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Dune as a guest of the Harkonnens。〃 Jerath had a silver ring in his left earlobe; a treasure taken from a smuggler he'd killed in a duel。
 〃That means nothing;〃 said another elder; Aliid。 〃As Fremen; do we not don other clothes; other masks; and pretend to fit in? It's a means of survival when circumstances require it。 You; of all people should know not to judge someone solely on appearances。〃
 Garnah; a weary…looking long…haired elder; rested his pointed chin on his knuckles。 〃I'm most incensed at those three young idiots; what they did after the Planetologist helped them defeat the Harkonnen bravos。 Any straight…thinking adult would have shrugged and sent the man's shade to join those of the six dead vermin on the ground。。。with some regret; of course; but still it should have been done。〃 He sighed。 〃These are inexperienced youths; poorly trained。 They should never had been left alone in the desert。〃
 Heinar flared his nostrils。 〃You cannot fault their thinking; Garnah。 There was the moral obligation  Pardot Kynes had saved their lives。 Even brash young men such as those three realized the water burden that had been placed on them。〃
 〃But what of their obligations to Red Wall Sietch and our people?〃 long…haired Garnah insisted。 〃Does a debt owed to a mere Imperial servant outweigh their loyalty to us?〃
 〃The question isn't about the boys;〃 Aliid interrupted。 〃Ommun; Turok; and Stilgar did what they thought was best。 We are now left to decide about this Planetologist and his fate。〃
 〃He's a madman;〃 the first elder; Jerath; said。 〃Have you heard him talk? He wants trees; open water; irrigation; crops  he envisions a verdant planet instead of desert。〃 A snort; then a toying with the ring in his ear。 〃He's mad; I say。〃
 Puckering his mouth skeptically; Aliid pointed out; 〃After the thousands of years of wandering that finally brought us here and made our people what we are  how can you scorn one man's dream of paradise?〃
 Jerath frowned; but accepted the point。
 〃Perhaps Kynes is mad;〃 Garnah said; 〃but just mad enough to be holy。 Perhaps he's mad enough to hear the words of God in a way that we cannot。〃
 〃That is a question we cannot decide among us;〃 Heinar said; finally using a Naib's voice of mand to focus the discussion back on the matter at hand。 〃The choice we face is not about the word of God; but about the survival of our sietch。 Pardot Kynes has seen our ways; lived in our hidden home。 By Imperial mand; he sends reports back to Kaitain whenever he finds himself in a city。 Think of the risk to us。〃
 〃But what of all his talk about paradise on Dune?〃 Aliid asked; still trying to defend the stranger。 〃Open water; dunes anchored by grass; palmaries filled with tall date palms; open qanats flowing across the desert。〃
 〃Crazy talk and no more;〃 grumbled Jerath。 〃The man knows too much  about us; about the Fremen; about Dune。 He cannot be allowed to hold such secrets。〃
 Doggedly; Aliid tried again。 〃But he killed Harkonnens。 Doesn't that place upon us; and our sietch; a water debt? He saved three members of our tribe。〃
 〃Since when do we owe the Imperium anything?〃 Jerath asked with another tug on his earring。
 〃Anyone can kill Harkonnens;〃 Garnah added with a shrug; shifting his pointed chin to his other fist。 〃I've done it myself。〃
 Heinar leaned forward。 〃All right; Aliid  what of this talk about the flowering of Dune? Where is the water for all this? Is there any possibility the Planetologist can do what he says?〃
 〃Haven't you heard him?〃 Garnah replied in a mocking tone。 〃He says the water is here; far more than the miserable amounts we collect for our sustenance。〃
 Jerath raised his eyebrows and snorted。 〃Oh? This man has been on our world for a Standard Month or two; and already he knows where to find the precious treasure that no Fremen has discovered in generations upon generations of living in the desert? An oasis on the equator perhaps? Hah!〃
 〃He did save three of our own;〃 Aliid persisted。
 〃Three fools put themselves in the way of the Harkonnen fist。 I feel no obligation to him for their rescue。 And he has seen crysknives。 You know our law: Who sees that knife must be cleansed or slain。。。。〃 Garnah's voice trailed off。
 〃It is as you say;〃 Aliid admitted。
 〃Kynes is known to travel alone and explore many inhospitable areas;〃 Heinar said with a shrug。 〃If he disappears; he disappears。 No Harkonnen or Imperium officials will ever be the wiser。〃
 〃It will no doubt be interpreted as a simple accident。 Our world is not a fortable place;〃 said Garnah。
 Jerath simply smiled。 〃If the truth is told; the Harkonnens may be perfectly happy to get rid of this meddlesome man anyway。 There is no risk to us if we kill him。〃
 Silence hung in the dusty air for a moment。 〃What must be; must be;〃 Heinar said; rising to his feet at the head of the table。 〃All of us know this。 There can be no other answer; no changing of our minds。 We must protect the sietch above all; no matter the cost; no matter the burden it places on our hearts。〃
 He crossed his arms over his chest。 〃It is decided。 Kynes must die。〃
 Two hundred thirty…eight planets searched; many of only marginal habitability。 (See star charts attached in separate file。) Resource surveys list valuable raw materials。 Many of these planets deserve a second look; either for mineral exploitation or possible colonization。 As in previous reports; however; no spice found。
 …Independent scout survey; third expedition; delivered to EMPEROR FONDIL CORRINO III
 Hasimir Fenring had bribed old Elrood's guards and retainers; setting up what he called 〃a surprise secret meeting with an important; though unexpected; representative。〃 The weasel…faced man had used his silken tongue and his iron will to manipulate the Emperor's schedules to leave an opening。 As a fixture around the Palace for more than three decades; Fenring; by virtue of his association with Crown Prince Shaddam; was a man of influence。 With various methods of persuasion; he convinced everyone he needed to convince。
 Old Elrood suspected nothing。
 At the appointed hour of the Tleilaxu delegate's arrival; Fenring made certain he and Shaddam were present in the audience chamber  ostensibly as eager students of the bureaucracy; intent on being viable leaders of the Imperium。 Elrood; who liked to think he was instructing these proteges in important matters of state; had no idea the two young men laughed at him behind his back。
 Fenring leaned close to the Crown Prince and whispered in his ear; 〃This is going to be most entertaining; hm…m…m…m…ah?〃
 〃Watch; and learn;〃 Shaddam said ponderously; then raised his chin in the air and snickered。
 The huge embossed doors swung open; sparkling with soostones and rain crystals; etched with ghlavan metal。 Sardaukar guards; standing stiff and formal in their gray…and…black uniforms; snapped to attention for the new arrival。
 〃Now the show begins;〃 Fenring said。 He and Shaddam kept further chuckles to themselves。
 Liveried house pages stepped forward to introduce the off…world visitor in a rippling overtone of processed; electronically translated pomp。 〃My Lord Emperor; Highness of a Million Worlds  the Master Hidar Fen Ajidica; 
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