead and harvesting corpses for cellular resources; yet they were unquestionably brilliant geneticists。 One of their first creations had been a remarkable new food source; the slig (〃sweetest meat this side of heaven〃); a cross between a giant slug and a Terran pig。 The overall populace still thought of sligs as tank…bred mutations; however  ugly creatures who excreted slimy; foul…smelling residue; and whose multiple mouths ground incessantly on garbage。 This was the context in which people thought of the Bene Tleilax; even as they savored marinated slig medallions in sauces prepared from rich Caladan wines。
 Elrood drew back his bony shoulders into a firm line。 He frowned down at the visitor。 〃What is。。。this doing here? Who let this man in?〃 The old Emperor looked around the echoing room; his eyes flashing bright。 〃No Tleilaxu Master has ever entered my Court for a private audience。 How do I know he's not a Face Dancer mimic?〃 Elrood glared down at his personal secretary; then over at his Chamberlain。 〃And since he got on my schedule at all; how do I know you're not a Face Dancer yourself? This is outrageous。〃
 The personal secretary stepped back; appalled at the suggestion。 Diminutive Ajidica looked up at the Emperor; calmly letting the resentment and prejudice wash past without being affected by it。 〃My Lord Elrood; tests can be performed to prove that none of our shapeshifters has subsumed the identity of anyone in your Court。 I assure you; I am no Face Dancer。 Neither am I an assassin; nor a Mentat。〃
 〃And why are you here?〃 Elrood demanded。
 〃As one of the premier scientists of the Bene Tleilax; my presence here was requested。〃 The gnomish man hadn't moved a centimeter; and remained at the foot of the Golden Lion Throne; unflappable in his maroon robes。 〃I have developed an ambitious plan that can benefit the Imperial family; as well as my own people。〃
 〃Not interested;〃 the Padishah Emperor said。 He flicked a glance at his Sardaukar; began to raise his gnarled hand to issue a mand of forceful dismissal。 The Court attendees watched; amused and eager。
 Hasimir Fenring rapidly stepped forward; knowing he had only an instant to intercede。 〃Emperor Elrood; may I speak?〃 He didn't wait for permission; but tried to appear innocent and interested。 〃The sheer audacity of this Tleilaxu's arrival has me curious。 I find myself wondering what he has to say。〃 He glanced over at the emotion…masked face of Hidar Fen Ajidica; the gray…skinned Master seemed impervious to any harsh treatment foisted upon him。 Nothing in his demeanor betrayed his connection with Fenring; who had suggested the synthetic spice idea to him  an idea that had quickly found support among Tleilaxu scientists。
 Crown Prince Shaddam took the lead and looked up at his father with a guileless; anticipatory expression。 〃Father; you have instructed me to learn everything I can from the example of your leadership。 It would be most educational for me to observe how you handle this situation with an open mind and a firm hand。〃
 Elrood raised a ring…adorned hand that trembled with faint; uncontrollable spasms。 〃Very well; we will hear briefly what this Tleilaxu his to say。 Briefly; under pain of severe punishment if we determine he has wasted our precious time。 Watch; and learn。〃 The Emperor slid a sidelong glance at Shaddam; then took a sip of the spice beer at his side。 〃This shouldn't take much time。〃
 How true; Father。 You don't have much time left; Shaddam thought; still smiling attentively and innocently。
 〃My words require privacy; my Lord Emperor;〃 Ajidica said; 〃and the utmost discretion。〃
 〃I will determine that;〃 Elrood snapped。 〃Speak of your plan。〃
 The Tleilaxu Master folded his hands in the voluminous sleeves of his maroon robes。 〃Rumors are like a disease epidemic; Sire。 Once they escape; they spread from person to person; often with deadly effect。 Better to take simple initial precautions than be forced into eradication measures at a later date。〃 Ajidica fell silent; standing rigid; and refused to speak further until the audience chamber had been emptied。
 Impatiently; the Emperor gestured to dismiss all the functionaries; pages; ambassadors; jesters; and guards。 Sardaukar security men stationed themselves at the doorways; where they could protect the throne; but everyone else departed; muttering and shuffling。 Humming privacy screens were erected to prevent any potential eavesdroppers from listening in。
 Fenring and Shaddam sat at the foot of the throne; pretending to be intent students; though they were both in their thirties。 Looking frail and battling illness; the old Emperor indicated for them to remain as observers; and the Tleilaxu man did not object。
 In all this time; Ajidica's hard gaze never strayed from Elrood。 The Emperor looked back at the little man; feigning boredom。 Finally satisfied with the privacy precautions; and ignoring the Emperor's distaste for him and his race; Hidar Fen Ajidica spoke。
 〃We Bene Tleilax have continued experiments in all areas of genetics; organic chemistry; and mutations。 In our factories we have recently developed highly unorthodox techniques to synthesize; shall we say; unusual su
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